Please Do Not Send Me Suggestions

As I’ve said numerous times, the biggest problem facing Yandere Simulator’s development is the fact that I receive dozens, often hundreds of e-mails every day.

I’m not sure why, but today, I received 150 more e-mails than I usually do. Needless to say, I didn’t write a single line of code for the game today, because I was reading e-mails all day long.

So, what were these e-mails about? Almost all of them were suggestions. As I have stated many times in the past, I do not want to receive suggestions.

99% of the time that I hear a suggestion, it…

  1. Has already been made before.
  2. Is already a planned feature of the game.
  3. Does not fit in with the design of the game.
  4. Is far beyond the scope of a one-man indie game with no budget.

After developing this game for 23 months, I’ve heard almost every possible suggestion. It’s pointless to send me suggestions at this point in time.

If someone sends me a suggestion, I read the first sentence and then delete the e-mail immediately. Depending on how many e-mails I receive, an entire day can be spent just deleting stupid e-mails. Because I’m not even going to bother to read the full text of your e-mail, sending me suggestions is not only a waste of my time, but your time, too.

If I ever want to receive suggestions, I will ask for them.


Almost all of the e-mails I received today were from people who wanted to suggest a way for the gaming club to become a real club. And almost all of them made the exact same suggestion. And not only that, but it was a really stupid suggestion, too. This is extremely frustrating.

You know how sometimes a build gets delayed for 24 hours? It’s because of the people who cause me to lose entire days of my time by filling up my e-mail inbox with foolish e-mails.

I couldn’t finish getting through all of my e-mails today. I actually still have over 100 e-mails to go through. I’ll probably spend all of tomorrow reading them, so that I can finally return to working on the game the next day.

The next update will not be as impressive as it could have been, because I had less days to work on it, thanks to all the e-mails I have to go through.

In other words: If you e-mailed me a suggestion yesterday, you officially contributed to making the next build worse. Great job.

YandereDev, YandereDev! Why don’t you just hire a secretary?

Worst. Idea. Ever.

  1. I don’t want to babysit a secretary until they’re doing their job properly.
  2. I don’t want to risk the secretary responding to questions incorrectly and spreading misinformation.
  3. I don’t want to risk the secretary filtering my e-mails incorrectly and failing to send me important e-mails.
  4. I don’t want to risk the secretary being lazy and going through e-mails so slowly that I’m better off doing it myself.
  5. I don’t want to risk the secretary seeing spoilers or other confidential information and then talking about it on social media.

To put it simply, I only trust myself to handle the task of checking my e-mail and responding to questions / corresponding with volunteers. I don’t want to risk someone else screwing things up.

Don’t e-mail me with questions. Don’t e-mail me with your character ideas. Don’t e-mail me with requests for the game. Don’t e-mail me with suggestions for the game. And, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT e-mail me with your thoughts on my e-mail situation.

370 thoughts on “Please Do Not Send Me Suggestions

  1. SIMPLE Solution:
    Make multiple emails…
    1. Bug Reports (You’ll actually read this)
    2. Volunteer-related emails (You’ll actually read this)
    3. Suggestions and Ideas (You’ll tell people you’ll read it but you really won’t)
    4. Questions Regarding the Game (You won’t read this at all)

    Therefore, you can easily filter out the stupid e-mails and get right into important emails. SIMPLE solution. I have no idea why you think that people know how to listen on the internet. Stop complaining and find a solution.

      • Yanderedev said in 2020 the game will be finished…
        Just… think about that.

    • He clearly said in an older vid that it doesn’t work for him plus people know he won’t read the suggestion email and there’s always someone who emails the wrong email

      • Yandere dev do u no the way that when u go to the shower area in the locker there are clothes remember wen u said that wen u have low reputation the delinquents will not say mean stuff ya in the locker there should be delinquent outfit and with low reputation and the bat and the delinquent outfit u can trick the delinquents PS will u be able to get yandere sim on mobile or tablet plz

      • @Niamh
        1. your idea sucks
        2. Dev has already said that Yandere Sim is too complex for a tablet to function with it (or phone) and he would have to simplify it so much you couldn’t do anything.
        3. The only update he is planning on adding to the lock room involving clothes is that you can steal another girl’s uniform while they are showering.

        Not to be rude, but don’t waste yours and his time like that.

