Retreat Sponsor Spotlight: Drink Simple

When it comes to running and feeling our best during our runs, hydration is a key component! Hydration plays an important role both before, during, and after running – whether an easy pace run, a hard workout, or a goal race. Luckily, there are many hydration products out there that aid in keeping us hydrated!

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Drink Simple offers a line of Maple Water and Watermelon Water that will keep you hydrated without the help of synthetic ingredients and artificial sweeteners. It’s refreshing when paired with your lunch or breakfast, is easy on the stomach during runs, and will help replace electrolytes post run. Drink Simple is a local New England company founded by two friends who are also triathletes!

What is Maple Water? Drink Simple explains it best “Maple water is pure sap from the maple trees. Maple sap actually looks and feels just like regular water. The main difference is that maple water goes through a natural process that infuses it with nutrients. This water collects nutrients stored in the tree all winter and provides hydration and nourishment that enable the tree’s growth and rejuvenation in the spring renewal season.”

While original Maple Water is an option, they also offer Raspberry Lemon Maple Water and Grapefruit Maple Water enhanced with real fruit juice, as well as Watermelon Water sourced from organic watermelons. They also released a line of Sparkling Maple Water this past summer! Checkout their selection of products here.

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There are many benefits to drinking Maple Water as it has less sugar than other options and contains polyphenols, minerals and antioxidants. It offers anti-aging properties, can increase athletic performance, and is more hydrating than water. Want to learn more, you can do so here.

We’re excited to partner with Drink Simple for our 2019 SRTT Fall Retreat and couldn’t be more thankful to have them on board as a sponsor. Each attendee will be able to try some for themselves!

You can easily order some online through their website and it will arrive in just a few days. Or it can be purchased locally at Shaw’s, Market Basket, A-Market, select co-ops (Concord, Lebanon, Hanover, Littleton), and Lakes Region Nutrition Center. 

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