According to our in-depth study and Research, Qadiani (Ahmadis) are non-Muslims; but our idiotic ignorant Mullahs, Imams and their brain-dead Ignoramus blind-followers have been fighting with Qadianis from decades always on the matter of Isa/Jesus that if Isa is dead or alive. The matter if Jesus is dead or alive, is not the main logical and rational argument that proves Qadianis as Non-Muslims. If one believes that Jesus has been died naturally at old age, and dead do not return; then this belief does not makes one Qadiani automatically as our ignorant Mullahs of South Asia claim; because there is tons of historical evidence that even before the birth of Impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, there were and still are many many non-Qadiani scholars who believed/believe, that Jesus, though survived death on Cross 4:157, but later, he was died naturally at old age 3:55, 5:117. Some Legendary Muslim figures like Second Fiqa Imam Imam-Malik, Hafiz Ibne Qayyam, Hafiz Ibne Kathir, Abu-al-Kalam Azad, Abaid-Ullah Sindhi, Jamal-uddin Afghani, One of the greatest Scholars Mufti Mohammad Abdu, two great sages of Muslim Umma Sir Allama Mohammad Iqbal and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Dr. Mohammad Asad Ph.D (One of the greatest Scholars of 1400 years Islamic history), Javaid Ahmed Ghamidi, Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D, Team Factszz, and many others did not believe in the fictions of ascension and return of Jesus; and fables of Mahdi & Dajjal. Besides these all great scholars agreed that ascension and return of Jesus, Non-Quranic Mahdi, and Non-Quranic Dajjal are mere fabricated stories. And that fables were spread among we Muslims through those forged hadiths which were blended in hadith books by Christian Missionaries and monafaq hypocrites of people of Book during Abbasid Period 750-1258 A.D.Later our Silly Mullahs and Folly Imams started to twist translation of verses of Quran in order to reconcile their fabricated hadiths with the verses of Quran. No doubt: Mirza G A Qadiani was a False Prophet but from 1200 years, majority of our Mullahs and Imams are also followers of Iblis because they have been doing Tahreef of verses of Quran deliberately in order to validate those fabricated hadiths which were forged by hypocrites like Rabbi K’ab-al-Ahbar and Rabbi Wahb bin Munnibah. Author of Sahih-Muslim “Muslim bin Hajjaj” writes in his one Book “Tamyeez” that Abu Huraira used to tell those stories to people which he used to listen from Rabbi K’ab-al-Ahbar and Rabbi Wahb bin Munnibah but many people used to record that stories as Hadiths of Prophet. This is why, in Six Sunni Books of Hadiths and four of Shia books, there are tons of those so called Sahih Hadiths which were fabricated by those hypocrites. Shaykh Rashid Rida who is also author of Tafseer “al-Manar” was top scholar and Fiqih in Sham Syria in the era of Uthmani Turks. He writes: In our so called Sahih Books, many hadiths are those which are fabricated by hypocrites.Reader should not forget that Abbasid Caliphs were half-Muslim and Half-Zoroastrian, as many of their tutors, ministers, wives and even mothers were Persian Zoroastrians. Almost all distortion that came in faith of Muslims, was during that 508 years of Abbasid Period, from 750-1258 A.D. Please also note that 508 years is a not a short period. Practically, Islamic empire was completely hijacked by Persian Zoroastrians for 508 years. During that very long period, they tried to their best to distort each aspect of Islam. They burned the original works of oldest Arabic Muslim Scholars. They also tried to change text of Quran but they badly failed because Quran was memorized by countless Huffaaz 15:9. When they failed to change text of Quran; then they found another way to disable Quranic law and that way was to spread false theory of Abrogation and to forge Millions of hadiths in the name of last Prophet. Their target was to take revenge from Islam, as It were Muslims who bulldozed their Millennia Zoroastrian Sassanian Empire in 7th Century. Their fabricated hadith books created countless sects in Islam & ignorant Muslims placed Book of Allah aside 25:30 and started to follow that crap which is stuffed in their fake hadith Books. Most of that hadiths contradict laws of Quran at 180 degree, yet majority of Criminal Mullahs and Imams follow that crap from centuries. Persians also changed meaning of thousands of Quranic terms during translation from Arabic to Persian. Other Muslim countries translated that terms from Persian to in their own language such as Urdu in South Asia. So from 1200 years, our Islamic universities are teaching to students that fake translations of thousands of Quranic terms. What is result? Result is, that in most cases a Ph.D in Islamic theology is much more stubborn ignorant than even a farmer who never went to school because curricula in Islamic Universities from past 1200 years is based on fake translation of Quranic terms that Persian Zoroastrians devised during 750-1258 A.D.  A list of some 20+ innovations that were blended in Islam during Abbasid Period from year 750-1258 A.D are given at.
Also read a very important BOOK, Persian Zoroastrian’s conspiracy against Quran/Prophet/Islam – A MUST READING at:

So in the light of above-written Para, our approach to prove Qadianis as Non-Muslims is not like nonsensical & irrational approach of freak Mullahs and Ignorant Imams but our approach to disqualify Qadianis from the title of a Muslim is irrefutable and Solid; which is as under.

We debunk following claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani as under. Let first, highlight his preposterous claims: He claimed 1. that he is Mahdi, 2. He claimed that he is Masih-Mauood (Returning Masih=Jesus=Isa). 3. He claimed he is a ProphetIqbal_Mahdi_Masih1- His First Claim that he is Mahdi: Allah says; his Quran is complete & fully detailed and it explains everything that is needed in Islam 12:111, 16:89, 17:12. So any one who says, this is missing from Quran and that is missing from Quran is a Jaahil and an ardent Kaafir because in this way he/she is throwing a lie on Allah Jalla Aala who says, his BOOK is Complete and Fully detailed. We do not see any freak Mahdi or Dajjal in Noble Quran. In fact fiction of Mahdi used to exist among Persian Zoroastrians even before the landing of Noble Quran. After defeat of Persian Zoroastrian empire in 7th Century in the hands of Muslim Generals; many many Zoroastrians became Pseudo Muslims and Pseudo Hadith Imams like Bukhari, ImamMuslim, Ibne Maja, Abu-Doud, Tirmidhi, Nasaae, Yaqoob Kileeni of Shiites Al-Kafi; and in additions to forgery of millions of fake hadiths during Abbasid Period, they also blended fiction of Mahdi in Hadith Books that were again compiled by their own Zoroastrian Imams (Names are mentioned above already). Time of Abbasid was like that whore who is standing undressed at door and is available to anyone on this planet. Abbasid Courts were full of Evil-Atheists and gone-astray clerics of Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians etc. So; that was the time when many many Kharafaat (fables) were manufactured and blended in hadith Books. Kharafaat of Mahdi, Dajjal & Return of Isa were also blended in fabricated hadith books of Shiites and Sunnis at that time. Later our Criminal Mullahs and Imams started to twist translations/meaning of verses of Quran in order to reconcile their fictions with Quran. For example, wafat is very common word and its meaning is cause to die but in order to validate fiction of alive Jesus they change meaning of Wafat from death to “To take up Alive to heavens” but when same word Wafat appears in other verses of Quran over 25 times and appears in verse 10:46 for Last Prophet, then they translate the same word Wafat as “Cause to die. This is just one example of forgery in translation which highlights that Majority of our Mullahs and sectarian translators has indeed DNA of Pigs because they are shameless twisters of Book of GOD. Therefore, Mahdi is a Fiction; and claim of Mirza Qadiani that he is also Mahdi is nothing but a shameful lie and a despicable forgery. Please read: How fictions of Mehdi and Dajjal were forged and blended in hadith books of Sunni and Shiites? at Zoroastrian_MahdiDiscussing Shiite sect and Fable of Mahdi in detail; Goldziher writes in his Book “Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law” under Chapter 5: The Sects, at page 167 onward, that myth of Mahdi is indeed a fable of Persian Zoroastrians which at beginning was followed by Shia sect, and later it was infused in Hadith books of Sunni and Shia sects. (Note: Professor Dr. Goldziher (1850 –1921 A.D.), often credited as Ignaz Goldziher, was a Hungarian scholar of Islam. He is considered the founder of modern Islamic studies in Europe.)There is long discussion about Fabricated Hadiths of Mahdi in Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun. Readers who want to study that full discussion in Arabic, or English, can refer to following two books:

