God,  Jesus, The Holy Spirit and The Angels Are With You and Helping You Now and Always

angel holding light center

(A Channeled Message of Love with the Angel Team)

Greetings beloved all. Blessed are they who know the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is within you beloved. God has placed His Spirit within each of you and blessed are you. The Father in Heaven wants you to know He is with you and never doubt that beloved. He is with you, daily, by the minute, for an eternity and has never left. Your spirit self is the Higher self, but we are speaking of the Holy Spirit, which is God-Given to each of you. This Spirit of God is helping you decide in life, helping you in Wisdom and Love and in Joy. Joy is from the Holy Spirit, Love is from the Spirit of God and so is Peace. Listen to your heart beloved, what is your heart saying when you make decisions? Pray before making a life change and know that God is loving you with every choice. Pray first and ask God to help you make your life choices. Pray for those around you and know that God helps everyone who asks. Listen to your heart beloved when asking God for assistance. Listen for God’s voice, and know that God does not hesitate when answering His people. Pray with love and faith and know that God hears you. We, the angels are with you now and always. You are a blessed child of God and God loves you. This is meant for you to see, beloved, for we understand the human condition. We love you and we are here. In great number! We are with you and we love you, we will help you anytime you ask of us and we are always willing to help all who do. We are with you and we repeat this so you can understand, we are here. We cherish when you ask for help from Heaven. Listen to your heart beloved. God speaks to you through your heart – although God is not limited by this measure of communication. God is speaking to many through their heart. For it is the Spirit of God who is with you always. and we love you – and so it is, amen, amen, amen! 

The Angel Team 


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