Hoping for what we cannot see #Write31Days

wpid-wp-1445227787556.jpegStaying disciplined in faith can be the most difficult walk for a Christian.  By pure virtue of having to believe in something that you can’t see, regardless of what is going on in the circumstances you can see.

Having stood in faith for over fifteen years for the same promise, I know what it is like to believe for something I can not see.  But I also know it takes discipline, because when everything you see flies in the face of what you are believing for, its easy to lose hope and start believing it will never happen.

There are three things to stand on in the face of feeling like my faith is defeated.

  1.  Meditate on the  scriptures.  (Romans 10:17)  If God’s Word promises it, stand on the scriptures, because God’s Word will not return void (Is. 55:11)
  2. Stir up your faith (Jude 1:20).  Remind yourself of other things that God has done that you have prayed for in the past.  Prayer journals are wonderful for this purpose.
  3. Look for small things that show God is working.  Sometimes we forget that God is in the small things.  We are so busy looking for the final result that we miss Him in His process.  I celebrate the small things as if they are big things, because it is to me.  I know God is faithful to do what He promised.
2015Write31DaysStay disciplined in the faith.  Keep your focus on Him and in His perfect timing the things you are believing to see, will happen.

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