Homemade Chex Mix

Chex mix is a favorite Fall snack in my family and one my Mom graciously makes for us around the holidays every year; in my opinion, no store bought chex mix tastes as good! We recently had our family over for the now annual Fantasy Football draft, a fun new tradition my husband’s stepdad started, and although the start time was a little later in the evening I still wanted to have some snacks available for us to munch on. Chex mix sounded perfect and with my Mom in town she was able to join me in the kitchen making the process more enjoyable; I love cooking with people and cooking with family always feels like great bonding time. Food brings people together, right? I think I’ve heard that in a movie or perhaps a TV show….maybe a commercial? 🙂


The chex mix turned out wonderfully and my husband and I have been enjoying what’s left over! In fact, he told me I was not allowed to take any to work to share! (shh…don’t tell my co-workers!) It was so great to spend time with our families together too; we don’t find the time to do that enough! The draft is always a fun event! We are lucky to be surrounded with people who have a good sense of humor and make it fun with jokes and responses to picks in each round! My brother is sure he will be the champion two years in a row…we shall see 🙂


The chex mix is a breeze to make! We used corn, wheat and rice chex mix, pretzels, mixed nuts and brioche toasts for ours! We normally use garlic flavored bagel chips rather than brioche toasts, but I couldn’t find them in the store this time (maaaaybe because I forgot to look in the obvious cracker aisle, maybe) so we had to substitute! You know what? The toasts were just as good and it led us to finding something new we like and can use with other recipes or as sides to soups and salads! I bought mine from Trader Joes. So choose your favorite base ingredients and check out the recipe below for a great snack to share! To those of you also participating in Fantasy Football, good luck and just have fun! Enjoy!

Homemade Chex Mix


  • 6 Tbsp Butter
  • 2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 1/2 tsp Seasoned salt
  • 3/4 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Onion powder
  • 3 cups Corn chex
  • 2 cups Rice chex
  • 3 cups Wheat chex
  • 1 cup Mixed nuts
  • 2 cups Pretzels
  • 1 cup garlic flavored bagel chips (or brioche toasts broken into pieces)


  1. Heat oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Add butter to a roasting pan, place uncovered in heated oven and allow to melt.
  3. Remove pan from oven and add seasonings (worcestershire sauce through onion powder). Stir until all seasonings are well mixed and resemble a sauce/gravy.
  4. Add remaining ingredients, stirring as you go to evenly coat.
  5. Once evenly coated, cover pan with lid and add back to the preheated oven. Bake for one hour, removing and stirring the chex mix every 15 minutes to prevent sticking to the pan. You will stir it a total of 3 times.
  6. At the end of the hour, remove chex mix from oven and spread over paper towels to cool.
  7. Store in an air tight container.


As always, thanks for reading!!

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