Jude's Threshold

A Tapestry Blog of Astrology, Politics, Art, and Social Concerns

Mercurial notes on John Edwards

Mercury at the Crossroads!

You may know this already–presidential candidate John Edwards was born when Mercury was out-of-bounds.

Details (one of Mercury’s words) and his natal chart are here:


Out-of-bounds planets are indicators of extraordinary success in the realm of the particular planet involved, and with Mercury’s functions as orator, communicator, thinker, and commerce-lover, the speedy planet may be very important—if not the most important—planet to consider in Edwards’ natal chart esp during the presidential campaign.

An oobs planet accepts no limits so  the phrase, ‘thinking outside the box’ would describe an oobs Mercury quite well. An oobs planet helps with the overcoming of great obstacles and Edwards has done so in his education and career in order to get where he is today–will the Oval Office be his next stop? Well, there’s often “no stopping” an out-of-bounds planet!

Because whoever is (s)elected president will be, as we know, a constant voice in our heads, we may as well know a little something about orating Mercury’s thinking processes and style of communication. Edwards’ Mercury is in Cancer but with a Geminian Sun, which gives more objectivity in the thought processes than if Sun and Mercury are in the same sign.

Edwards ‘thinks’ as a nurturing Cancer but he ‘is’ a quicksilver Gemini.

The above-linked post is second in a series at Stars Over Washington, so if you drop by please scroll down a smidge to find the one I began with: Spotlight on Mercury: Barack Obama.

I’m not sure I’ll have a chance to post details on ALL the candidates’ Mercuries, but I’ll do them as I can, so if you have a request for one in particular, do let me know.


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