    • Oops, I accidentally answered to the wrong comment…. anyways:
      He already answered that, check out this:

      • Excuas me, maybe I’m stupid or something but I don’t know waht he’s e-mail is. You might wanna give me a slap in the face but, I have been looking and looking but I can’t found it enywhere. Can someone please tell me?

    • Well, if people don’t listen on the internet, how in hell do you expect them to listen to which e-mail does what? This issue has gone on for so long, that it’s obviously the fault of the people continuously e-mailing him, not YandereDev himself. Even if he made multiple e-mails, people would probably lazily search for the first one they see, and e-mail him bullshit again in the wrong one. If they won’t listen to his constant updates and videos about stupid e-mails, then they’re not going to listen to multiple e-mails.

    • yan dev all ready stated in a older vid it would be harder to do his job go watch most of his old vids you have not seen he answered probably every single question you or anyone else can think of plus if people would listen it would be great. But this is probably the biggest rant he’s gone on.

    • i think you should use phones for other uses I think you should be able to take a phone dropped by a rivel and use their phone to send hatefull messages to friends thus lowering their reputation also take panty shots with that phone and send them to their friends with replys like your sick! what the heck is wrong with you! maybe so much. also taking pics of dead bodies could get them arrested…

    • This guy was nice enough to let you play debug builds for free but you aren’t nice enough to stop sending him stupid emails.

    • An alternative solution is just to tell everyone to put these in the subject and ignore everything else. I’m also not sure why he apparently insists on reading every single email he gets if he just set an amount of time to read emails each day, excepting those directly relating to work he is doing, and stopped afterwords this wouldn’t be an issue.

  2. Well he had the unfortunate luck of getting bunch of kids to fangasm over this game and they will always assume their messages will be groundbreaking ones that Yandev will surely listen to!
    I bet he wouldn’t have this many problems with useless emails if the little squirts would learn that the game will not conform to their vision, but will instead be what Yandev envisioned it to be and they need to learn to deal with it. OR if they actually bothered to read the FAQ, which any reasonable person would do first before messaging him.

    Also as a sidenote, anyone who can’t even figure out how to download the game probably shouldn’t be here in the first place, the stupidity of people never fails to amaze me…

    This is not rocket science, it should be obvious to always read the FAQ first and the download for the game is in plain sight, yet people can’t find it? Sheesh…

  3. I think that most people that download the game really read the blog. They’re probably just subscribed to YandereDev or some YouTuber that plays Yandere Simulator and when they see that a new build has been put up they just go straight to download it.

    Therefore, maybe if YandereDev puts a message at the beginning of the actual game saying all of this – although they wouldn’t stop – maybe the amount of pointless e-mails will go down?

    • This is actually the only idea that I think is a good area when it comes to all this “stupid email” stuff… Kudos to you for thinking of it too

  4. Yandere Dev! Hire me as your secretary! I know everything there is to know about the game. I’ve read the FAQ dozens of times and read the entire Wiki page of the game. I’m not obsessed or anything… Just please hire me! I’ll do it for free~

  5. By the way guys, if you see:

    Please report them and do NOT respond to their junk.
    All this, will eventually just convince the Dev to either drop the game or destroy his e-mail account.

  6. Yandere dev if your reading this then please read this it means a lot to me and if it got added into the game or at least the sandbox build for Mandy only one build it would make me feel better about my life as an 11 year old girl who is lonely and is a victim of domestic abuse. I have an idea for another way to dispose of corpses! In the drama club there should be manikins that the members would use as props and what I’m thinking is that you should be be able to preserve corpses and shave the hair off the heads so that no one recognizes them, then put the preserved corpse in the drama club so that the members of the other students will think they are manikins. But when the atmosphere gets low and the photography club members are looking for clues they should notice a smell coming from the preserved corpse and call the police which will trigger an investigation causing a game over if you have a low reputation because students will acuse you because they will want to get rid of you. if your reputation is high then the student with the lowest reputation should be arrested encouraging the player to lower other students reputations and keep theirs high. To avoid a smell coming from the preserved corpse the player should have to spray the corpse with perfume 1-2 times a week. If the player does not spray the corps with perfume and the atmosphere is normal a member from the drama club should notice and call the police causing the same thing to happen as if a photography club member did.

    • He literally just explained in this very blog post that he does not want any suggestions, did you not read it at all?

