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Psychopaths Brain Images are Different in MRI Scans


There are biological differences in the brains of psychopaths, compared to people that do not have psychopathy , otherwise known as anti-social personality disorder. 

The emotional regions of the brain do not light up in an MRI, as opposed to the way they light up in an MRI of a non-psychopath. There are also differences in the amygdala, which it the fight or flight center of the brain. 

Whether or not these differences are something people are born with or not is something that is still debated. It is possible that psychopaths have a personality that causes them to want to behave in certain ways that through repetition of these behavioral patterns, trains the brain to behave differently. 

The pre-frontal cortex of the brain is the part of the brain that regulates behavior. It is the restraining mechanism that keeps people from doing things that they are not willing to suffer the possible consequences of. People usually weigh out the possibilities of their actions before they act, but psychopaths seems to lack this function in their brains, according the the MRI scans. 

Psychopaths are not insane or psychotic. They have knowledge of right and wrong. They are impulse driven, but they are aware of the nature of their behavior. The actions of psychopaths are intentional and they choose to behave as predators. They see other people as their prey and they have no remorse over their actions when they hurt other people. 

Some scientists believe that there is a possibility that the brains of psychopaths can be altered with surgery. This is a topic of morale debate. Some scientists believe that surgically altering the brains of psychopaths is a way to save society of the consequences of the actions of convicted criminals once they are released. 

Of course, only a small number of psychopaths are in prison. Many psychopaths are fully functioning members of society and they blend in unnoticed by others. The victims they prey upon are mostly not believed because their wounds are not always physical.

Watch this documentary to learn more about these predators that walk among us. There are many psychopaths in all walks of life, and they are very good at masking their true nature and mirroring normal emotions. 

High functioning psychopaths are able to fool most anyone they choose to. Their victims are behind closed doors and when they tell anyone about their abuse, their story usually sounds unbelievable. 



2 thoughts on “Psychopaths Brain Images are Different in MRI Scans”

    1. Yes they do that. They watch how other people react in different situations to see what emotions are shown when, and how to show them with facial expressions, body language and words. It can be a red flag to notice because sometimes they will go a bit overboard with mimicking emotions and it does not quite seem to fit the situation, or their involvement in the situation. They do not always realize that different people react differently to the same situation, based on their relationship to what is happening.
      Like the wife of someone who is injured or killed will not normally respond in the same way as coworkers or onlookers. So I would take note of someone that seems to overacting or overdramatizing emotions, and it looks like they are on a stage.

      Otherwise it can be very hard to tell. And the high functioning ones are very good at what they do.
      Thank you for reading.


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