Arabic Book: Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun, Vol./Juz 01, Chapter 53 about Fatimids, page 514/569, edited by Abd-Allah Mohammad Darwaish, Publisher: Daar Y’arab, Damishq, Phone: 2312509. Post Box 12383, Sham/Syria.

English Book: Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun. Translated by Franz Rosenthal, Chapter: 51 “The Fatimid. The opinions of the people about him“, Page 398/1252.There is well known story that during a journey, Ahmed bin Hanbal and one his friend attended Salat Jum’a in nearby Masjid, where Khateeb was quoting some hadiths in the name of Ibn Hanbal, But Hanbal told his friend: he has never said or recorded these hadiths which this Khateeb is quoting. Professor Zubayr Siddiqi, and Professor Goldziher has also quoted this report in their books “Hadith Literature”; and “Muslim Studies” Vol: 02. Daraqutni (918-995 A.D.) said: “Verily the correct hadith among false ahadith is exactly like the white single hair on the black ox skin”. Contemporary of Zuhri and Malik; Layth wrote letter to Imam Malik that he neither trust Shihab Zuhri nor his hadiths, but still we can see, there are hadiths in which it is shown: Layth is narrating from Zuhri. For sure: all such hadiths are forged. Forgers were evil-genius. They always added in their fabricated chains/Isnaad name of a Person which was trustworthy and was close to Prophet. They did so, to make their forgery acceptable to Ignorant Fanatics. These forgers had attached many hadiths with the name of Imran bin Hussein and Zuhri but fact is: Zuhri and Imran bin Hussein could have never said those hadiths. In same way: almost all forged hadiths of Mahdi are attached with the name of Jabir ibn Samurah; and Jabir ibn Samurah might have never said those hadiths of Mahdi.

Truth is: All hadiths of Mahdi and Dajjal are 100% forged. Therefore; Claim of Mirza G A Qadiani for Mahdi-hood and Prophet-hood is totally absurd and outrageous; in fact moronic. Isnaad/Chains of Sunni books of hadiths are full with names of Abu Hurairah and Zuhri; but it is mentioned in several famous Sunni books that Caliph Umar RA and Aisha RA declared Abu Hurairah a beggar, a thief, a Khaa’in and hadith forger. Mu’tazila Theologian Nazzam said: Abu Hurairah told lies to Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, Ali and Aisha (RA).  As per Jamia Bayaan al-ilm of Ibn Barr, Tabaqaat ibn S’ad, Badayia wal Nahayia of Ibn Kathir, and Taqyid of Khateeb Baghdadi; Zuhri confessed, he hated to write hadiths but he wrote under pressure of Kings/Rulers. As per Yaqubi, hadith of Qiblatain was forged by Zuhri under pressure of Omayyad Caliph Abd-al-Malik, after he banned People of Sham from Hajj; because in Mecca, Abd-Allah bin Zubayr RA was taking Oath of Loyalty from all Hujjaaj. But people of Sham protested: that do you want to ban us from Hajj which is made Fard (mandatory) by Allah! In order to diffuse this problem: Abd-al-Malik addressed people of Shaam (Syria), and said: Here is Shihab Zuhri who tells you an hadith: that a Rock in Jerusalem has same status as of Meccan-Kaaba. So he built a Masjid over that Rock, and told Syrians to do Tawaaf of that Masjid so called aqsa. Please note: Masjid Aqsa in Jerusalem was built 60 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad(s). Meaning of word aqsa that appears in Quran 17:1, is Remote/Farthest Mosque. Read our page about the forgery of hadith of flying donkey – Boraaq. Also read our page about Quranic Salat. Books of Shia are also Himalaya of false stories.

Please also read following great page written by someone in which he has discussed how lies of Mahdi, and Hadiths about Black Flag of Kharasan were forged, and then advanced.
2- His 2nd Claim that he is Masih-Mauood (Returning Masih=Jesus=Isa): Quran, history, & even bibles prove that Jesus survived death on Cross but died at very old age. And Quran tells that, dead can never return to this planet. Therefore, claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani that he was Masih-Mauood is nothing but another shameful forgery.

