Twinning: The Day My Life Changed


I am an individual who possesses many names.

Birthname: Alessandra

Nicknames: Ale (like Allie), “Ale” (like the beer), Sandy, Ali Baba, Ale Dee, and the list goes on.

There is one name that I was given 8 years ago (tomorrow) that holds the most meaning to me: Zia (those of you who are not of the Italian descent that is translated to “Aunt”).

21261_4773481899657_1805722630_nThe day my nephews were born was the day I knew I had a significant purpose in this world.Holding them for the first time is a moment in my life that I will cherish forever. I honestly never thought about having kids until that moment. I realized then that I could love something (or someonex2) more than myself. I wish everyday I would have cherished the moments when they were itty bitty, but the conversations we have now make up for it.

Here are a list of things I adore about them:

  • Benny’s high pitched voice with the cutest little lisp, and Tom’s deep man voice.
  • The way they scream “ZIA!” and run to hug me everytime I visit. Seriously my heart MELTS.
  • The way they tell me EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING all the time. I tend to have no idea what they’re talking about, but I try my best to listen.3016_1091338328369_562583_n
  • Their toothless smile with the cutest laugh.
  • When they let me watch Netflix or play their games.
  • The way they barge into my room at 6AM to tell me that the sun is shining and I have to get up.
  • The excitement they get about swimming and the park. Even when Tom tells me it’s an exercise park.
  • How ticklish they are. Seriously. Just initiating a tickle fest brings out the giggles.
  • Their wit: constantly on point and unlike anyone else.
  • Their mind: beautiful and intricate.
  • Their quirks: unique and original.
  • Their love: the thing that keeps me going.


I am obsessed with these two boys in the healthiest way (they probably do not think that as I’m squeezing them). The fact that I get to experience their firsts alongside them is truly something magical. I hope one day they will read this and know that no matter what I am there for them, thick and thin, forever and always.

They are not my children, but I love them as if they were. My quality time with them are the moments I look forward to. I want them to be proud of me and hopefully in the future confide in me. I am so grateful to have a sister and brother-in-law that allow me to have those times with them so we can make lasting memories.


Happy 8th Birthday Benny and Tomas. You are two of the brightest stars and my biggest inspirations. (Stop growing up though, you’re already smarter than me).

Love always,

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