Yamadori workshop with Ian Young

Ian Young came back to us this February for anther brilliant workshop. This time the topic of discussion was based around Yamadori and collecting trees in the wild as well as tips on critiquing trees in a positive way.

Ian went through the kinds of tools one needs to bring with him on yamadori collecting trips, and with his 25 years of experience in bonsai he was able to show and tell us about all the dos and don’ts. He also went through all the species of trees that can be found in Irish wilderness, where to look for them, what techniques to use in different types of location and when approaching different types of root structures.

Following the 2-part lecture, we went through a number of exhibition bonsai and critiqued them as a group using the best practice of doing so. After that individual members gave Ian their bonsai and yamadori trees for a critique and advise on what to do with the tree from this point.

The 4-hour workshop finished with members racing over to Ian’s table of supplies and bonsai that he brought to sell and queuing up to get wire, fertiliser, small tees, pots, soil, etc. that are hard to get anywhere else in Ireland.

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