It’s my birthday today! The only reason why I’m making this post is because my birthday falls on a Tues(two’s)day on 02/22/2022. I honestly just wanna commemorate it because of the date! But I guess I’ll take this time to reflect on my recent shopping habits and highlight one of my favourite jewelry stores.

Shopping Habits

I’ve been pretty good with not shopping at fast fashion stores, even during Black Friday and Boxing Day. The only time I shopped at a fast-fashion store was during Halloween when I bought a tutu skirt from Ardene. I’ve mainly bought clothes from the thrift store and received second-hand clothes from my friends. The only store I’ve shopped for new clothes is Levi’s, and I know they’re not 100% sustainable, but for me, their clothes are well-made, and I know they will last for years and years. My most recent purchase was a simple, black t-shirt (which goes with any style and any outfit), denim shorts and a sherpa denim jacket (which is also a classic style that I can wear with anything).

Favourite Jewelry Store — bluboho

I wanna give a quick shout-out to one of my favourite jewelry stores, bluboho. They have a lot of really pretty and dainty jewelry pieces, and I just love their whole aesthetic. According to their website, their pieces are ethically sourced, hand-crafted, made in Canada and made from recycled materials. They are also a member of 1% for the Planet, a global network of thousands of businesses and organizations that pledge to contribute at least 1% of sales to help fund environmental organizations in their mission to combat the environmental crisis. Read more about their environmental commitments here.

I’m not gonna lie, bluboho’s prices are a little on the high side. But considering their dedication to sustainability, I don’t mind paying a little extra. Plus, their packaging is amazing, and you can see they take good care of their jewelry and make sure the packaging will protect it (see photo below). Also, I didn’t realize that the most recent piece I bought was part of their tree of life collection, which means that every piece sold from that collection, they will plant a tree with Tree Canada. So that was a nice little surprise. I have bought a couple of necklaces, rings and ear cuffs from bluboho, and I have no complaints. I guess the small complaint I have is that they used to have a lot more silver pieces. Now, a lot of the silver jewelry I wanted to purchase from them is no longer available on their site. That’s the only issue I have, mainly because I prefer silver over gold, and silver’s a little more affordable. But other than that, I highly recommend bluboho if you’re looking for dainty jewelry and want to support a local jewelry store that’s also committed to sustainability.

bluboho’s packaging

2022 Goals

It’s hard to set and maintain goals during the pandemic, but I hope that there will be an end to it soon. It feels like time has stopped for the past two years. I know I want to remain committed to buying less from fast fashion and trying to live more simply and sustainably.

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