how’s that for exciting

i bet you wonder if i get tired of this.

i do.

but the week before last (i was gone last week) i tried being sloppy and put the recipes vaguely together on their own pinterest board.  it was terrible, and i ended up scrambling the whole week.  i find it’s just better to bite the bullet and put them up here monday, and not think about them again.


m.  tuscan pasta with tomato-basil cream + french bread

t.  cauliflower and chickpea curry + rice

w.  cannibal corpse crock pot + oven baked french fries + lemon cupcakes

thrs.  black beans and yellow rice

fri.  crock pot tortellini + salad + butterscotch spiral coffee cake + company


m.  taco time, $10

t.  orange sesame tofu and broccoli + rice

w.  vegetable and chickpea ragout + homemade bread

thrs.  spaghetti with spinach garlic and lemon + gardettos

fri.  quionoa patties + carrot sticks


m.  oatmeal + orange juice

t.  fried mushrooms + british bread + tea

13 514

w.  cereal + egg cups

thrs.  baked apple oatmeal

fri.  smoothies + toast

the weekend, a.k.a. bountiful basket, $15

total = $128

there, now i can thank me later.

1 Response to “how’s that for exciting”

  1. 1 Nightmare from Washington April 11, 2013 at 10:07 pm

    Too much strange food.

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