TischendorfClaim of Mirza Qadiani that he was Masih-Mauood >> Returning Masih(Jesus) is absurd because Noble Quran says, a dead person can never break barrier of Barzakh to come back to this earth again.4c9XjjjAn honest mature reader will be flabbergasted to know that when we our-self read each line of hand-written oldest manuscripts of all Four Gospels known as of Mark, Mathew, Luke and John of 4th Century; we did not see any trace of fiction of ascension and return of Jesus; not a single word.  So when did church manufacture this fiction? After landing of Quran, the straight verbatim truth of Divine Quran was so much impressive that at high speed, people started to convert to Islam. This was very bad time for Church. So Crusaders planned how to attract more converts to Christianity too. They finally planned a forgery, and that was to blend fiction of ascension & return of Jesus in Gospel of Mark to impress new converts that Christianity is superior to Islam. Their missionary started to tell new converts that, Look! Alive Jesus is sitting on the right hand of GOD & will return to this planet again, but Prophet Mohammad is on ground; so according to their fantasy, Jesus was made superior to Last Prophet by them and in this way, they preached to new converts that Christianity is superior to Islam. That Crusader’s missionary did not stop just here but they also fabricated many hadiths that were later blended in Six Sunni Hadith Books and books of Shia during Abbasid Period. One of that forged hadiths is: Satan touches body of every baby after his birth with his fingers but Satan failed to touch body of baby-Jesus, so he touched only his placenta”. Clearly, this crap was forged to show, that Jesus is superior to Mohammad. Therefore; reader must learn without any doubt: that fiction of ascension and return of Jesus was fabricated by Church and blended in Gospel of Mark centuries later; and later other gospel writers copied that fiction from gospel of Mark. The forgery that we have discussed just now was also confirmed by one of the greatest German Christian Bible Scholars of 2000 history “Professor Constantin von Tischendorf”. But Crusaders did not stop just here; they advanced to Courts of Abbasid Caliphs and managed to blend fiction of ascension and return of Jesus in hadith Books that Persian Zoroastrian Imams fabricated 250-400 years after the death of Prophet with fake Matans and fake Isnad (Chains of narrations). CorruptioninMarkCarRacingChurchVsMullahsFHence, inventors of all hadiths that show, Jesus went alive to heavens and will return back, were Crusader’s missionaries. From fake hadith books, later, that fiction was infused in the rotten heads of our ignorant Mullahs and Imams, & they are preaching this fable to majority of blindly-following ignorant Muslims from centuries. When we tell this truth to these brainless fanatics, instead of accepting truth, they declare us either Qadiani or a Kaafir. Whether, Al-Hamdo-Lillah! we are neither follower of Impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani nor are we Kaafirs but we are Muslims and only Muslims, and Allah knows the truth who listens even what soul of a person whispers. Quran makes clear that Jesus survived death on Cross 4:157, raised in honor 4:158 and died naturally at old age 5:117. In verse 43:61, word INNA-HU points to Quran but criminal Mullahs add name of Jesus in bracket (JESUS) in verse 43:61 during translations in order to validate their fable which is being discussed here. Truth is; that ascension & return of Jesus is the biggest dogmatic fiction of mankind history that Church has forged and blended in 4 Gospels centuries later; & Church also managed to blend that fiction in Hadith Books that Persian Zoroastrian Imams fabricated 250-400 years after the death of Exalted Prophet. For full in-depth discussion on this subject, please read fully the links that we have provided below:We read verse 5:7 of Gospel of Hebrews from 4th Century’s Codex Sinaiticus as under: Please note: this verse is relevant to Cross incident. “who, in the days of his flesh, having with strong crying and tears offered up both prayers and supplications to him who was able to save him from death, and having been heard because of his piety”.

Note by Factszz: Now, from above-mentioned verse of Gospel of Hebrews, it becomes 100% clear from words “and having been heard” that Jesus did not die on Cross. In simple words, verse 5:7 of Gospel of Hebrews is telling that Jesus offered his prayer to God to save his life, and God accepted his prayers and therefore; he was saved from dying on Cross. God saved Jesus from dying on Cross because 2000 years ago, death on Cross was considered a “Cursed Death”. So, even Christian’s some own books confirm what God has said in verse 4:157 of his last and final testament “Quran” which is Book of books and Truth of all truths.In fact Substitution Theory was originated from some gnostic Christian groups which later made its way to those Sunni and Shia books of hadiths which were fabricated during Abbasid Period (750-1258 CE). We have read each line of these fabricated books, and these books are full of fairy tales, hoaxes, and moronic jokes. For example, Sunni book Bukhari tells: Satan sleeps in your nose, and Satan also urinates in your ears, and when Hell spoils, people suffer from fever (then why not all at once), Evil Omen is in woman horse and house; and another Sunni book Sahih-Muslim writes: all black dogs are Devil. Shia Book Nahj-al-Balagha writes that in fact Women are another specie of Scorpions. Besides; when “People of Book” converted to Islam; some of them were pseudo converts. They joined Islam only in order to harm Islam. This kind of Pseudo converts exported their many Kharafaats (fables) to Islam. In the same way: Persian Zoroastrians used to believe in tale of Mahdi. When they entered in Islam, they blended this freak Mahdi in Sunni and Shia hadith books, and in order to further reinforce this tale, they forged many more hadiths about Mahdi. There is no any trace of Mahdi in Complete and fully detailed Quran. Pseudo Yemeni converts Rabbi K’ab-al-Ahbar, Rabbi Wahb bin Munibbah and Hamam bin Munibbah were supersonic factories of Hadiths-Forgery. After listening those all stories from Pseudo Converts, his Excellency Abu Hurairah used to tell Muslims those stories, and many times people used to record those stories as hadiths of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. It is well documented by Dhahabi, and by many other Authors. Even author of Sahih-Muslim “Muslim bin Hajjaj” writes in his book Tamyeez that after listening stories from K’ab, Abu Hurairah used to tell K’ab’s stories to Muslims; and many Muslims used to record those stories as hadiths of Prophet. During Turk Ottoman Empire, one of the top most Scholars of that era Shaykh Rashid Rida said: many so called hadiths which are labeled as “Sahih” were in fact concocted by “People of Book”. Tons of fake gossipy stories which we read today in all Tafsir books were invented by Rabbi Wahb bin Munibbah. Those stories were further advanced and expanded by Majoosi Liar Tabari, and then Ignorant Shami Mullah Ibn Kathir copied all lies of Tabari. And today heretical Sunni Mullahs give importance to their demigod Ibn Kathir even more than book of God “Quran”.Quranic verse 4:157 tells clearly that Jesus was not Crucified=Not died on the Cross but it seemed to people like, he has been crucified=died on Cross. Because when Jesus was removed from Cross he was in so deep coma that he seemed like a dead person. This is the whole Truth. But our mentally retarded hoax-monger Mullahs, Imams, Mufassars and their blind-followers has invented a huge big lie; which is: that by mistake, Romans and Jewish Judges hanged someone else in the place of Jesus. These brain-dead Mullahs think that Romans who placed Jesus on Cross were mere ten year old school boys, and they were not aware of Face of Legendary Person Jesus. Only a mentally retarded moron can believe in this kind of childish moronic story. You will surprise that even those Mullahs also believe in this moronic tale who have done PhD. Their PhDs are fake because during PhD, the material they are taught is also fabricated fake. A week ago, we read a book about Jesus which was written by a PhD Mullah who lives in U.K. His name is “L.F”. His book is book of lies and moronic jokes. He also wrote in his crappy book that by mistake, instead of nailing Jesus on Cross; Romans placed someone else on Cross. These Fake Scholars propound fables, fictions and moronic tales; yet do not feel any shame.This Moronic Substitution Theory was further spread at massive scale among we Blindly Following Muslims by One Ignoramus Mullah “Ibn Kathir 1300-1373 CE”. If you meet any Mullah, he will not tell you that Noble Quran says this and that, but instead, he will tell you: Ibn Kathir says this and Ibn Kathir says that. Near Sectarian Shia and Sunni heretics, Ibn Kathir is their hugely big demigod. But will you not wonder that vast majority of these sectarian heretics neither understand whole Quran in their whole life nor even they read their concocted extra-Quranic books fully! But we know each word of Glorious Quran, and we have read each line of almost all extra-Quranic books which Sunni and Shia have manufactured in past 1200 years. This Syrian (Shami) Arab Mullah Ibn Kathir was so big Jaahil (ignorant) that he writes in his Tafsir (exegesis) that our planet Earth is resting on a Fish. When that Fish moves; we feel earthquake. Then after a few chapters this big demigod of Sectarian heretics changes his mind, and now he writes: our planet earth is resting on horns of a Bull and that Bull have 40000 (forty thousand) horns. When that Bull moves, we feel earthquake. Factszz never post lies. You can read Original-Scanned-Book reference at this link which shows you what Ibn Kathir has written about that Bull which have 40000 horns. Sunni’s Demigod Mullah Ibn Kathir indeed deserved two Nobel Prizes, one in the field of Physics for such a great marvelous discovery about earthquake, and another Nobel Prize for being the “Best Hoax-Monger” of 14th century, for spreading moronic tale of substitution theory.

