Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

McCain’s rocker

Some are saying that John McCain is off his rocker with this one:


I say that, yes, McCain’s remarks are part of a process leading America to martial law. Ideas are trotted out innocently enough – and with media assistance, of course – to see how the masses react (or if we ignore them) so that the next step may be decided upon with an eye always toward implementation of the larger agenda.

At some point I shall publish the natal chart of Modern Humanity (1892) which has reformer Uranus at 3Sco56 Rx (first house.) This year we have the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint conjunct this Uranus…

Saturn/Pluto = Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack regardless of potential losses; sudden acts of violence. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The Family, The Brethren, The Syndicate…no matter what you call them the world is in the grip of robbers and criminals some of whom pass themselves off as “Christians.” CINO…in name only, I say.

In fact, the National Prayer Breakfast held at the White House every February (begun in 1953) is staged by the secretive organization “the Fellowship” or “The Foundation.” This the group that owns the fancy townhouse where six US congressmen have been paying a cushy $600 month rent. All have denied association or even knowledge of The Fellowhip – their landlord, and the Prayer Breakfast organizer.

And the organization has operated under several names to keep things on the down-low and public scrutiny at a minimum.

Of course, as you would suspect, members of this secret world dominators’ group are under a secrecy oath so you would expect the renters to be mum about the subject. And the Prayer Breakfast is a tool used for recruiting wolrd leaders (DICTATORS) to get together and schmoose with the wheeler dealers of Washington.

Arlington, Virginia’s ‘Ivanwald’ which is located at the end of Twenty-Fourth Street, seems to be their headquarters (but I didn’t just type that out loud and you didn’t read it here!)

You may wish to read more on this subject if you’ve not glommed onto it already:

http://www.alternet.org/story/16167  ‘Undercover among America’s Secret Theocrats’

and there’s more here including Pat Robertson’s stepping down from the presidency of the Christian Coalition on Dec 24, 2001, so that George W. Bush could take his ‘rightful place’ as head of the ‘true’ American Holy Christian Church :


~:~ Oops! I’m getting a ‘Blog Not Found’ message for the above link but I’ll leave it awhile – perhaps it will perk up soon, dear Blogger… ~:~

“And then the mighty Bush bombed the Holy Land to smithereens with rockin’ McCain awaiting in the wings…”

And as you noticed, it’s “dominionism”- yet another of Pluto/Chiron’s oppressive -ISMs. This may be a clue to Dick Cheney’s Progressions for Sept 11, 2001 which placed his Pluto/Chiron midpoint at Midheaven by progression, and Mc is the Goal Point of the chart.

Well, Darkside has had ‘dominion’ ever since.

As mentioned before, I am a Christian – and these ‘holy’ bombing jackals don’t represent (or impress) me in the least. The Truth will out one day – and it won’t be a politician’s version!

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  1. At least it is not going to be Charlie Crist from Florida! Recent internet Bloging is pointing that the Democrats may force him out of the closet! I dont believe this guy has goten as far as he has Hiding This? He is getting Married now to try and hide it! But lets NOT FORGET Mark Foley? IS Mark Foley his Lover? They used to spend so much time together how could they not be??? No one has denied it YET??? More Needs to be found out on this before the convention!!!


    Brian Young

    August 4, 2008 at 3:06 am

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