Ravaging Times

October 9, 2023

chapter 592 (magazine syndication, not final)

Filed under: Ravages of Time — Tags: — merc @ 3:32 pm

A state that is going to flourish is sure to honor teachers and give great weight to instructors.
(quoting from chapter 27 Grand Digest of Master Xun)

One is always looking forward to finding the most capable talents.
(not sure if it would be singular or plural)



[?]: I’m gonna kill you!

chapter 592 Even Rotten Wood Can’t Be Broken
(quoting from Master Xun, chapter “An Exhortation to Learning”; the surrounding line is: “If you start carving and give up, you will not be able to break even rotten wood, but if you start carving and do not give up, then you can engrave even metal and stone.”)

[?]: Stinking kid!


[?]: You’re dead meat, kid, I swear!
(“…definitely [going to] beat [to] death you”)
[?]: Die! I’ll smash your brains out!

[?]: Die!


[?]: Huff.

[?]: So much ruckus, I could hear him all the way out here.

[Fan Shuo]: Luckily your voice is pretty loud too,

[FS]: or a cripple would have a hell of a time finding you.

[FS]: It’s been so long since I last experienced something like this.

[FS]: Your home has been turned upside down. Bet they were after your book.

[Jiang Wei]: This is my family affair, teacher, you should save yourself while you still can!

[FS]: Why don’t you wait until you’ve grown more capable to be a hero.

[JW]: I already agreed to hand over the military manual. You shouldn’t get dragged into this.

[FS]: Then why did you fight back? As your teacher, I know what you’re thinking.


[FS]: There is another prison-break over there. Stay calm and follow me.

[FS]: Child,

[FS]: don’t worry about me. It’s not a bad deal for me to be able to accomplish something important in my final years.

[FS]: Serve one’s teacher like one’s father.
(quoting from 太公家教, not sure about translation)

[FS]: This affair has already become a family thing to me,

[FS]: so I can’t avoid it anymore.
(“[can’t] hide [anymore]”)

[?]: Come and watch, General Zhao is about to fight!
[?]: Is that the legendary Zhao Zi Long?
[?]: It’s not a legend then, this man really exists!

[Yang Qian Wan]: The God of War of Liang would show courtesy?

[YQW]: That’s not the Ma Chao I know.

[Ma Chao]: General Zhao is a cautious man. He must have something in mind if he wanted to step in.

[MC]: My my, I nearly died just then.

[YQW]: He’s right. That’s not an ordinary assassin. Even one mistake could lead to severe consequences.

[?]: Don’t worry, my king. An assassin is nothing to be afraid of.

[?]: This guy is skilled in close quarter combat, but so are the men of the Di tribe.

[Eighth]: Apologies,

[Eighth]: but your assassination plot will fail, teacher.

[Zhao Zhen]: Looks like that Ma Chao is very important to you.

[ZZ]: Don’t worry, there will be other opportunities.

[ZZ]: How could the God of War of Liang turtle in front of all these people.

[ZZ]: If I can get rid of you, that guy will still feel the pressure to fight me.

[?]: It’s been so long since I last experienced something like this.

[Eighth]: Ma Chao holds enormous influence, so for you and I, master and disciple, joining his side is the only way…

[ZZ]: Hahaha, such formality.

[ZZ]: I, too, can look forward to your return to the Zhao clan.
(slightly distorted)

[Eighth]: Good. We’re done talking about family affairs.

[ZZ]: You’re right, it’s unavoidable.


[?]: Number one warrior of the Di tribe.

[?]: Please enlighten…


[?]: me.


[Yuan Bu]: Yuan Bu of the Qiang tribe, please enlighten me.

[ZZ]: Nice sword.

[YB]: I’m a blade.

[ZZ]: I meant this disciple.

I forged him to be…

a keen razor!
(铦 has multiple meanings, sharp, ignorant, picking, break; according to a Chinese analysis, it also refers to a farming tool, which connects to Eighth’s motif of rice, and it’s also a homonym wordplay with the word for “immortal”)


While you self-proclaimed best of the best,

would lower yourselves to become his stepping stone to fame and prestige!

Why destroy someone’s body

when you can break their heart!
(not sure; an idiom based on something from Biography of Huo Xu of Later Han; other variations would be “it’s better to destroy one’s mind than his body”, or even “…defeat one’s spirit”)


This is what a real capable talent looks like!


[MC]: Nice back thrust!
(a move associated with Zhao Yun; not sure if it’s the most commonly used name of the technique)

[?]: The assassin can’t close the distance at all!

A state that is going to decline is sure to belittle teachers and regard instructors lightly.
(quoting from chapter 27 Grand Digest of Master Xun)


While I


shall become another one of his stepping stones.

[ZZ]: You’re using spear instead of sword because you carry a shoulder injury that weakens you…

[ZZ]: The only move that can precisely hit the nerves on your left side is my left-turn-right-return.

[ZZ]: Fishes gather in accumulating water. Who knew both capable talents are still around…
(partial quote from Master Huainan)

[ZZ]: Why don’t you tell your teacher where Zhao Huo is?

— author’s comments —
Each of these two teachers have capable talents. One is risking his life to save his disciple, while the other has decided to clean house!

— black page preview —
Where is the second?

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