All the four Canonical Gospels, over a dozen apocryphal gospels, and tons of historical evidence tells us that Jesus was nailed on Cross. Even, apart from four canonical Gospels, Tibetan Scrolls also confirm that he was nailed on Cross. But Joker Mullahs say: Romans were 10 years old fool boys, so by mistake they placed on Cross someone else in place of Jesus. Apparently, Mullahs spread this moronic lie because these Ignoramus Idiots say: God cannot allow someone to place his Prophet on Cross; but these Mullahs do not know that this life is Trial and Test (Quran 67:2), and many other prophets and messengers of God were even killed by Infidels. We all know, Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) was murdered. Could God not save John the Baptist? For sure: God could save him if God had willed so. But as we said already: this temp and transient life is test and trial.

Big Truth is: vast majority of our ancient Mullahs, Imams and Mufassars were much more ignorant than even laptop Mullahs of today. All Mufassars were mere hoax-collectors. Their books are full of folklore and fairy tales. Do not forget that Quran never denies nailing of Jesus on Cross in 4:157 but in 4:157, Quran denies his Crucifixion. Death on Cross is binding Condition of the Punishment which is called Crucifixion. If a Person is removed from Cross before his death, he is NOT CRUCIFIED = WA MA SALABU = Not Crucified 4:157. When we told a brain-dead Sunni Fanatic that you can find definition of Crucifixion in Oxford Dictionary, Wikipedia or in any other Encyclopedia, and that is: “to kill a person after binding him on Cross”; that Sunni Fanatic replied. I neither believe in Oxford dictionary nor in any encyclopedia. I need definition of Crucifixion from any Top Muslim Scholar. So, then we showed him reference from one Muslim Scholar of past who is considered one of the Top Most Scholars in Arabic Lexicon especially Quranic Lexicon. His name is Raghib Isfahani (died 1108 CE). Raghib has also defined Crucifixion exactly in same words which we find in Oxford Dictionary today. Quran43_61PlusTableFDo not forget to read following pages that prove our Point.

True history of Hadith. A MUST reading for all Muslims; & Non-Muslims who R interested in Theology. Quranic verses relevant to Jesus Isa are discussed in depth at this great page. Never miss it. best scholarly page on the life of Isa Jesus from A to Z. A Treasure for the Students of Comparative religion What is meaning of word RAFA in verse 4:158 of Noble Quran?

What top Non-Qadiani Scholars has said about the return of Jesus in past 1400 years?

3- His 3rd Claim that he is a Prophet: He also claimed that he was a Prophet. Though he took back his this false claim in his book “Aaik Ghalti Ka Azala” but Qadiani and Ahmadis insist, he was a Prophet. Noble Quran makes clear that the DEEN Islam which started from Adam/Idris has been perfected on Last Prophet Mohammad The Exalted,  and has been finalized in Noble Quran “alyawma akmaltu lakum deenakum” 5:3. Quran also makes clear that Prophet Mohammad The exalted was last Prophet of GOD “wakhatama alnnabiyyeena 33:40”. Avid readers of Noble Quran knows well that one never becomes a Muslim just by reciting Kalama (Shahada) so named as “Kalama Tayyiba” as ignorant Mullahs and Imams are preaching to majority of ignorant Muslims from centuries because if just Kalama Tayyiba is criteria for to be a Muslim, then Qadiani recite same Kalama too. Truth is, that from First to last Prophet, one was/is Muslim when he/she believed/believes in Five, Allah, his Scriptures/Books (Only in their original form), Prophets, Angels and day of resurrection/day of judgment (Qayama) as per Quran 4:136. From five, for the sake of argument, concentrate on “PROPHETS”. So to believe in all true Prophets is essential component of Imaan (faith) but when one adores an impostor as a Prophet, he/she violates terms of Imaan that are given in Five essentials of 4:136, and he/she becomes instantly OUT OF ISLAM . Quran makes very clear that who denies even one component from FIVE of 4:136, is gone astray. Therefore, claims of Impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani and impostor Rashaad Khalifa for prophet-hood, must be summarily rejected.MirzaQadiai02RasoolNabiCOVerseand22_52 - CopyLast ProphetQadiani or anyone who follows Impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani is out of Islam. So to disqualify a Qadiani from the title of Muslim, you have to accept three truth which are: Mahdi is a fiction; Ascension & Return of Jesus is a fiction; and Quran makes so clear as sun on sky that Deen Islam has been perfected upon Last Prophet Mohammad the exalted, and and no any Prophet of GOD will come after Prophet Mohammad the exalted. These three truth shut all back doors, from where, Qadiani usually try to escape, but if as usual, like fool Mullahs, you are fighting with Qadianis to prove already died Jesus “Alive”; then you are trading in a desert, and your approach is untrue, moronic, fictitious, shallow, illogical, irrational, unrealistic and nonsensical. Important_CalloutQadianisAnd4thPillarOfFaithQadianisAnd2_213SirSyedDo not forget to visit our main page to read billions of tons of shocking truth at:


