Top Ten Tuesday #34


Hey everyone! I’m back with a new Top Ten Tuesday post for you all. This week’s topic was meant to be Top Ten New To Me Authors That I Read In 2015, but if I’m being honest, I haven’t read all that many books from new authors this year and most of the books I have read from new authors this year, I didn’t exactly love. So I decided to tweak the topic a little and instead of listing favourite new to me authors that I read this year, the topic I’m going to do is Top Ten New To Me Authors That I Hope To Read In 2016. Whether I will actually read all of these authors’ books or not, remains to be seen, but I am hoping to read at least some of them!

  1. Rachel Caine-I’ve had Ink and Bone for a while now, but I got distracted by all the other shiny, lovely books on my bookshelf and didn’t get a chance to read it this year. It’s one of the books on my #RockMyTBR Challenge list though, so I am definitely hoping to read it next year, especially since the sequel is coming out.
  2. Victoria Aveyard-Kind of the same as Rachel Caine really, I’ve had Red Queen for a while now and though I’m kind of nervous about reading it because I’ve heard mixed reviews, the sequel is coming out next year, so I’m hoping to be able to read both Red Queen and Glass Sword next year.
  3. Kristin Cashore-I’ve heard lots of really great things about Graceling, so next year will hopefully be the time that I finally read that book!
  4. Patrick Ness-I’ve had The Knife of Never Letting Go for so long now and I’ve heard some really great things, both about Patrick Ness and about that book, so I definitely need to get on with reading it next year.
  5. Moira Fowley-Doyle-I’ve heard mixed things about The Accident Season, but as soon as I read the blurb for it, I was hooked and I like to trust my gut instinct when it comes to books, if I think I’m going to like something then I usually do. I am definitely going to try to read this next year, it’s a short book, so it shouldn’t take too long for me to read.
  6. Sara Raasch-I’ve also heard mixed things about Snow Like Ashes, but just like with The Accident Season (and with Red Queen actually), my gut instinct when I read about this book was that I was going to like it, so I’m going to give it a chance. Plus, Ice Like Fire is already out and the third book in the trilogy releases next year, so this could be the perfect opportunity for a binge read!
  7. Elizabeth Wein-I’ve had Code Name Verity for ages and so many people have told me how brilliant it is, so I am definitely going to try my very best to get to it next year.
  8. Timur Vermes-Look Who’s Back is essentially a Hitler satire and I thought that sounded really cool when I bought the book, but for whatever reason, I haven’t got around to reading it yet. I hope to rectify this next year.
  9. Alwyn Hamilton-Rebel of The Sands sounds so good! Plus I met her at YALC this year and she was really lovely, so I really want to try her debut novel. I hope it’s as good as I think it’s going to be.
  10. Ellie Marney-I really want to try her Every series as I love Sherlock based books and they sound really good. I might not get to them next year, but if I do, that would be great.

I could add more, there are so many new to me authors that I am dying to read but I want to keep this to a realistic number, since I probably won’t even read all of these in 2016! Who were your favourite new to me authors of 2015? Which new to you authors are you guys looking forward to reading in 2016? Let me know!

I will be back next week with a new Top Ten Tuesday post for you all, next week’s topic is Top Ten Best Books I Read In 2015, however, as I haven’t read as much as I would have liked this year, I don’t think I’m going to do that topic, so I will probably pull a different one from the archives for you guys. You’ll have to wait and see what it is though! In the meantime however, I will hopefully have a new Wishlist Wednesday post for you all tomorrow, so make sure to check that out.

101 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #34

  1. Lianne @ 08/12/2015 / 2:47 pm

    Great list! I actually haven’t heard of any of these authors except for Patrick Ness–and I’ve been meaning to read his books for some time now. Maybe next year? 🙂

    My TTT

    • iloveheartlandx 08/12/2015 / 3:12 pm

      Thanks! Maybe next year will be the year that both of us read some of Patrick Ness’ books!

  2. AngelErin 08/12/2015 / 3:28 pm

    Great list! I need to read Code Name Verity myself. I will be reading it in January. I hope it’s good. 🙂 I’ve never read anything by this author.

    • iloveheartlandx 08/12/2015 / 3:30 pm

      Thanks! I’ve heard good things, but I’ve never read anything by Elizabeth Wein either, so I’m kind of going in blind!