    • @Elizabeth
      I do think that your idea is great, but please realize what he had just said earlier. “DO NOT SEND ANY SUGGESTIONS”. I can’t tell if you’re saying the truth about the domestic abuse, but please do not use it as an excuse for him to implement your idea into the game. I’m not trying in any way to put you down, but please understand and acknowledge his request.

  7. Aww I’ve always wanted to ask if you ever considered naming a student “Dease Nutts” –


  8. My favorite part about the comments section of these posts is people just saying all the same things with the expectation that it will do anything

  9. Being a mod-maker/dev myself, I confirm that nothing is worse than suggestion mails. During development there’s periods where things go slow, often when you got to code a lot, create a bunch of new static meshes and so on, these are evil necessities which show almost no noticable change on the surface, even if the architectural change is there. During those moments when you’re crunching content, be it visual or coded, you’re this close from procrastinating and hitting the gym, hanging out with your significant other, or whatever, you name it. What keeps you from doing that is biting through that moment and knowing things become fun again when you get to the fun part of making your game again. But, if people keep distracting you, there comes a point where it becomes too much and you do end up procrastinating, one day, two days, or if not careful suddenly seven days.

    Look at what a dev did so far, notice how he did fine without your suggestions and trust that dev. When game is at a release candidate stage, then you can offer suggestions for future content patches. Don’t tell him what to do, or how to solve his problem of getting too many mails, when he doesn’t want you solve anything in the first place. Leave the dev be. When he comes at a point where suggestions are welcome, he’ll make it known.

  10. Pingback: 17mo de marzo de corrección de errores de construcción – YandereDev

  11. I know how to make the emails stop.
    Stop fucking whining about it, the more you bitch and moan about it makes it worse. There are people who don’t want this game and they’d do anything to stop it and they’ll just continue if they know it’s getting to you. And you’re not gonna read this. Duh because the comments are full of retards who can’t figure out how to download the game or fucking idiots who clearly don’t know that bug reports don’t belong in the comments. Honestly half the people here must be just plain retarded.

  12. I even like to send suggestions, I have very interesting ideas. But I hate not knowing how to program, be pessimo in 3d modeling, never tried to create music, but his game is interesting, I think it will have another game mode type style Takato Yoichi (Kindaichi Case Files) to stimulate through a perfect plan to another person do the dirty work without knowing you and also how to arm the situation to incriminate someone else.

    As a best city as places to visit, places to kill, places to hide, secrets to find, and minimap I can never find me and go cycling, these days I got stuck in the concrete (kkkk that crazy).

    Good job.

  13. How to be a really cool person!
    1. Send 20 emails about rainbow unicorns to YandereDev
    2. Kill yourself.

    It is highly recommended to skip step one, and if you fail to skip it, your coolness level will drop by 120%. So please…

  14. Still can’t believe your still blaming other people for this, you should really just have people comment on the blog for everything or figure out how to filter your email it takes 2 seconds.

    • Why in the world would you want her to have periods? That would add nothing to the game, expect being really freaking creepy… I’m pretty damn sure it won’t be a thing.

      • With periods which brings mixed emotions can make people expect less. They think your just on your period instead of being totally crazy.

      • Periods don’t make you go crazy, or do questionable things for that matter, besides how would the other students even know that Yandere-chan is on her periods? I’m pretty sure that in Japanese culture schoolgirls don’t tell about their periods so casually… It wouldn’t make any sense and is a pretty weird idea in the first place, I’m 99% sure it will never become an actual thing.

  15. I’ve never made a game, so I don’t understand what compels you to put yourself through e-mail hell and complain about your time getting wasted instead of just doing the fucking work you want to do. You won’t read this, and I don’t know if it would help, but here’s a suggestion.

    For people you’re working with:
    Put regular contacts or people/groups you expect to hear from in a special folder. Or use a secret e-mail address with them.

    For fans:
    Ask them to ‘tag’ the subject lines of their e-mail(unless it’s a response) People who care about getting their e-mail read would do it.
    BUG REPORT: Here’s a bug!
    re: whatever you e-mailed me about
    FANART: I drew you a picture!
    VOLUNTEERING: I can help you!
    Then use the search function of your e-mail or CTRL-F to search for the e-mails you care about (i.e. ‘re:’, ‘bug’, ‘art’, ‘volunteer’). Delete everything else. If they misspelled something or forgot to tag, too bad, so sad, they can send it again and you have to get on with your day.