Please note: In concocted Six Sunni Books so falsely labeled as Siahe-Sitta; there are tens of reports in which same Arabic word “Rafa” is used which is used in Quran 4:158 for Jesus. And all that tens of reports never translate word Rafa as “to raise someone alive to sky” but they have translated word Rafa in those tens of reports as “To raise in Ranks/Darajaat”. But when these Sunni  and Shia Forgers come to verse 4:158; they translate same word Rafa as “to raise to sky alive”. Is not this 101% Tahreef tampering in the translation of Book of Allah! They do this Tahreef deliberately in order to reconcile their those forged hadiths with 4:158 which say: Isa was taken up alive to Sky, and in future he will drop on a minaret of one Mosque in Damascus. Then Jesus will search houses of all Christians to break their Crosses. And when it is done; then he will search Swine on whole planet to kill those all. Only brainwashed rotten demented sick minds can believe in this kind of Moronic Childish Comic Funny ridiculous fabricated Stories. This type of all Forged Hadith come from one man “Abu Hurairah” and there is no other witness for that reports except Abu Hurairah alone. We read in one Book of Muslim bin Hajjaj (author of Sahih-Muslim) and in many other books too, that Abu Hurairah used to listen stories from two Pseudo Converts (in fact big hypocrites) Rabbi Wehb bin Munnibah and Rabbi K’ab-al-Ahbar; and then Abu Hurairah used to tell their fables to people but many people used to record that fables as Hadiths of Prophet. This is the reason, one Greatest scholars of his time who is also Author of Tafsir Manar, Shaykh Rashid Rida wrote: “that many so called authentic hadiths are in fact lore of People of Book”. Besides; it is written in over 10 well known Books of Sunni sects that Caliph Umar RA and Aisha RA declared Abu Hurairah a beggar, a thief, a Khaa’in and an hadith forger. But it is big shame that Sunni sect deliberately twists Quranic verses 4:158, 4:157, 43:61, 3:55, 3:144, 5:116-117 only and only in order to reconcile those forged hadiths with Quran which were fabricated/narrated by a beggar, a thief, a Khaa’in and an hadith forger. We highly recommend you to read our page about “Biography of Abu Hurairah” at:

Harun_YahyaImportantNanoWafat_Jesus_DeathFFollowing example will also show to an honest and unbiased reader; how these Evil Mullahs and majority of Criminal Sectarian Translators deliberately twist verses of Quran in order to validate and support fiction of Ascension and Return of Prophet Isa Jesus.

Following is true translation of verse 5:117 by Dr. Allama Mohammad Asad Ph.D. Please see the Arabic and English words that are highlighted in yellow color. For the death of Prophet Isa, in 5:117, Arabic word “tawaffaytanee” is used which is derivation of word Wafaat, which mean natural death.Quran5_117AsadNow see below, how another Sectarian translator called “Sahih International” has translated verse 5:117. Reader should again see highlighted words. This Criminal Translator has twisted translation of word “tawaffaytanee” as “Took me up” instead of “cause me to die”, in order to support fiction.But now see below, verse 2:234 in which, for death, Arabic word “yutawaffawna” is used which is also derivation of word “Wafaat” which is also used in verse 5:117 for Prophet Isa. So the word “yutawaffawna” of 2:234, and “tawaffaytanee” of 5:117 are same words’ derivation of word “Wafaat“. But, have you noticed, that, “Sahih International” has now translated word “Wafaat” as “Death” in verse 2:234, but when same word of Wafaat is appeared in 5:117 for Prophet Isa, same translator “Sahih International” has now deliberately changed translation of word “Wafaat” from “death” to “Take up”. This is a despicable crime, that, these criminal sectarian Translators commit with Book of Allah. Hell is waiting these conscienceless, shameless and honor-less twisters of Book of Allah.Quran2_234Quran makes clear, that though Jesus did not die on Cross 4:157 but as per 5:116-117 he, later, died naturally at very old age (Kahlan 3:46). When fanatics lose debate, they start to speak nonsense, such as, O this is present tense and that is past tense or future tense etc. For example, when we sent verse 5:116-117 to a fiction-lover fanatic; he answered, that verses 5:116-117 are talking about future which is not arrived yet. He was claiming, that dialogue between Jesus and Allah given in 5:116-117 will happen on the day of judgment. Such type of idiots believe that Jesus is relaxing in some remote part of heaven from past 2000 years and he will drop on this earth in order to make intensive search of all sugarcane fields of World (especially Cuba) in order to kill all swine. Abu Hurairah has not told, which brand of rifle he will use. Then he will visit home of every Christian, and will break all the CROSS they possess. This tough duty was assigned to Son of Mary in a fabricated hadith concocted by Abu Hurairah, whom Aisha RA and Caliph Omar RA declared a beggar, a thief, and hadith forger. Please read our page “Biography of Abu Hurairah” to see proof provided by reputed scholars of Sunni Sect. Shia are also a deviated sect. Quran forbids all sects 6:159, 3:105. Please note that verses 5:116-117 never use any word of “Qayama” day of judgment. Dialogue given in 5:116-117 has already been done in past, right after death of Jesus. Because Quran says in 32:11 that after death, Humans will be brought back to Allah (in Spiritual Realm). Besides; Arabic words “Qala” and “Qult” used in verses 5:116-117 are forms of PAST TENSE which confirms, that dialogue mentioned in 5:116-117 has already been completed between Allah and Jesus, right after the death of Jesus. Whole text of that verses is in past tense. Please refer to following table to see, that words “Qala” and “Qult” used in 5:116-117 are in forms of past tense, when Quran was landing and so now too:Quran32_11_malak_moutAnswering one Christian John Brzykcy: Thank you John: Peace be upon you too. We have posted what Quran exactly says. Before year 738 CE, Muslims used to follow only Quran (Ref: Ihya of Al-Ghazali, Professor of Islamic law Columbia University, J. Schacht). But after year 738 CE; our Imams created sects, and they started to manufacture extra-Quranic books of so called Hadiths and Sunnah; despite the Fact: Prophet Mohammad and four Caliphs left behind only written Quran; nothing else. Those Books of so called hadiths and Tafsirs (exegesis) contain tons of manufactured fairytales which our Mullahs have attached with the name of Prophet. Now Sunni and Shia locked Quran in shelves; and started to run after these so called Books of Hadiths and Gossipy Tafsirs. In order to reconcile concocted Stories of Hadiths with Quran; now our Imams started to tamper translations of some verses of Quran. But Fact is: Quran is very Clear and Explicit.

Quran tells us in multifaceted forms that Jesus survived death on Cross-not died on the Cross=Wa Ma Salabu 4:157 but he died naturally at very old age around 120 years.

Secular Research also shows: Jesus died at age 120.

Over 20 so called Hadiths even in Books of Sunni-Sect tell: that Jesus died at age 120.

Word “Wafat” is very common word which is used in Arabic language, and also in Urdu language; and all people know, even a 5th grader in School knows that word Wafat is used for Death on daily bases. Quran has used word Wafat in over 25 verses, and word Wafat is translated in those 25 verses as DEATH even by Sunni and Shia Translators. But when these Sectarian Sunni and Shia translators reach to Quranic verse 5:117; they now switch their Car into different gear, and in order to validate stories of their concocted hadiths, now, instead of translating word WAFAT of 5:117 as usual “Death”, they translate it as “To take Jesus up to any unknown Remote part of the Sky”.

