Geneva airport, departure immanent

The title says it all. I am knackered from the jet lag having left Vancouver three days two nights ago, but I’m excited to be leaving soon for Athens and 10 days in Greece. Here in Geneva I enjoyed catching up with family, including an epic 1.5 or 2 hour soccer match in a proper soccer court with kids Odin, Juniper and their dad Kris (which was just the ticket for clearing out the cobwebs spun by international travel without sleep), catching up with Eileen and Mariana, and visiting Kari and Thomaso in Annemasse just across the border in France, accessed easily by a brand new train line that is cut through the bottom of a mountain, for beer, Sicilian pizza, wine and a tour of their new flat. The crowd is starting to mass by the gates waiting to board. The flight is 2:40 during which time I hope to nap to awake in the new old sun of Greece. And here is the call to board — time to post!