My Email to the Labour Party Protesting against the ‘Trans Ally’ Training Event

A week or so ago I got an email from Labour Southwest telling me that they were organising a series of training evening online about equalities. These consisted of individual evening devoted to women, disabilities and with one about ‘how to be a trans ally’. As readers of this blog will know, I have very strong feelings about the trans craze and the supporting ideologies based in Queer Theory. I certainly do not hate trans people, and very much believe that they have the same rights to dress how they wish and express their gender or sexual identity. But I believe that the craze looking for the slightest sign of trans identity is doing immense harm to psychologically and emotionally vulnerable young people by leading them to believe mistakenly that they are trans when really they are just confused kids, having the same emotional problems with the physical and mental changes of puberty that very many other people go through. And I am utterly convinced that this craze has far more to do with postmodern identity politics than the real needs of LGBTQ+ people.

I have therefore sent the following email of complaint to Labour SouthWest:

‘Dear Sir/ Madam,

Thank you for the email informing me of the forthcoming training sessions on equalities. I agree that it is important that the Labour party should continue to combat discrimination and work for greater equality. However, I am greatly concerned about the training session on ‘How to Be a Trans Ally’, led by REC LGBT rep, Dylan Tippetts,.This is certainly not because I hate trans people, let alone the wider gay community.

But I also believe that the ideology purporting to defend and promote trans rights is doing instead immense harm by convincing tens of thousands of psychologically vulnerable and confused people, especially young girls, that they are really trans when they are certainly not, for the following reasons:

Firstly, the number of young women coming forward believing themselves to be members of the opposite sex is bizarre and alarming for several reasons. This should, after all, be an age in which women should feel secure in and enjoy their womanhood. Girls are outperforming boys at school, and more industries and occupations are opening up to them. They are continuing to succeed and excel in nearly every aspect of human endeavour. Yet an increasing number it seems are trying to escape from their femininity into a masculine identity. The numbers of young women seeking this suggests this, in all too many cases, does not come from a genuine alienation from their gender identity. Rather it suggests other forms of mental distress and the pernicious influence of social pressures and an aggressive ‘trans’ ideology that encourages psychologically well and healthy young women and men to consider themselves transgender when they are not. Please see the following video with Abigail Shrier: 

Why Abigail Shrier Took on the Transgender Craze Amongst Teenage Girls – YouTube;

I am also concerned about the harm done by the hormone and drug therapy to these people. The hormone therapy marketed to children and their parents as part of the therapy are claimed, in the case of puberty blockers, to be safe and reversible. To my knowledge, they are not. Please see these videos: 

The Dangers of Giving Hormones to Kids with Gender Dysphoria – YouTube;

The cross sex hormones on which transpeople are put after they transition also have detrimental effects on health: See these videos citing the relevant medical literature:

LIVE: DID, estrogen deficiency, and hormone blocker doctor discussions – YouTube

The Institutional Capture is Real Endocrinologists and Puberty Blockers 2009 vs 2019 – YouTube

Literature Review: SRY acts in the brain across the lifespan – YouTube

Literature Review: Estrogen Deficiency, Early Hysterectomy/Oophorectomy, and Dementia – YouTube

Literature Review: SRY and the Male Liver – YouTube

The Dangers of Giving Hormones to Kids with Gender Dysphoria – YouTube;

This craze – I can only call it that, as it very strongly resembles one in, my view, has reached the nadir where surgeons in America are amputating the healthy breasts of 12 year old girls. ‘Top Surgery’ for 12-year-olds??? 😱 – YouTube

It has also been found that about 85 per cent of teens confused about their gender identity eventually settle down into that of their existing biological gender. But if they are put on the affirmation course of treatment, this almost always seems to lead to them going ahead with surgical transition.

You will no doubt be aware from watching news recently that concerns about the Tavistock clinic’s handling of transgender treatment has resulted in it being shut down. There are also a number of detransitioners, people who have medically transitioned, then realised that this has been wrong for them and have transitioned back. I believe there are an online community of 17,000 of them. And some of them are suing the doctors and medical professionals who treated them on the grounds that they feel they were misled about the benefits of transition.

It strongly appears to me that there is a very strong feeling amongst trans rights activists that the only acceptable treatment of gender confusion and distress is to confirm and support the suffer’s desire to transition, even when this is suspect or inappropriate, and to attack, vilify and even physically assault anyone who disagrees and seeks to present an alternative view.

It is for these reasons that I wish to see this training session cancelled, as I feel it will inadvertently do immense harm. Rather than support radical ideologies of trans-inclusion, I feel that the best way to be a trans ally is simply to provide genuine sympathy and support for people with the condition. This also means giving them space to decide for themselves if they are genuinely trans after proper medical consultation, treatment and review. This should exclude any pressure from ideologies based in Queer Theory and identity politics that denounce any treatments that may persuade such patients that they are not trans as conversion therapy and medical or social bigotry.

I realise these views are immensely controversial, and that some regard them as hateful. I certainly do not hate transpeople, and believe that everyone should have the right to express their sexuality or gender how they choose without discrimination, abuse, violence or other form of persecution. But I am greatly concerned here that young people are being misled into gender confusion for external, cultural and ideological reasons. And I am very much afraid that well-meaning courses like yours, though done for the very best reasons, are contributing to and exacerbating this harm.

This is why I also cannot support the Labour party’s policy to ban transgender conversion therapy.

Yours faithfully,

David Sivier’

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