      • AngelErin 08/12/2015 / 8:28 pm

        Well I hope we like it! 😛

  3. heartjess 08/12/2015 / 3:56 pm

    The Accident Season has to be one of my favorite books of the year. I just hugged it and hugged it after I finished!!

    I’m so glad you finally got to The Knife of Never Letting Go. That series is PHENOMENAL!

    Thanks for stopping by Such a Novel Idea.

    • iloveheartlandx 08/12/2015 / 3:58 pm

      That’s good to hear! I haven’t actually read The Knife of Never Letting Go yet, I’m planning on reading it next year.

  4. Alice Rose Simmons 08/12/2015 / 8:53 pm

    Great list! Code Name Verity has also been sitting on my shelf for way too long now, so hopefully I can also get round to it soon. I also really enjoyed The Accident Season so I hope you like it when you get round to it!
    My TTT

    • iloveheartlandx 08/12/2015 / 9:32 pm

      Thanks! Let’s hope we both get around to Code Name Verity in the new year! I hope I enjoy The Accident Season as much as you did too!

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum 09/12/2015 / 1:39 am

    I hope you get to Ink and Bone soon! I love that book so much. Rachel Caine made my list of Top Ten New-to-Me authors because of it 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 09/12/2015 / 11:35 am

      Thanks! I hope so too! Glad to hear that you enjoyed it so much and hope that I will enjoy it just as much.

  6. Jenna @ Reading with Jenna 09/12/2015 / 2:20 am

    I can definitely recommend Sara Raasch and Patrick Ness!! Snow Like Ashes and The Knife of Never Letting Go are two of my favourites and you should totally read them!!!

    • iloveheartlandx 09/12/2015 / 11:35 am

      Thanks! That’s good to hear. I hope I like them as much as you did.

  7. Lauren @ My Expanding Bookshelf 09/12/2015 / 1:22 pm

    I haven’t read any of these, but I’m hoping to read Rachel Caine and Victoria Aveyard soon *fingers crossed*.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Carrie 09/12/2015 / 4:42 pm

    I do want to read The Accident Season at some point – My TTT

  9. Ayunda 09/12/2015 / 5:18 pm

    You should really read Patrick Ness’s books, his work is amazing. I’ve read the Knife of Never Letting Go series, and I’m planning on reading A Monster Calls soon too! My TTT.

    • iloveheartlandx 09/12/2015 / 6:18 pm

      I am hoping to get to The Knife Of Never Letting Go next year, if I don’t get too distracted by the shiny new 2016 releases!

  10. rudejasper 10/12/2015 / 1:39 am

    Elizabeth Wein is definitely on my list of an author I’d like to get acquainted with next year. I really enjoyed Graceling by Kristen Cashore but for some reason haven’t picked up the next book in the series – thanks for the reminder that I should get one that:). Sorry you didn’t encounter any new to you authors this year that spoke to you!

    • iloveheartlandx 10/12/2015 / 1:26 pm

      I’ve had Code Name Verity on my shelf for almost a year now, it’s about time I read it. Good to hear you enjoyed Graceling and no problem for the reminder about the second book! It’s okay, most of the books I read are usually by authors that I know I like. I tend to read very few books by new authors anyway, which is something I should probably change!

  11. Amy 10/12/2015 / 2:58 am

    I’ve read Red Queen, which I enjoyed, but I can see why it wouldn’t be for everyone. A lot of the authors on your list are ones that I also want to read at some point. Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 10/12/2015 / 1:22 pm

      Thanks! That’s good to hear, I guess I’ll see what I think of it when I read it.

  12. Michael 10/12/2015 / 4:08 pm

    I’m curious about Patrick Ness and want to read some of his books. This curiosity comes because Ness is the showrunner for the upcoming Doctor Who spin-off.

    • iloveheartlandx 10/12/2015 / 5:04 pm

      I didn’t even know there was an upcoming Doctor Who spin-off! I hope we both enjoy Patrick Ness’ books though.

  13. Nish 10/12/2015 / 4:19 pm

    I haven’t read even a single one of these authors. I’ve heard great things about Red Queen, that’s going to be on top of my TBR list next year, for sure.

    • iloveheartlandx 10/12/2015 / 5:06 pm

      Me either! I’ve heard mixed things about Red Queen, but it sounds good to me, so it’s definitely close to the top of my TBR for next year!