  16. Rather you should probably be able to block all emails unless the subject contains a certain word or phrase. EX: “Suggestion!!” or “Hi, Yandev” would be blocked, whereas “Volunteer” or “Bug Report” would not be blocked. I don’t know which email provider thing you use but I tested if this was possible in gmail and it indeed is.
    Instead of asking others not to email you, which is clearly not working then creating a solution would be best. Furthermore, why not set aside one day after you release a build as an email day so you can see bug reports. No other days would you be allowed to peek at the emails, just work.

  17. So…you are confident in your skill to go through the emails yourself, but not confident in your skill to hire and teach someone else competent to do so? You are assuming the person you would hire is going to be incompetent before you even give it a chance.

    Going through emails yourself is a huge waste of time. Your time would be far better served doing would you are good at with that time. Writing code for the game. Just saying.

      • I understand that…but if he can’ hand over control of the emails to someone else….what’s he going to do when he needs to hire someone else with even bigger responsibility? Such as another programmer, or an animator, or a 3D modeler? Assume that any person he finds for those jobs is going to incompetent, as well? His reasoning for not hiring a secretary, is the kind of reason a control freak would give. He has to be in control of everything. That kind of thinking will probably make this be game finished in 2025.

    • He firmly believes that he can only trust himself with anything even remotely connected to the game’s development.

      It’s idiotic, I know, but there’s no shaking him out of this belief – he also believes that there isn’t a single other person on the planet who knows better about his kind of situation than he does.

    • 1) He probably doesn’t know how to do that, and, if he doesn’t, he’s most likely too lazy/whiny/self-pitying to figure it out. (No, not being lazy with one thing does not make one not lazy with anything else.)

      2) The very second people figured out he did this would be the second they start rewording their emails to bypass the filter. Never underestimate the determination of children to force others to give them attention.

  18. Shut your fucking mouth ungrateful asshole. You should be grateful that people care and suggest stuff, you rude piece of fucking shit

      • Enable your brain asshole. He should be happy that even anyone mails shit to him to make this game better and be more grateful for all the ideas, you dumbshit. But being such an jerk and asshole, just shows that he do not even care about bis fanbase and just interested in quick bucks. Eat and die philosophy never worked well in games and is doomed to fail, so will this ignorant and selfish asshole

    • You clearly don’t get it. He’s annoyed with the spam Midori and other people that act like her spam him with. He does not want any more suggestions, and you should respect that. His email is for work related purposes to help us get our game faster. So maybe shove a sock in it, because you can’t control yourself…as we can tell.

      • People who release their work to the public have no right to ignore comments on it of any kind. He’s incredibly entitled to think otherwise.

      • By releasing his email and debug builds to the public, he agreed to hear it. Yes, even the stupid stuff. He has no right to complain about the same things other indie devs know how to handle, and *no one* has a right to release something to the public without hearing commentary on it.

    • if people keep on suggesting Yandere Dev stuff, he will waste his time deleting those kinds of emails. A build gets delayed then. And he’s not rude, maybe you should research how a rude developer sounds like.

      He’s not SoftFluffyGentleDev. He’s YandereDev.

    • Would you be not be a smart-ass? He will only ask for suggestions if he wants… And the game will really take longer time if sending non-sense mails like suggestions that was already in the game or will be put in the game… Plus, he only said he needs mails about bugs and volunteers but I don’t think volunteers would be necessary for now since he got all he help he need… So… Yeah… Just… Chill…

  19. GUYS! CHILL.
    I’ve read most of your suggestions and not to be rude but…
    They suck.
    I saw one where it said you could trick the delinquents by dressing up as them, but they obviously wouldn’t be that stupid. And it’d be dumb to add that in because Senpai could never love one of them, so that’d be an automatic game over.

    Another one I saw was that you should be able to have a period?
    That would be irrelevant to the ENTIRE game!

    Just to be safe and save yourself from embarrassment,


    The 1 decent idea I saw was where boys would hourly walk into Info Chan’s room and buy panty shots.
    It works with the plot, but would be useless, unless you were going to spread rumors about a boy but why?

    ALSO, Dev doesn’t want suggestions c:

    So save your dignity and don’t suggest anything.

    • The boys buying panty shots is nice…take a pic of him buying a panty shot as blackmail and use him as your pawn to distract rivals. Maybe make him pretend he has a crush on your rival to get her to leave senpai alone…

    • I was asking the question. I was not suggesting it. Did you see the question mark? THAT MEANS ITS A QUESTION, NOT A SUGGESTION!

