The Sledgehammer – Version 2.0

March 20, 2009

Theno’s Dairy is Back in Business

Filed under: Redmond — Brian Lutz @ 1:01 pm

Update 8/19/13:  Even though it’s been over a year since Theno’s closed down, it looks like a comeback of sorts may be in the works.  It’s not clear exactly what form this will take at this point, but the plan for now the plan seems to call for a food truck, with potential for a new physical location at some point.  Additional details can be found at this Redmond Reporter story.

Update 5/31/2012:  Unfortunately, it appears that Theno’s is ending its 70+ year run.  More information, as well as a farewell letter from the owners, can be found here.

Theno’s Dairy has been a longtime fixture at the corner of Redmond-Woodinville Road and 124th, having held this spot in the Sammamish Valley since 1944.   Although there haven’t been any cows here since 1985 (with the notable exception of the fiberglass one that takes up residence in front of the shop,) Theno’s continues to be well known among locals for their ice cream, which is made on site.  Especially popular are their seasonal flavors, which include cantaloupe ice cream in the summer, and pumpkin ice cream in the Fall.  Unfortunately, back in December Theno’s suffered a minor fire in their building which has put them out of commission for three months.  Redmond’s ice cream enthusiasts will be happy to know that as of today, Theno’s is once again open for business and scooping up their Vivan’s Pride ice cream.

The building in which Theno’s resides looks every single day of its 65 years, but some would argue that its age is part of its charm.  After all, it’s the ice cream that people are coming for.  In addition to the ice cream, Theno’s also sells milk the old fashioned way in glass bottles with the cream top, and recently they have begun making fudge here as well.  Still, not much has changed here over the years.

One thing that has inevitably changed is the prices.  This is an ad from the August 19th, 1965 edition of the Sammamish Valley news, advertising raw milk for 67 cents a gallon, with pasteurized milk running three cents more (although I don’t even think you’re allowed to legally sell raw milk anymore.)  Incidentally, The phone number found in the ad (TU 5-2339, which translates to 885-2339) is the exact same phone number that Theno’s uses today.  For more info and updates on what’s going on at Theno’s, be sure to check out their Facebook page.


  1. It’s my understanding that Washington Cathedral owns the land, structure, and possible business itself??

    Is Theos an historic building, as shabby as it looks? I’ve heard they deliver milk and it’s very fresh — or maybe you just pick it up.

    Quite a juxtaposition of the dairy building to the Mega Church.

    I’ve got your site back on my Roll. Regards, Bob Yoder

    Comment by bob yoder — March 25, 2009 @ 1:01 pm

    • Bob:

      Washington Cathedral owns the land the dairy is on, but from what I’ve read, they have pledged to allow Theno’s to continue to operate for as long as the Bloor family wishes to do so. At one point, Washington Cathedral tried to get the site rezoned for commercial use with the possiblity of putting in a small shopping development that would have included a new Theno’s on the corner (a 2005 Seattle Times article on this can be found here,) but whatever it was that they planned at the time has never come to fruition, and I’m not sure if the rezone (which the article seems to suggest met up with a fair bit of opposition) ever got approved.

      Comment by Brian Lutz — March 25, 2009 @ 1:11 pm

  2. Whole Foods in Redmond sells raw cows milk. It must not be in very high demand (go figure) because there was just one brand with very few in the cooler

    Comment by 425girl — March 25, 2009 @ 8:59 pm

  3. Didn’t know about the fire at Theno’s! I love that place. Glad they’re back. And nice blog, by the way!

    Comment by mercerislandblogger — March 30, 2009 @ 5:28 pm

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