March 25th Lenten Devotion

Say What?

John Dumke

Matthew 10:5-8

Say What? Didn’t Jesus come into the World for the sake everyone, not just a select few. Why prohibit the Kingdom of Heaven (Jesus’ Way of living) to be limited to the very people who had gotten it wrong for so many years?

This just doesn’t seem right and goes against my image of Jesus as Savior of the world.  Yet, when I embrace the text, I begin to realize that this make perfect sense as the disciples know the culture and the people.  Jesus is giving them an opportunity to practice how to live and teach the Jesus way with people they can relate to.  Later they are sent out to a diverse group of people, Gentiles, Samaritan, and even Romans. The last command that Jesus gives them(us) is to live, teach and share the Kingdom of Heaven with anyone.  As we grow in our practice of living the Jesus’ Way, we become equipped and empowered to connect to people in ways that make sense to them!


Bringer of the Kingdom of Heaven instill in me the desire to practice The Jesus Way of living so I may grow in my relationship with You and build relationships with others. Amen


 John Dumke is the pastor of Our Saviors and Skogdalen Lutheran Parish in Westby Wisconsin.


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