Renaissance Pleasure Faire 2024

It’s that time of year again when my hubby and I venture out to play at the Faire…and no ren fair is complete without a hurried crochet outfit.

Let me backtrack. I have been super busy with graduate school (currently pursuing a Masters in Library Science), and crochet time has suffered, and by extension, my blogging time. I have crochet outfits I can wear, but I wanted something new. So of course, I started crocheting two nights before our planned visit.

Instead of starting from scratch, I pulled out an older crochet outfit I had made for Disney bounding. I never wore it though so I figured it would be perfect. I would simply add on to it and voila, I’d have a new outfit.

This is the original skirt I was working with.

Well, that turned into two furious days of crocheting nonstop.

I had to frog back many times to get it right.

I also ended up working the morning of our outing. I wanted two slippers to go over my shoes. I can’t believe I made it in time.

You can almost see my shoe in there.
They were very comfy.

I finished with an hour to spare!

I even had time for makeup!

And then we were off to the Faire!

We had a great time! The highlight of the day was when a dad with a little girl on his shoulders approached me. He said his daughter wanted to say hi to Ariel and if it would be okay. She was so cute. It made my day.

The last event of the day before we headed home was watching a show by the Washing Well Wenches. They are always very funny.

Ruby from one of our favorite shows: Washing Well Wenches.

I hope I’m not the only one who likes to dress up!

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