Karina Hansen 8: The Aftermath Continues

Valerie continues to follow Karina Hansen’s horrendous plight. Please have a read.


20161208_142745_resized Karina in November 2016 shortly after her return home

Regular readers of this blog will already be familiar with Karina Hansen’s horrifying story (as detailed in my series of posts) and with the often appalling treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) patients generally. For new readers, and those needing a more detailed reminder of her story, there is a full summary at the end of this post.

Karina is a young woman from Denmark who became ill with the severe form of ME as a teenager. She was being cared for at home by her family but, in February 2013, she was forcibly removed by the state authorities and confined in an institution for three and a half years as a de facto psychiatric patient.  Her family members were not allowed to visit her and she was subjected to highly inappropriate treatment.

She was eventually allowed to return home in

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