  14. Tangled 'N' Books 10/12/2015 / 7:23 pm

    Whoo I’ve heard of Ink and Bone. Great list! Man my tbr is getting too long.

  15. betwixt-these-pages 10/12/2015 / 8:39 pm

    There are some great picks here! I’m currently reading Red Queen–I’m not sure it’s going to end up on my favorite reads of all time list, but it’s fascinating enough I haven’t put it down yet, so that counts for something.

    The Accident Season is a book I’ve been DYING to get my hands on since before it was published; hopefully in the near future, I’ll be able to do just that.

    • iloveheartlandx 10/12/2015 / 8:41 pm

      Thanks! That’s good to hear about Red Queen. The Accident Season does sound brilliant doesn’t it? Hopefully we both enjoy it when we get the chance to read it.

  16. Cassie-la 10/12/2015 / 9:35 pm

    I would also like to get to Rachel Caine, Victoria Aveyard and Sara Raasch next year! Victoria Aveyard will probably be first (despite hearing similar mixed reviews) since the next book is coming out soon.

    • iloveheartlandx 10/12/2015 / 9:36 pm

      Oh yeah, forgot about that! Should probably read them in order of which has their next book coming out soonest!

  17. Amy S. 10/12/2015 / 11:53 pm

    I’ve been meaning to read Patrick Ness for a while too. I’m sort of interested in Ink and Bone too.

  18. Angelized1st 11/12/2015 / 1:05 am

    I enjoyed The Red Queen, but it does seem to be hit or miss. Almost every other person I know didn’t like it.

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 11:09 am

      Yeah, I’m prepared for that now. I’m glad I haven’t just heard glowing praise about it, otherwise my expectations would be way too high and I’d probably be disappointed. At least now my expectations are more realistic!

  19. T.K. Lawrence 11/12/2015 / 3:09 am

    Nice TTT! I’d definitely recommend “Graceling”if you like books about female assassins and “Bitterblue” which is a “Graceling” novel. Rachel Caine, Sara Raasch, and Patrick Ness are on my TBR, too 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 11:07 am

      Thanks! I love books about female assassins, so hopefully Graceling should be right up my street. Let’s hope we both like their books when we read them then 🙂

  20. Sabrina @ Sabrina's Stories 11/12/2015 / 5:43 am

    I am one of those who didn’t love Red Queen or Snow Like Ashes – I hope you like them more than I did when you get to them.
    I however did love The Accident Season. If you like the synopsis, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the book 🙂
    I also highly recommend the Every trilogy!

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 11:07 am

      I hope I like them more than you did too, but I like that I’ve heard a mixed range of opinions about them because it means that my expectations won’t be too high. I’m sure I will like The Accident Season, it sounds great. The Every trilogy sounds amazing, I hope I will get to it at some point.

  21. Brandi @ Brandi Janee's Bookshelf 11/12/2015 / 8:28 am

    I’ve only heard of a few of these authors but I haven’t read anything by any of them yet. I’m going to look up the authors I’ve never heard of and read some new. Nice TTT!

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 11:05 am

      Glad to have helped you find some new authors to read. Thank you!

  22. Ash @ Teabears & Co 11/12/2015 / 11:56 am

    VICTORIA AVEYARD AND PATRICK NESS! Oh my god Red Queen. I loved every bit of Red Queen and the wait for Glass Sword is driving me crazy. Patrick Ness’s writing though.. urgh it’s so beautiful and incredible it’s unfair. I reevaluated my entire life after reading his Chaos Walking trilogy. I hope you get to read The Knife of Letting Go soon! Thanks so much for stopping by @Teabears&Co!

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 12:20 pm

      So glad to hear that you liked their books so much. I hope I get to read it soon too!

  23. Tammy 11/12/2015 / 1:39 pm

    I read Rachel Caine for the first time this year, and I adored Ink and Bone! I hope you get the chance to read it soon!

  24. peculiarb 11/12/2015 / 4:39 pm

    Great list! I’ve had my eye on both The Accident Season and Snow Like Ashes for months, while Rachel Caine’s Ink and Bone book is great (especially if, like me, you’re still insulted by the destruction of the Library of Alexandria even today).

