Did you work out today?  Even the most committed of us have “off” days, but when is it actually okay to skip a workout? These are my ‘go to’ rules.

  1. You’re sick.  As a general rule if your illness if above the neck (runny nose, head ache) you can work out.  If it’s below the neck (stomach pain, body aches, trouble breathing) skip it!
  2. You’re injured.  You don’t want to risk making the problem worse- check with your doctor.
  3. You just had surgery or had a baby (ladies, need I say more?).  But seriously, give your body time to rest and recover, and talk to your doctor about when it’s safe to start your routine again.
  4. You just completed a marathon, competition or other athletic event.  Don’t feel guilty giving your body a break- these events are physically challenging.

Sometimes, we need to slow down, listen to our bodies and give ourselves permission to skip that workout.

Yeah, I say this and will also be the first to admit that I stink at following these rules. But, I am a work in progress. I am always trying to grow and learn.

Do you follow these rules? Do you follow some or all of them? Maybe you have other rules you follow. I’d love to hear them.




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