When they are asked: O Empty Heads: why are you tampering Translation of verse 5:117? They answer, because verse 39:42 tells: When a person sleeps, God takes his soul, and when he wakes up, God returns his soul. And according to these Fiction-Lovers; God took Jesus up to any unknown Remote part of the Sky while he was asleep; and he is still sleeping there in any unknown remote part of the Sky in a beautiful villa from 2000 years. And at the end of time, he will wake up, and then he will jump down to this earth again, and then (after getting double Covid-Vaccine), he will finish all swine on this planet, and will break all Crosses — Totally concocted tale.

Please also note: that these Sunni and Shia do not try to fit verse 39:42 on other 25 verses of Quran in which word WAFAT is used as DEATH but they try to superimpose verse 39:42 only on 5:117 because at any cost, they are determined to send Jesus up to any remote part of Sky. Despite the fact: verse 39:42 in no way fits in 5:117., and even many Top Sunni Scholars and Professors of Islam has also said that in 5:117, as usual, meaning of word WAFAT is Natural Death of Jesus. He has been died.

Also note: that Quran repeatedly tells: God is Omnipresent, and so, God is closer to man than even his neck-vein 50:16. Jesus said in his Sermons, and same is said by Quran too in verse 57:4 “God is with you wherever you may be.” We read in Quran 2:115 that “whichever direction you turn, there is presence of God.” Now a question arises in a Rational Head that if God is closer to man than even his neck-vein, then why was Jesus in need of, to be lifted to any remote part of the Sky; and why was Prophet Mohammad in need of taking a clandestine ride on a Fictitious Flying Horse-Buraq to meet God in any remote part of Sky!قران-الحکیم کے مطابق، گو، نبی عیسی عليه السلام کی موت، صلیب پر نہیں ہوئی 4:157 مگر ایک لمبی عمر 5:110 گزارنے کے بعد وہ طبعی طور پر مر گئے 5:117 اور مردے واپس نہیں اتے۔ مگر جاہل فرقہ پرست مولوی، مفتی اور امام، قران کے اس سچ کو ماننے کی بجائے اپنی جہالت کا سارہ غصہ جھوٹے نبی مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی پر ڈال کر بھاگ جاتے ہیں۔ اور یہ فرقہ پرست مولوی، مفتی اور امام اتنے بڑے مجرم ہیں کہ اپنی من-گھڑت روایات کو سپورٹ کرنے کے لیے، قران کی ایات کے ترجمہ کی تحریف کر دیتے ہیں۔ سب سے پہلے وہ ناسٹک-عیسائی تھے جنہوں نے یہ بچگانہ خرافات ایجاد کی کہ عیسی کی جگہ کسی اور بندے کو صلیب پر مارا گیا۔ جب عیسائی، ساتویں صدی عیسوی میں اسلام میں داخل ہوئیے تو انہوں نے یہ خرافات مسلمانوں میں بھی پھیلا دی۔ اسی طرح ان عیسائیوں نے عیسی کے زندہ اسمان پر جانے اور پھر واپس آنے کی خرافات بھی مسلمانوں میں پھیلا دی۔ اب جب عباسیوں کے دور میں سنی اور شیعہ فرقوں کی احادیث کی فورجری شروع ہوئی تو یہ خرافات ان کی احادیث کی کتب میں ڈال دی گئیں۔ اب، فرقہ پرست مولوی، مفتی اور اماموں نے اپنی من-گھڑت احادیث کو قران-مجید سے ری-کنسائل کرنے کے لئے قران کی ایات کے ترجمہ کی تحریف شروع کردی۔ مثال کے طور پر: قران میں لفظ وفات پچیس سے زیادہ ایات میں موت کے لیے استعمال ہوا ہے مگر جب وہی لفظ وفات، عیسی کے استعمال ہوتا ہے تو یہ حرام کے پلے اس کا ترجمہ موت کی بجائے عیسی کا زندہ اسمان پر اٹھایا جانا کر دیتے ہے۔ ہندوستان، پاکستان اور عربوں میں؛ یہاں تک کہ اسکول میں پانچویں جماعت کا طالب علم بھی جانتا ہے کہ وفات کا مطلب موت ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر جب یہ جاہل مولوی اسحاق مرا تھا تو اخبار کی خبر کچھ ایسے تھی کہ مولوی اسحاق وفات پا گیا ہے یعنی مر گیا ہے۔ اسی طرح قران کی متعدد ایات میں، لفظ رفعہ استعمال ہوا ہے جس کے معنی، درجے میں اور روحانی بلندی ہے مگر یہ مولوی اس کا ترجمہ اسمان کی طرف جسم کا زندہ اٹھایا جانا کر دیتے ہیں، سنی فرقہ کی روایات کی کتب میں بھی لفظ رفعہ، درجہ میں بلندی کے لیے کئی دفعہ استعمال ہوا ہے جیسے کہ صحیح-مسلم میں ہے کہ نبی عليه السلام نے کہا وما تواضع أحد لله إلا رفعه الله– ان جاہل ملاؤں کو یہ بھی پتہ نہیں کہ جب ہم، عیسائوں کی چوتھی صدی میں لکھی ہوئی چار گاسپل کو پڑھتے ہیں تو ان میں عیسی کے زندہ اسمان پر جانے اور پھر واپس آنے کی کہانی موجود ہی نہیں۔ یہ کہانی انہوں نے صدیوں بعد، گاسپل میں ڈالی۔ پھر یہ خرافات، من-گھڑت احادیث کا حصہ بن گئیں اور پھر سنی اور شیعہ ملاؤں کے دیمک-زدہ دماغوں میں یہ خرافات گھس گئی۔ اسی طرح یہ ملاں، ایات 4:159, 3:144, 43:61 کے ترجمہ کی بھی تحریف کرتے ہیں۔ ایت 4:157 کبھی بھی یہ نہیں کہتی کہ عیسی کی بجائے کسی اور کو صلیب پر مارا گیا۔ لفظ شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ صرف یہ بتا رہا ہے کہ عیسی عليه السلام  صلیب پر نہیں مرے مگر دشمنوں کو ایسے لگا کہ وہ صلیب پر مر گئے ہیں کیونکہ ایک بے-ہوش ادمی ایسے ہی لگتا ہے جیسے مردہ ادمی۔ تو ایک بے-ہوش انسان کی شبیہ ایک مردہ انسان سے ملتی ہے۔ قران ایت 4:157 میں یہ بالکل نہیں کہتا کہ عیسی عليه السلام کو صلیب پر نہیں چڑہایا گیا بلکہ قران کہتا ہے کہ عیسی مصلوب نہیں ہوئیے یعنی ان کو کروسی-فائی نہیں کیا گیا۔ یعنی ان کی موت، صلیب پر نہیں ہوئی یعنی، وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ۔ کروسی-فکشن کی تعریف یہ ہے کہ اگر کوئی انسان صلیب پر مر جاتا ہے تو اس کا معنی ہے کہ وہ مصلوب ہو گیا یعنی اسے کروسی-فائی کر دیا گیا۔ مگر اگر انسان کو اس کے مرنے سے پہلے ہی صلیب سے اتار دیا گیا اور بعد میں علاج کے بعد وہ صحت-ياب ہو گیا تو وہ کروسی-فائی نہیں ہوا۔ یہی بات قران ایت 4:157 میں کہہ رہا ہے۔ بہت سی تاريخی شہادت بتاتی ہے کہ  نبی عیسی کو صلیب پر چڑھایا گیا۔ اور قران ایت 4:157 میں اس بات سے انکار نہیں کرتا مگر قران ان کی مصلوبیت سے انکار کرتا ہے یعنی ان کی، صلیب پر موت سے انکار کرتا ہے، اور قران کے اس سچ کو تاريخی شواہد بھی سپورٹ کرتے ہیں. صلیب کی موت ان دنوں ایک لعنتی موت جانی جاتی تھی۔

