Cooking Experiences

In praise of Khoo’s Hot Sauces

Just a short blog tonight in praise of Khoo’s Hot Sauces.

We’ve tried three of them over the last few months. Our favourite, without a doubt, is the Golden Syrup, injected with the heat of the habanero chilli. We love it poured over pancakes in the morning, along with a teaspoon of sugar.

It’s sweet but given an edge by the subtle heat of the chilli. We’ve made the error before of pouring too much on our pancakes (this sauce isn’t for wimps) but we quickly learned to get the balance right! We’ve just stocked up today on another bottle of this syrup for our pancake mornings (the Chilli Store in the Merrion Centre stocks Khoo’s sauces, as does Cranberries in Adel, very handy for where we live).

Another big favourite of ours is the Northern Beacon. This is seriously spicy and a few drops go a long, long way. It has 11 different varieties of chilli in it, so definitely one for chilli fans! It packs a serious punch and we like to eat it with jerk chicken and to use it as a dipping sauce or tasty marinade for spicy meats.


Last, but by no means least, we have the Heavy Smoker. This goes brilliantly with sweet potato wedges! It has no real spice to it, but instead has a luscious thick smoky flavour that is absolutely perfect with any sort of American style food. It’s extremely moreish but thankfully we have a couple of bottles tucked away in the cupboard. This isn’t your horrible cheap, sweet barbecue sauce that you get at the supermarket; this is the real deal. 


If you haven’t tried Khoo’s Hot Sauces before, we really, really do recommend them! It’s also nice to support a family-owned local Yorkshire business, so there’s a selfless reason for putting your chilli hat on!

Disclaimer: We were originally sent three bottles of Khoo’s Hot Sauce to review, but have been such converts that we’ve been out to find more on our own since! 

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