Inktober Day 24

Today’s prompt is fun! It is also one of my favorite things; “fairy.”

I drew a bunch of sketches in my sketchbook of various different approaches and didn’t care for my initial sketches. It is October and I wanted to do something along the lines of an Autumn Faerie. I wanted to create a faerie that doesn’t follow the normal sex diva stereotype of faerie. The sex divas are everywhere and I find it hard to believe that a faerie would be wearing a gown with a crown or a slinky “sex kitten” goth outfit while flitting out and about in someone’s garden. Or going into a nursery to swap out a changeling with a human baby. (I picture a hooded faerie for this swap.) Faeries, for the most part are less likely to call attention to themselves and a “goth” outfit sure isn’t going to help them lure a child into a faerie ring. On the contrary, a child would be lured more by a non threatening pixie-like costume. Any child today knows to run the other way when seeing a goth dressed witch with a tainted treat. We’ll all up on our faerie tales these days.

My faerie is an autumn faerie who’s job is to dress trees in their autumn finery. She and the other autumn faeries take their outfits from the leaves and sew them into whatever fiber material they find to create warm clothing that is climate controlled and functional. They reserve the more beautiful leaves for the end of the season when they have their autumn Ball where they do make dresses out of the leaves and party before they go into winter hibernation. No humans are invited to the Autumn Ball, but the woodland creatures and other beings are more than welcome. If you see a fox with leaves braided into his fur, you’ll know he has been to an Autumn Faerie Ball.

Day 24
Pen and ink drawing of a fairy sitting on a spotted mushroom.  She has monarch butterfly type wings because she is an autumn fairy.  Her costume is made of leaves and fibers and she is taking a break from her work changing the color of the leaves.
Inktober 2022 Day 24 Fairy