  20. Sorry, but a few days ago, I watched an anime, that could be a feature for yandere sim. I know that YandereDev doesn’t want to hear any suggestions, but this suggestion is just as easy to make as what he did with the “normal” room, it fits into the games design and is also a little easter egg.

    If you join the occult club, you can look at your computer at home for any charms of any kind, to use them to higher up your reputation, to gain more panty-shots and more luck for anything you could think for. Also, you could use a charm to harm your rival, cast “unfortunate happenings” onto her, bringing her close to death or to stay away from senpai.
    One of those charms is the so-called: “Sachiko Ever After”- charm. You’re able to get this charm in the internet on a blog from a famous occult blogger named Saenoki Naho, who is a high-school student herself. This charm is easy. You get access to a paper-doll, which you can use for a ritual with friends or foes :). The way you have to do the ritual, told on the blog, is false.

    This is basing on the anime/game/manga “Corpse Party”, where a group of students/friends performs the charm, which casts them into another space with many dimesions, where evil ghosts and insane students are out to kill everyone in that elementry school. Every fan, who watched the anime or a lets-play of the games or played them, or even read the mangas, knows what I’m talking about.

    So you would be able by obtaining that charm, to get your rivals (without yourself) to do the charm, fail, and get dragged away into another dimension, where they will be killed or do simply not return. To get a rival to do the charm, you have to befriend them, or simply use rumors about the charm or tell her of a proper way of doing something for a friend. For the last-mentioned, you have to kidnap or kill a friend of your rival. You tell your rival, that by performing the charm, they would make their gone friend happy. If you particepate in the charm, you will also be taken to that dimension; you could kill the other students (if you’re blood thirsty) or for the president of the occult club (who will also become rival as I’ve heard) to get her with her club to an investigation in that school.

    For a easter-egg, you could become Sachiko, the girl in red: with that easter-egg, you can cast ghosts that appear in Akademi High, killing everyone or you can just kill them yourself :).

    And there was one thing I wanted to suggest and either ask: In the future, you can decide senpais gender, and if you choose him to be a girl, I thought that you could be able to also choose your own gender, so you could combine three ways of a relationship with your senpai. This could also go for your rivals; choosing them to be male or female; teachers would just turn male if you would choose to be male (maybe). I saw a lot of samples for gender-changed characters (on DeviantArt), so it would be nice if you could choose your gender and that of your rivals, and not only senpais. Because there are not only female yanderes killing in this world.

    • Every single one of these has already been touched on by YandereDev. Reading suggestions like this almost makes me understand why he openly insults anyone who provides any.

      He wants the game to be hard, so anything that makes it easier – like the charms – would take it further from his goal.

      The easter eggs aren’t going to be in the final game, so he only works on those when he’s bored. I shouldn’t have to explain why it’s absurd to try to tell him how to amuse himself.

      Finally, he’s already stated at least once that he dislikes the idea of allowing Yandere-chan to be male. I presume that’s out of either sexism or fear of bad press, but, either way, he made up his mind on that one long ago.

  21. A suggestion forum wouldn’t be a waste of time at all. He could reference it whenever he wanted and it would give those who are desperate to suggest something somewhere to do so without bothering and inconveniencing him. It’s a placebo effect. Many companies do this.

    The creator of this game has a very poor and arrogant attitude. No one got anywhere by being a control freak. It may be his game to do with what he pleases, but he seems to imply that he wants to monetize off of this someday. And the bigger it gets, the more it’s going to need. And hate to break it to you, but you’re not God. One day you will need to to have a staff to support this game. One person cannot do everything regardless of how dedicated they may be. It’s physically impossible and unrealistic.

    Furthermore, you shouldn’t be so dismissive and arrogant about people who like the game and want to improve it regardless of how “stupid” they may sound. Fans are what made your game popular in the first place. Without fans, your game would be nothing. Have some decency and respect and get over yourself for a minute.

    To be truly successful you need to learn how to be a team player. The best businesses understand these ethics. For your own sake and the sake of your game, you should check your ego at the door once in awhile. You may be thoroughly surprised at how much successful you could be and your sanity will thank you for it.


    • Do you really think the majority of people playing a game about a ruthless killer will care if the developer has a “poor and arrogant attitude”? I sure don’t. Like many others, I’m just happy that I can play this game as it is and not have to wait until it’s completed in 2020.

    • What is the point of your comment, exactly? First you suggest a forum. Yeah I agree that wouldn’t be a bad idea.

