A Blogging Potpourri!

18-potpourriI can’t guarantee the quality of this post – my insomnia decided to make up for all the sleep I have been getting lately. It was 8 am when I finally went to sleep, only to wake up at 10:30 to feed the fur-kids and take meds. I went back to bed until noon when I had to get up to help Hubby get ready for work. It has been a combination of tooth pain, coughing (chest congestion), my normal pain levels and racing thoughts.

But on to other things.

I will be getting my tooth pulled tomorrow morning by the same dentist who did my other extractions awhile ago. I am good with this. I want it out, my dentist agrees and I like this other guy quite a bit. I have also decided that I am going to hold off with talk about dentures. I have enough going on and if I can keep the teeth I have in shape then it is one less procedure I have to psych myself up for.

I am very serious about getting my body in shape but in a healthy way for my chronic pain and conditions. I got out the DVD and book out for my “Chair Gym” that I talked about quite a while ago (you can do a search on that name in my archives and it should come up. Also, it was part of the “Journey to Vibrant” category. I am hoping to do even two or three of the exercises today and will just work at it slowly.

I have been looking at my cookbooks on Paleo, gluten-free and clean eating, and trying to figure out a good diet based on them and what I know about nutrition and our intolerances. I have been doing a lot of it already, but I want to make sure we are really getting the most nutrition and variety in our diet.

Finally, I am coming out the other side of my huge fibromyalgia flare. Now this does not mean I am free of pain – that is something I will only experience in heaven. There are a lot of people in my life who think that if I am not in a flare then my pain is gone. What it does mean is that I have some time where things are a little better to implement the positive changes above. Then, hopefully, when the next flare comes, and it will, I will be better able to deal with it.

Now if I can just figure out my insomnia and chronic fatigue. But that will have to wait for another time.

Oh, and the picture and reference to a potpourri – I am allergic to many of the smells in a traditional potpourri. So this is my way of having one without sneezing and triggering my asthma!





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