Baileys Espresso Chiffon Cake 咖啡百利甜酒戚風蛋糕

I baked two chiffon cakes with my range oven yesterday. As you can see in the pictures, the result was much better than those baked in my countertop oven. I truly love my range oven. With an even heat distribution the cake crust is nicely brown and my cakes always come out perfect. The only downside is that the oven’s huge capacity means a much longer preheating time, which is not too cost-friendly for frequent use. So I still prefer my countertop oven for my everyday baking.

Once you have mastered the basic chiffon cake recipe (read about my blog post, Vanilla Chiffon Cake), you could effortlessly develop other flavors with just a slight twist. To be honest this cake is nothing new either. All I did was to replace the Kahlua coffee liqueur with another liqueur (read about my blog post, Kahlua Chiffon Cake). I used hazelnut flavored Baileys Irish Cream this time and readjusted my recipe to make two 7” cake. This recipe is also good for a 10-inch tube pan and the baking time will be approximately 50 to 60 minutes. Or if you just wanna bake one cake like I normally would do with my countertop oven, simply halve the recipe.
學會了製作基礎戚風蛋糕後(詳情可參考雲尼拿戚風蛋糕),只要略作改動便可變化出不同口味。坦白說,這蛋糕也不是什麼新配方,EC只是將咖啡酒戚風蛋糕配方內的咖啡酒換了其他酒類而已。今次使用榛子味百利甜酒,重新計算份量作了兩個七寸蛋糕。此配方也可製作十寸戚風蛋糕,烘焙時間大約50至60分鐘。只要把份量減半便是EC 日常用小型焗爐製作的七寸蛋糕的份量了。

Baileys Espresso Chiffon Cake

For two 7” tube pans


2 Tbsp instant espresso powder
2 tsp hot water
50 g milk
80 g Baileys Irish Cream liqueur (I used hazelnut flavor)
160 g cake and pastry flour
8 egg yolks, large
80 g grapeseed oil
8 egg whites, large
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
120 g granulated sugar (I used organic sugar)

Notes: The eggs I use are about 50 g each without shells.


即溶特濃咖啡粉 2湯匙
熱水 2茶匙
牛奶 50克
百利甜酒 (EC用榛子味) 80克
低筋麵粉 160克
大蛋蛋黃 8個
葡萄籽油 80克
大蛋蛋白 8個
他他粉 1/2茶匙
細砂糖(EC用有機蔗糖) 120克


Directions 做法

Preheat oven to 325ºF/160ºC. Dissolve espresso powder into hot water. Add milk and Baileys liqueur and mix well. Set aside.

Place sifted flour into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the center then pour in the egg yolks, oil and espresso mixture. Whisk gently until incorporated. Set aside.

With a hand mixer or a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip egg whites until foamy. Add cream of tartar (to stabilize the meringue) and continue beating until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar in batches and continue beating until glossy and firm peaks form. When you lift up the whisk, the peak will hold its shape but the tip will fall back slightly.

Scoop about one third of the meringue into the yolk batter and fold with a whisk to lighten. Then scrape this back into the bowl of meringue. Fold gently and thoroughly (so you don’t deflate the meringue) with a spatula until homogeneous.

Divide batter evenly among two ungreased tube pans. Tap pan against the kitchen countertop several times to get rid of any large air bubbles. Smooth top with an offset spatula. Bake for 10 minutes until a skin forms on the cake surface. Take the cake out and make three to four slits with a greased knife with thin blade. Continue baking for 25 to 30 minutes more or until a wooden skewer inserted in the center of cake comes out clean. Every oven is different so adjust baking time accordingly. Drop cake pan on the kitchen countertop at a distance upon removal from the oven. This will release any gas trapped in the cake cells and minimize shrinkage. Invert pan on a wire rack to cool completely before unmolding.

If you want to republish this recipe, please link back to this post.

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