flaunt it.

January 6, 2008

rc outing

Filed under: Uncategorized — fel @ 9:40 pm

RGS/RI RC outing on saturday=) long time since i last saw my year mates.. and annie, dior and others couldnt make it. we had this pact.. to meet at esplanade in 10 years time. so we would be 26 by then=).. bringing our fiances along.. wad cute thoughts.

then met MR andy for dinner=) as usual couldnt decide wad to eat.. and he was insisting on food republic hokkien mee.. but i’m having a sore throat and am going to fall really sick soonnn and i wanted to eat porridge!! but in the end i still succumbed to fish and chips at taka. still i insisted on eating some non-fried fish but there werent any.. even the salmon is like fried in batter!! okay.. no choice.. i peeled off the skin and jus ate the fish.. urgh..
nothing much to see in town.. wanted to buy a pair of jeans from zara.. because. i have no jeans and i have to wear jeans in scotland.. at least have 1 pair.. maybe the same one everyday lol.
ohh and i spent like 500 bucks on winter wear le.. still need to buy boots and other stuff.. my luggage is full but mum insisted that its not!.. theres only clothes in my luggage and i haven put in all the other stuff like a mini cooker.. cutlery! and we even have to bring our own rice cooker!
okay so now i’m officially sick.. felt lethargic the whole day=( all because of fish and chips and other sinful food i ate at east coast.

1 Comment »

  1. Take care fellll! 🙂

    Comment by Jo — January 8, 2008 @ 1:53 am

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