      Then you talk about how he shouldn’t have a bad attitude and that he will need more help when the game becomes more successful. I didn’t bother to comment on that part because he already has a staff of people he works with.

      “Be nice to your fans. Your success is riding on it.” That is the crux of the rest of your comment. I believe that this game is really great and has a lot of potential and his attitude towards his fans will not affect the success of his game.

      • I have to really question your age given what you choose to interpret and talk about. It’s clear that most of the fans of this game are teenagers and would have no knowledge of real life and how the business world functions. You like the game and don’t mind his attitude, good for you. But you’re just one person. Things get popular because of fans regardless of if they’re “stupid” or not.

        My point of my comment was his attitude does need to change if he intends to monetize off of this as he has very strongly implied by wanting to start a kickstarter. I’ve spent many years working in the game development world and marketing and advertising and I can tell you outright that investors do not like people who are arrogant and do not work well with others. It doesn’t matter if the game is “good”, they want the image that their brand and money is going to be associated with to be a positive one. That is what brings in money and that is ultimately what investors care about. Their reputation goes on the line as soon as they invest in something/someone. Even top game developers and creators and producers and what have you in ANY genre have been fired and dumped because of their piss poor attitudes. It happened to Kojima, it happened to Steve Jobs, and you best believe it can and will happen to someone who is in the grand scheme of things a “nobody” in comparison.

        I said he needs to check his attitude because I promise you, when and if this things goes to kickstarter and mass production, he will fail and all his precious time and effort will have been in vain. It happens everyday and he’s do well to learn his lesson *now* than when it’s too late.

      • You mentioned steve jobs and kojima of their attitudes. When jobs left apple, the company got a hard time. Now he was rehired by apple. Then boom. Everyone has apple. There are even people worshipping the guy. Kojima left but people says theyll support kojima if he makes a new game. I’ll do such thing. Lololol aslong as they create amzing stuff, people will ignore the fact about their attitude and love them.

        On the forum thing. Your ignoring the fact that he not getting paid for this work. So if you just wanted a forum all along, make yourself one then. Pay the upkeep with your own money too.

        By the way isnt kickstarters just common folks investing on something not corporates? So your argument how investors wanting a good attitude is irrelevant. So brand? what? This would be a digital copy at the most. Enlighten me please cuz right now your argument smells like peanuts. As i said before. People will ignore the fact that his att terrible cuz he is the only person is creating such game.

        So i dont understand your rambling.

      • @Jamminnina: *smh* How old are you? For the record I am 30 years old (*cue people saying I’m too old to be playing games or what not even though most video game developers are older than me. It’s going to really suck for you when you’re my age). Anyway, it really just astounds me how you people either A.) read something that I never said and put your own weird spins on a topic because you can’t admit to anything that contradicts your fanatical interests or B.) ignore what was actually mentioned and miss the underlying point.

        I don’t know how much more simplified I can put it. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. Maybe when you’re older and/or maybe experience such a situation you will.

        First of all, mentioning Jobs and Kojima were just examples. I am not about to list every single top ranking person that has been fired from their own company. (P.S., unlike many people, I looked up the Steve Jobs thing and I see now that it was recanted that he was fired, so I take back mentioning Jobs. I’m not so proud that I can’t admit when I’m wrong unlike most people). My point about Jobs and Kojima however was that they are huge names and if it can happen to them, it will most certainly happen to someone who isn’t of such a high stature. I never said that they would never get business again, but being fired because of your behavior doesn’t exactly bode well for you. Of course there will people who will buy Kojima’s games. I was really looking forward to Silent Hills. How black and white of a thinker are you? It doesn’t negate the fact that his profits would be double and he’d have an easier time *creating* these games if he didn’t have such a crappy reputation. So imagine how much harder it’s going to be for someone who ranks low on that totem pole? Just because you can still have success in theory, doesn’t mean you couldn’t be *more* successful by doing things the *right* way. I’m sorry (/s) if I’m someone who doesn’t just settle for “good enough”.

        Finally, anyone can back on kickstarter it’s true, but many of the kickstarters that blew up, blew up because they were backed by big names. I have a friend for example who is a Junior Vice President for Nikon who has backed several things in the name of his company/chapter and those kickstarters are now sponsored by them.