متعدد تاريخ شواہد کے مطابق، جب حواریوں کو یقین ہو گیا کہ رومن اور یہود، ہر صورت میں نبی عیسی کو صلیب کی موت دینا چاہتے ہیں تو انہوں نے نبی عیسی کو بچانے کے لیے ایک منصوبہ بنایا۔ حواری، اعلی درجہ کے حکیم تھے۔ انہوں نے جڑی-بوٹیوں سے ایسی دوائی تیار کی جس کو سونگنے سے ہی انسان اسقدر بے-ہوش ہو جائے کہ اس کی شبیہ شُبِّهَ ایک مردہ انسان کی طرح لگے۔ جب نبی عیسی کو صلیب پر چڑھا کر ان کے پاؤں اور ہاتھ میں کیل ٹھونکے گیۓ تو تھوڑی دیر کے بعد انہوں نے کہا میں پیاسا ہوں۔ اس پر ایک رومن فوجی نے ایک سپنج کو، پوسکا میں ڈبویا اور ایک لمبی ریڈ کے ذریعے نبی عیسی کے ہونٹوں تک پہنچایا۔ نبی عیسی نے اسے جوں ہی ہونٹ سے لگایا وہ بے-ہوش ہو گئے اور ان کی گردن ایک طرف لٹک گئی۔ اسی پوسکا میں حواریوں نے دوائی ملائی تھی۔ اب نبی عیسی کی شبیہ ایک مردہ انسان جیسی تھی اور رومنوں نے سمجھا کہ یہ تو اتنی جلدی مر گیا ہے حالانکہ صلیب پر موت، تین سے اٹھ دن لیتی ہے۔ منصوبہ کے مطابق ایک حواری یوسف، رومن افسر کے پاس گیا اور کہا کیرنکہ عیسی مر چکے ہیں لہذا ہمیں ان کی باڈی دی جائے۔ باڈی لے کر حواری اسے ایک خالی مقبرہ میں لے گئے اور تین دن ان کا علاج کیا۔ تیسرے دن نبی عیسی نے انکھیں کھولیں اور پوچھا میں کہاں ہوں؟ حواریوں نے پھر نبی عیسی کو پوری کہانی سنائی۔ باقی تفصیل ہمارے صفحہ پر پڑھیں۔ دشمنوں نے تدبیر کی نبی کو صلیب پر مارنے کی مگر رب نے تدبیر کی نبی کو موت سے بچانے کی، اور رب کی تدبیر سب سے بہتر ہوتی ہے وَمَكَرُوا۟ وَمَكَرَ ٱللَّهُ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ ٱلْمَـٰكِرِينَ۔ نبی کو بچانے کا منصوبہ رب کا تھا۔ مگر اس منصوبے کی تکمیل حواریوں کے ذریعے کی گئی۔ یہود کی طرف سے نبی عیسی کو تکلیف دینے کا یہ واقعہ کوئی پہلا نہیں تھا۔ قران کہتا ہے کہ یہود نے متعدد انبیاء کو قتل کیا تھا۔      عیسی کی زندگی پر مندرجہ ذیل صفحہ دنیا کا بہترین صفحہ ہے اسے ضرور پڑھیے

اب ہم اس تاريخی ٹریک کی بات کرتے ہیں جو ہمیں صاف صاف بتاتا ہے کہ صلیب کی موت سے بچ جانے کے بعد نبی عیسی اور ان کی والدہ محترمہ حضرت مریم کہا چلے گئے، کہاں رہے، کتنے برس زندہ رہے اور جب نبی عیسی کو ان کی وفات کے بعد قبر میں دفن کیا گیا تو اس وقت نبی عیسی کی عمر کتنی تھی۔ اس سارے تاريخی ٹریک کا جھوٹے نبی مرزا قادیانی سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے۔ صلیب سے بچ جانے کے بعد نبی عیسی نے اپنے اپ کو ایک مالی کے بہروپ میں بدلا تاکہ رومن ان کو پکڑ کر دوبارہ صلیب پر نہ چڑھا دیں۔ جان بچانا ہر انسان کا فرض ہے۔ پھر اپ نے کافی دنوں تک حواریوں سے بارہ سے زیادہ دفعہ خفیہ میٹنگ کیں، اور اخر میں انہیں بتایا کہ میں ہجرت کررہا ہوں اور میں دوبارہ یہاں فلسطین میں کبھی نہیں آؤں گا اور میرے بعد جیمز-دا-جسٹ کو فالو کرنا جو کہ اپکا دست-راست تھا۔۔ رومنوں سے پچنے کے لیے اپ نے بھیس بدلا اور نام بھی بدلا۔ وہ نام ہے یوز-اصاف۔ اپ اپنی اماں کو لے کر رات کو نکلے اور ملک-شام کے شہر دمشق چلے گئے۔ اپ وہاں اپنے ایک شاگرد انانیاس کے گھر میں رہے۔ کچھ عرصہ بعد کسی حرام کے پلے نے جاسوسی کی اور رومن پال کو بتایا کہ عیسی تو زندہ ہے اور دمشق میں موجود ہے۔ پال اس وقت رومنوں کا پولیس-افسر تھا۔ نبی عیسی کو گرفتار کرنے کے لیے، پال دمشق گیا۔ مگر نبی عیسی اور ان کے دوستوں نے پال کو دمشق کی طرف انے والے رستے پر ہی سوتے میں پکڑ لیا۔ پال، معافی مانگ کر واپس چلا گیا اور مشہور کر دیا کہ میں نے نبی عیسی کو وژن میں دیکھا ہے۔ پھر اسی پال نے عیسائیوں کو گمراہ کیا اور غلط رستہ پر لگا دیا۔ دمشق کے بعد نبی عیسی ترکی کے شہر نسی-بس گئے۔ وہاں سے ایران گئے اور وہاں پارسی-ملاؤں سے کافی مناظرے کیے اور انہیں کہا، آگ کو مت پوجو۔۔ ان مناظروں کا ریکارڈ ایران میں موجود ہے۔ پھر وہاں سے اپ افغانستان کے شہر ہرات گئے۔ پھر پاکستان کے شہر ٹیکسلا گئے اور وہاں اپ نے تھامس کے ساتھ، راجہ کی اکلوتی بیٹی کی شادی میں بھی شرکت بھی کی اور دولہا دلہن کو پند-و-نصیحت بھی کی کہ کیسے اچھی زندگی گزارنی ہے۔ شواہد ٹیکسلا میوزیم میں موجود ہیں۔ پھر اپ نے پاکستانی کیپیٹل اسلام-اباد کے قریب ایک پہاڑی پر رہائش اختیار کی۔ ان کے معجزات کی وجہ سے بہت سے لوگوں نے اسی پہاڑی پر ارد-گرد مکان بنا لیے اور اس نئے گاؤں کا نام نبی عیسی کی والدہ کے نام پر “میری” رکھا۔ کچھ مدت بعد میری یعنی حضرت مریم فوت ہو گئیں اور نبی عیسی نے ان کو “میری” کی چوٹی پر ایک قبر میں دفن کردیا-

