Dear Blog…

Posted by cybertoad on 06/05/2007 in misc |

Once again, I have neglected you and for that I apologize. I have had days of nonstop activity followed by days of laziness and at neither point have I had the energy to come in here. 🙁

I am busy with work, with Fresh Photography stuff (including another Yale Street Market weekend that I had to miss but Christine managed it for us), with social events and editing of photographs (it takes many hours to edit over 1000 shots and I am still not done).

In general I am doing well although I ran into a tiny bout of depression last week – just fatigued I think and for whatever reason emotional. I hope I am over it.

Along happier lines, I am happy to report that my garden pond is finally in!!

Yes, such a simple thing as a small pond in the backyard has lifted my spirits. I still need to landscape the area around the pond, rearrange the potted plants, stock it with some fish and some plants but I actually have the upcoming weekend free to do so. Just having the weekend free of planned social events makes me happy. Don’t get me wrong – I am a social butterfly and thrive on getting out but I am enjoying it just as much just having friends over to our house. It’s all cyclical for me and I am sure I’ll get bored with it but for now, it’s a good way to relax at home and still get the social fix I need.

The dishes need to be done and things need to be tidied so I will end this entry here… Drop me a line to say hello so I know that someone is still out there reading this! LOL!


  • daysies says:

    *hugs* i’m still a follower 🙂

  • MishMish says:

    Hi! {waving}

  • chris says:

    I am still out here 🙂 i stop by now and then, although life has gotten much busier with our little baby

    he has his own blog, that he is busy with 🙂


  • laanba says:

    I’m here!

  • You sound like me….it’s been forever since I am have written.

  • Hugh says:

    Hello! I have just been writing about Texans on my blog and I thought you might like to have greetings from an English Texophile.

    Remember the old wartime song: “Leave the dishes in the sink, Ma!….”

    Good wishes from the UK.

  • jake says:


    Came across your blog whilst looking up probs with Beetles. I have an 04 Turbo, black; her name is Ebony. I’ve had several similar electrical things, but they’re taken care of by my dealer in Austin. I like these guys! Recently had a pricey appt. for not taking care of her like I should (changing the oil regularly). Arrgh. Anyhow, she now deserves my full attention and respect: oil changes every 2 months, premium gas…yeah, she’s worth it!

    thanks for leaving some great info to be found in this wonderful world of the net!

  • daysies says:

    dear cybertoad’s blog… i think it’s time to dust you off. *changes Elaine’s password on her Twitter account*

  • MishMish says:

    Okay…it\’s been one month!!!!

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