        I don’t play this game (*cue the jokers who say I have no right to comment if I haven’t played even though I’m not talking about the game at all but its creator). I couldn’t care less if there is a forum or not for suggestions. I ended up here because a YouTuber I enjoy mentioned this game and I got curious. I took issue with this guy’s approach to his fans regarding the situation and his delusional comments about how it would be a waste of time. It shows me that he is arrogant, closed minded, and doesn’t actually care about his fans, the people who brought him notoriety in the first place.

        You’re an existing fan of this game and I’m sure he could shat all over your face and you would gladly eat it, good for you. But to those of us who are grown up and have integrity and don’t follow everything blindly, we will choose to look at everything objectively. People are turned away and put off by poor attitudes. It takes a lot to have a successful business and that is one of the many factors people take into account. It’s because I know what it takes that I know I would not be cut out to have my own business. Now that is wisdom – admitting such things.

        Take a few business, advertising, and marketing classes. And while you’re at it, take some psychology courses too. Seriously, the lack of education among today’s youth is appalling.

        TLDR; if he was creating this game for shits and giggles and had *no* intention of monetizing off of it as he has clearly stated with his potential kickstarter, then yeah, fine, he can do whatever he wants. But the fact that he *did* mention it changes things. I provided an opinion and some blunt advice as my own life experience and education has demonstrated is needed for acquiring the maximum success possible. But again, some people are content with “good enough”. It’s sad, but that will never be me and I make no apologies for it.

        I am done with this thread as I have more important things to worry about and *this* is now a complete waste of time as people are far more intent at blindly defending their “senpai” and not actually comprehending what they read and insinuating things that aren’t there. Sad world we live in where people would rather argue until they’re blue in the face than expand their minds to being educated.

        *Cue the petty name calling and insults. Enjoy talking among yourselves.


    • @Jamminnina: *smh* How old are you? For the record I am 30 years old (*cue people saying I’m too old to be playing games or what not even though most video game developers are older than me. It’s going to really suck for you when you’re my age). Anyway, it really just astounds me how you people either A.) read something that I never said and put your own weird spins on a topic because you can’t admit to anything that contradicts your fanatical interests or B.) ignore what was actually mentioned and miss the underlying point.

      I don’t know how much more simplified I can put it. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. Maybe when you’re older and/or maybe experience such a situation you will.

      First of all, mentioning Jobs and Kojima were just examples. I am not about to list every single top ranking person that has been fired from their own company. (P.S., unlike many people, I looked up the Steve Jobs thing and I see now that it was recanted that he was fired, so I take back mentioning Jobs. I’m not so proud that I can’t admit when I’m wrong unlike most people). My point about Jobs and Kojima however was that they are huge names and if it can happen to them, it will most certainly happen to someone who isn’t of such a high stature. I never said that they would never get business again, but being fired because of your behavior doesn’t exactly bode well for you. Of course there will people who will buy Kojima’s games. I was really looking forward to Silent Hills. How black and white of a thinker are you? It doesn’t negate the fact that his profits would be double and he’d have an easier time *creating* these games if he didn’t have such a crappy reputation. So imagine how much harder it’s going to be for someone who ranks low on that totem pole? Just because you can still have success in theory, doesn’t mean you couldn’t be *more* successful by doing things the *right* way. I’m sorry (/s) if I’m someone who doesn’t just settle for “good enough”.

      Finally, anyone can back on kickstarter it’s true, but many of the kickstarters that blew up, blew up because they were backed by big names. I have a friend for example who is a Junior Vice President for Nikon who has backed several things in the name of his company/chapter and those kickstarters are now sponsored by them.

      I don’t play this game (*cue the jokers who say I have no right to comment if I haven’t played even though I’m not talking about the game at all but its creator). I couldn’t care less if there is a forum or not for suggestions. I ended up here because a YouTuber I enjoy mentioned this game and I got curious. I took issue with this guy’s approach to his fans regarding the situation and his delusional comments about how it would be a waste of time. It shows me that he is arrogant, closed minded, and doesn’t actually care about his fans, the people who brought him notoriety in the first place.

      You’re an existing fan of this game and I’m sure he could shat all over your face and you would gladly eat it, good for you. But to those of us who are grown up and have integrity and don’t follow everything blindly, we will choose to look at everything objectively. People are turned away and put off by poor attitudes. It takes a lot to have a successful business and that is one of the many factors people take into account. It’s because I know what it takes that I know I would not be cut out to have my own business. Now that is wisdom – admitting such things.