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 6:07 pm

      Thanks! I’ve had The Accident Season for months but Snow Like Ashes is a more recent purchase. It sounds amazing, I love the idea of a world where the Library of Alexandria survived.

  25. Emma @ Emma Likes Books 11/12/2015 / 6:11 pm

    Despite the mixed reviews you should read Red Queen and Snow Like Ashes. I liked one more than the other, but it’s important for everyone to have their own opinion based on their own reading experience.

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 6:16 pm

      Oh yeah I’m definitely going to. I read reviews but I don’t get too put off if they’re mixed, if I think I’m going to like a book then I want to try it and make up my own mind.

  26. Dena @ Batch of Books 11/12/2015 / 8:22 pm

    There have been a lot of mixed reviews on Red Queen, but it did win the best Debut Author award on Goodreads this year. Sometimes the books with mixed reviews are the ones I end up liking the most.

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 8:24 pm

      Yeah I’ve found that too! Often ones that are unanimously praised I actually find disappoint me, so I actually prefer reading books with mixed reviews because my expectations of them are more realistic.

  27. Marie @ drizzleandhurricanebooks 11/12/2015 / 8:28 pm

    Great list ! I liked Red Queen, I hope you will too! Moira Fowley-Doyle is on my TBR, I cant wait to get to it ! 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 11/12/2015 / 8:30 pm

      Thanks! That’s good to hear, I hope so too! Yeah me either.

    • iloveheartlandx 12/12/2015 / 11:24 am

      Yeah me too! I’ve had it since July and still haven’t read it yet!

  28. Parneet @ The Enchanted Book 12/12/2015 / 4:36 am

    I read Ink and Bone a little while back and I really loved it! I can’t wait to see where Rachel Caine takes the rest of the trilogy. Sara Raasch is one of my favourite authors from 2015 too. Ice Like Fire is going to be so good!!

    • iloveheartlandx 12/12/2015 / 6:58 pm

      That’s great to hear! I hope I like those books just as much as you did.

  29. whimsywriter3 12/12/2015 / 5:39 am

    I’ve heard so much about Patrick Ness, but I still haven’t read any books by him. I found some in the library this week, so I should be able to get them soon. 😀

    • iloveheartlandx 12/12/2015 / 11:24 am

      Same! Let’s hope we both enjoy his books! 🙂

      • whimsywriter3 12/12/2015 / 11:26 pm

        Agreed! 😀

  30. aubreysbooknook 12/12/2015 / 5:54 am

    Looks like some really good authors (plus some I have never heard of and need to add to the TBR)! Thanks 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 12/12/2015 / 11:23 am

      Thanks! No problem, glad you’ve found some new authors to check out 🙂

  31. @lynnsbooks 12/12/2015 / 2:27 pm

    Great list. I’ve read a few of these, such as Caine – but not read the Ink and Bone book – I do have a copy and I’m looking forward to picking it up.
    Lynn 😀

    • iloveheartlandx 12/12/2015 / 4:06 pm

      Thanks! I hope we both enjoy Ink and Bone when we read it.

  32. Erin 12/12/2015 / 2:58 pm

    I also really need to read a Patrick Ness book next year. I hope you are able to get to some of these next year!

    • iloveheartlandx 12/12/2015 / 4:06 pm

      Thanks! I hope so too and I hope we both get to read a Patrick Ness book next year.

  33. DanaSquare 12/12/2015 / 5:30 pm

    I loved Red Queen and Snow Like Ashes! Great list!

  34. Beth (Reading Every Night) 13/12/2015 / 12:01 am

    Wow, great list. I cannot wait for Rebel of the Sands next year, and I have heard some great things about Patrick Ness so I really need to check out his books in the new year.

    • iloveheartlandx 13/12/2015 / 12:06 am

      Thanks! Neither can I! Yeah so have I, so let’s hope we both like his books when we finally get a chance to read them.

