Vitamin C deficiency discovered in critically ill patients, researchers reveal in a recent NZ study

Remember the man dying in Waikato Hospital, where the authorities wanted to switch off his life support? His family suggested Vit C (IV) – no go. Would’t have a bar of that. So they enlisted a lawyer to fight for that right. They dragged their feet all the way on this – and the man is now alive & well back on his farm. But for the lawyer he would be gone…..

(Naturalhealth365) Sepsis, a systemic, body-wide complication of infection, features a grim mortality rate – particularly if it progresses to septic shock. Accounting for roughly one out of three hospital deaths, septic shock is fatal 30 to 50 percent of the time (conservatively speaking) – and claims roughly 250,000 lives a year in the United States. But, one way – gaining popularity – to avoid becoming a ‘death statistic’ is to rely on vitamin C, as soon as possible.

Natural health experts have long insisted that illnesses, such as sepsis, drastically deplete the body’s stores of vitamin C, an indispensable nutrient which can only be obtained through diet or supplementation. Now, a recent study from New Zealand reveals the devastating extent to which critical illnesses rob the body of vitamin C – even when patients are being given the amounts recommended by the conventionally-trained health experts.

3 thoughts on “Vitamin C deficiency discovered in critically ill patients, researchers reveal in a recent NZ study”

    1. Are you aware Tracy of the Waikato man who survived with Vit C? they were about to switch off his life support machine. I suspect you may be asking that question. The hospital wouldn’t administer it, took legal action to get them to. Be interesting to watch now if they do. Pharmaceuticals are generally all that are promoted, not natural vitamins.


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