      Take a few business, advertising, and marketing classes. And while you’re at it, take some psychology courses too. Seriously, the lack of education among today’s youth is appalling.

      TLDR; if he was creating this game for shits and giggles and had *no* intention of monetizing off of it as he has clearly stated with his potential kickstarter, then yeah, fine, he can do whatever he wants. But the fact that he *did* mention it changes things. I provided an opinion and some blunt advice as my own life experience and education has demonstrated is needed for acquiring the maximum success possible. But again, some people are content with “good enough”. It’s sad, but that will never be me and I make no apologies for it.

      I am done with this thread as I have more important things to worry about and *this* is now a complete waste of time as people are far more intent at blindly defending their “senpai” and not actually comprehending what they read and insinuating things that aren’t there. Sad world we live in where people would rather argue until they’re blue in the face than expand their minds to being educated.

      *Cue the petty name calling and insults. Enjoy talking among yourselves.


    • He’s YandereDev, not SoftFluffyGentleDev. If someone is a fan of this game, he should not expect special treatment from the Dev. YandereDev works on the game for 12 hours everyday. So when he’s nice to the fans, the game will magically be developed fast?

      Some suggestions made by the fans are irrelevant to the game… while some are good but he cannot implement it because the game has no budget. I understand that completely, and the fact that he works on the game for hours with five-minute breaks every hour… it’s not good for him.

      Maybe you should research on how a rude developer sounds like. And please don’t jump into conclusions. I’ve been following the game’s development for a few weeks. He doesn’t sound rude.

      If you want more info regarding this problem, watch YandereDev’s videos entitled: Emails, Volunteers and Progress. It has two parts on YouTube

      • He’s not on the same level as Phil Fish, no, but anyone who regularly releases debug builds of an indie game to the public along with his email address and then complains about not wanting suggestions is, at the very least, obnoxiously entitled.

    • This is more or less what I came here to say after the obnoxious mess that was the 2nd-anniversary video. You said it better than I ever could.

  22. I’m pretty sure than Yandere Dev has most of what he wants to do planned at this point, so please, leave him alone. If you want to add all of these things, make mods, or study animation and make your own game. He knows what he’s doing and I’m pretty sure that you’ll all be pleased with the final product.

  23. He won’t have to worry about my ass e-mailing him suggestions. I just want to see what “SNAP” is really about once it’s implemented into the game. Plus 1980s mode. Something about the 1980s Mode intrigued me since the difficulty is going to be harder than normal. Due to the era.

  24. Yanderedev. Yanderdev. Why wont you just filter out your mail. Like have a special code for volunteers etc. Then just marked the rest as spam? If you want to interact with fans pick random spams than answer to them

  25. Yandere dev I know you said no more suggestions but I think this one will help how about you just put updates first then you answer what ever you need to answer maybe that will help so you have enough time to work on the game and answer your questions in one day or more.

    • >I know you said no more suggestions but-

      But nothing. He needs to go through his emails to see important ones – for example, from volunteers or bug reporters with something urgent to say.

  26. Pingback: Please Do Not Send Me Suggestions – askanswerchan

  27. Dear Yandere Dev,

    I know just how you feel.

    All of these people are bakas. If you get what I’m saying.

    I may be young, but trust me. I’ve seen a lot of action when I was a little girl.

    The rumor is that my dad is going back to his teenage days.

    I know, he have some problems.

    Believe it or not that’s what my mom says to me.

    Anyway, I’m sorry that you have to go through the problems. But I hope they can knock it off.

    I hate to do this. But can you do one part of the game?

    I was thinking about Yan-Chan going home after the game on a Friday, she sees her childhood friend, Aoki Reika. She looks like Giffany from Gravity Falls, but with brunette hair.

    When they meet each other, Aoki asked, “Yan-Chan?” “Aoki-Chan?” Yan-Chan asked. Their eyes lit up and they hugged each other.

    Then Yan-Chan said to herself, “Forget Senpai and Rival-Chan. This is the greatest day ever!”

    “Who?” Aoki asks.

    Yan-Chan giggles and says to her, “Oh, never mind. It’s a long story.”

    Then in the ending, it can show it called “FRIENDSHIP”

    What do you think?

    If you snap. That’s okay. Besides I don’t have any friends. I’m fourteen years old. But I did see a lot of action when i was a little girl.

    And trust me. That day will come. B(

    I hope you feel better soon from their questions.

    Thank you.


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