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) 13/12/2015 / 12:08 am

        I feel like there’s a lot of hype around Rebel of the Sands but it sounds amazing so I think it’ll live up to it. There are so many good reviews for Patrick Ness, people seem to really enjoy his work so hopefully we will too when we get around to reading his books 🙂

      • iloveheartlandx 13/12/2015 / 10:43 am

        Yeah it does sound incredible, so I’m sure it will live up to the hype. I haven’t read too many reviews for Patrick Ness, but I know of a lot of bloggers who like his books, so hopefully we both will too 🙂

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) 13/12/2015 / 10:58 pm

        I have discovered so many amazing book through WordPress and other bloggers, my to-read list has doubled since I started. Patrick Ness has been on my to-read list for a while now but it can take me ages to get around to books sometimes, I only just read Fangirl this week 🙂

      • iloveheartlandx 13/12/2015 / 11:02 pm

        I know right! My to-read list has never been larger and it takes me a while to get around to books that everyone is talking about, I only started reading the newest Throne of Glass book at the beginning of last month and it’s been out since September!

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) 13/12/2015 / 11:06 pm

        I haven’t even started Throne of Glass yet, I really need to but I get put off by everyone saying the first book isn’t the best. Even though everyone seems to agree the series gets much better I just can’t seem pick these book up.

      • iloveheartlandx 13/12/2015 / 11:40 pm

        Yeah it’s hard when you go into a series knowing that the first book isn’t the best. It was better for me because I had never heard of the series when I first picked it up, so I had no expectations. The series really does get better though!

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) 14/12/2015 / 8:40 am

        I’ve got it on my to-read list for 2016, so I may just have to read it then despite what all the reviews say. I’ve been disappointed by books when I’ve had high expectations before, mainly the end of series which haven’t lived up to the rest of the books.

      • iloveheartlandx 14/12/2015 / 9:48 am

        We’ve all had that experience, you are not alone 🙂

  35. reesiereads 13/12/2015 / 1:54 am

    Hi! This is Reesiereads from over at Book Charmers. First, thanks for stopping by our new blog and taking the time to post a comment! Secondly, I am also in the camp of needing to read Codename:Verity next year. Maybe we will both finally see what everyone is raving about!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/12/2015 / 10:42 am

      Hi! No problem. Nice to meet someone else who is, hopefully when we read it we will enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to have.

  36. Elizabeth 13/12/2015 / 1:25 pm

    Oh man Kristin Cashore is so, SO good!! It’s distressing to me that it doesn’t look like there’s a new book on the horizon any time :(. But yeah, her Graceling Realms books are some of my favourites (I’ve moved so often that I only go out and buy books if I absolutely can’t get them at the library or if I loved them enough that I will reread them over and over). If you like fantasy, she’s likely going to be right up your alley!

    A lot of the others have been on my “I really have been meaning to get to this” list haha – Patrick Ness, Victoria Aveyard, Elizabeth Wein (turns out I have the second and third books in her historical fiction series that I only haven’t read because I don’t have the first book. Who would have known?? I’ve had them for AGES too!)

    • iloveheartlandx 13/12/2015 / 1:29 pm

      That’s great to hear! I love fantasy, it makes up about 90% of what I read, so I’m sure I’ll love her books. From what I’ve heard about the Graceling Realm books, they sound like just what I like. Yeah I have a lot of those! Let’s hope we both manage to get to them in the new year.

  37. Caught Read Handed 13/12/2015 / 8:26 pm

    I hope you get to read Patrick Ness next year! I would highly recommend A Monster Calls – but make sure you get the one with Jim Kay’s illustrations. It’s a great book. 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 13/12/2015 / 11:00 pm

      I hope so too! Okay, thanks for the recommendation, I’ll make sure to check it out if I like The Knife of Never Letting Go, which is the Ness book that I currently own.

    • iloveheartlandx 14/12/2015 / 9:50 am

      Thank you! Let’s hope we both like them when we get the chance to read their books.

  38. Rissi 14/12/2015 / 4:32 am

    “Red Queen” sounds and looks amazing! Needless to say, I’m hopeful to read that one too. Hopefully soon. 🙂

    Thanks so much for the visit to Dreaming Under the Same Moon. I appreciate it. 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 14/12/2015 / 9:49 am

      It does, doesn’t it? Hopefully we both get to read it soon. No problem.

  39. katherinereads 15/12/2015 / 3:31 pm

    Patrick Ness is really good and everyone (including me) seems to love him! I have been meaning to read some Elizabeth Wein for a while now, especially because I love YA historical fiction. I’ll even buy a book if she’s blurbed but I haven’t even read one of hers yet…

    • iloveheartlandx 16/12/2015 / 12:46 am

      That’s great to hear. Let’s hope we both like Elizabeth Wein’s books when we try them.

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