The Blogging Begins…

My first blog post. Exciting? I think so!

You might ask why a 19-year-old college girl would want to start a blog and quite frankly when I hear blog, I immediately think of moms with kids, which does not apply to me (yet, thank goodness).

Here are my reasons for creating this blog:

1) I was told to. I attended a Simpson Forum this past semester called, “Women in the Workplace”. To be honest, my goal was earning extra credit for a class, but I learned more in 1 hour than I could in any college class. What I learned was essential for success. Finally. They talked about surviving in a business dominated by male power. Social media presence and the importance of connections was also discussed and sparked my interest. Bottom line…blogs bring connections.

2) I was told to. May term class: Entrepreneurship with Professor Green. 3 hour class at 8:30 AM was rough…at first. I ended being intrigued by successful entrepreneurs, and am itching with ideas. He encouraged us to start a magazine, start something. So a blog sounded good enough for me.

3) No, not because I was told to, but because I want to. To grow, create connections, and do what I do best, speak my mind. I fully believe that who you are comes from experiences and the struggles you may face throughout your time on this Earth. I am currently reading Start Something That Matters (another blog post to come) by TOMS Chief Shoe giver, Blake Mycoskie, and one of the points he makes it to create connections by telling your story, get yourself out there. So here I go…

Bear with me as I get the hang of it. The name will probably change, the tagline too, as I get the hang of this. It may not be pretty, but I hope it becomes an adventure, because this is the time for small paychecks and big memories.


Love and stuff,



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