وہ انگریز تھے جنہوں نے انیسویں صدی میں اس گاؤں “میری” کا نام بدل کر “مری” رکھ دیا۔ یہ وہی صحت-افزا قصبہ ہے جو پاکسانی کیپیٹل اسلام-اباد کے قریب ہے۔ حضرت مریم کی دو ہزار سال پرانی یہودی سٹائل کی قبر ابھی بھی مری میں موجود ہے۔ اس کے بعد، نبی عیسی کشمیر کے شہر سرینگر چلے گئے اپ 120 سال کی عمر تک کشمیری اور افغانی قبائل کو تبلیغ کرتے رہے۔ فوتگی کے بعد تھامس نے انہیں سرینگر میں روضہ-بل میں دفن کیا۔ اپ کی دو-ہزار سال پرانی یہودی-سٹائل کی قبر کے ساتھ ایک پتھر کی تختی بھی جڑی ہوئی ہے جس پر نبی عیسی کے پیروں کے نشان کندہ ہیں۔ وہ نشان صاف بتاتے ہیں کہ صلیب پر اپکے ایک پاؤں کو دوسرے پاؤں کے اوپر رکھ کر سات انچ لمبا کیل ٹھونکا گیا۔ پھر بھی خدا نے ان کو صلیب کے اوپر مرنے سے بچا لیا، اور اس طرح دشمنوں کی وہ چال ناکام ہوگئی جس کے ذریعے وہ اپ کو کروسی-فائی کرنا چاہتے تھے یعنی صلیب کے اوپر مارنا چاہتے تھے وَمَكَرُوا۟ وَمَكَرَ ٱللَّهُ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ ٱلْمَـٰكِرِينَ۔ اب سوال یہ پیدا ہوتا ہے کہ نبی عیسی، ہجرت کر کے اخرکار کشمیر ہی کیوں آئے؟ اس کا جواب اپکو میتھیو کی گاسپل کی ایت 15:24 میں مل جاتا ہے۔ اس ایت میں نبی عیسی لوگوں کو بتا رہے ہیں ہیں کہ خدا نے انہیں صرف بنی-اسرائیل کی گم-شدہ بھیڑوں کی تبلیغ کرنے کے لیے بھیجا ہے۔ یہاں بنی-اسرائیل کی گم-شدہ بھیڑوں سے مراد بنی-اسرائیل کے وہ دس قبائل ہیں جو 2500 سال پہلے کھو گئے تھے۔ 2500 سال پہلے عراقی شہنشاہ بخت نصر نے اسرائیلی سٹیٹ پر حملہ کر کے اسے مکمل تباہ کر دیا تھا اور بنی-اسرائیل کے بارہ قبائل سے دس قبائل کو غلام بنا لیا تھا۔ بہت بعد میں، اس نے ان دس قبائل کو مشرق کی طرف بے-دخل کر دیا تھا اور اخرکار جس جگہ ان قبائل نے رہائش اختیار کی اسے اج ہم افغانستان اور کشمیر کے نام سے جانتے ہیں۔ قبائل کے نام نہیں بدلتے اور صدیوں چلتے ہیں یہی وجہ ہے کہ 2500 سال گزر جانے کے بعد بھی، اج بھی، اپ کشمیریوں اور افغانیوں کے قبائل کے نام تورات میں دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔ اس سے بڑا ثبوت اور کیا ہو سکتا ہے؟ افغانی اور کشمیری؛ نسلی طور پر یہودی نہیں ہیں بلکہ یہودیوں کے کزن ہیں یعنی چاچے کے پتر ہیں۔ “ریسٹورڈ گاسپل آف نزارین” میں لکھا ہے کہ صلیب کی موت سے بچ نکلنے بعد نبی عیسی پارتھین-ایمپائر کے مشرق میں چلے گئے۔ اگر اپ پارتھین-ایمپائر کا 2000 سال پرانا نقشہ دیکھیں تو اپ کو معلوم ہو گا کہ ایران، افغانستان اور کشمیر کی زمین پارتھین-ایمپائر کے مشرقی حصے تھے۔ ہماری ٹیم نے اس ٹاپک پر چالیس سال تک مسلسل تحقیق کی ہے۔ تو جناب یہ ہے سارہ سچ، مگر رابی، چرچ اور مولوی، صدیوں سے جو رام-لیلا کی کہانی لوگوں کو سنا رہے ہیں اس کا نہ سر ہے نہ ہی پیر۔ ہمارے جاہل فرقہ-پرست مفتی اور مولوی، اس سچ کو ماننے کی بجائے اپنا سارا غصہ جھوٹے نبی مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی پر اتار دیتے ہیں۔ سچ یہ ہے تاریخ کا علم ایک کنویں کی مانند ہے۔ اس کنویں سے ایک مسلمان بھی پانی بھر سکتا ہے اور ایک عیسائی بھی، بدھ بھی، سکھ بھی، مولوی ڈیزل بھی، ہندو بھی اور قادیانی بھی۔ مگر سب کی بالٹیوں میں جو پانی ہے وہ تو ایک جیسا ہی ہے۔ جو بھی نقات ہم نے بیان کیے ہیں اپ ان کے حوالاجات ہمارے مندرجہ ذیل صفحہ میں پڑھ سکتے ہیں مگر یہ صفحہ انگریزی زبان میں ہے

Quran3_55NoteQuran 4:159 4:159 (Asad) Yet there is not one of the followers of earlier revelation who does not, at the moment of his death, grasp the truth about Jesus; [173] and on the Day of Resurrection he [himself] shall bear witness to the truth against them.

These crooked fanatics are become so much mad to prove a fiction, that they feel no any shame in twisting even the very clear verse of Quran. For example, in verse 4:159, Quran says, that all Jews and Christians at the time their deaths (Moutay-Hi} will for sure know the actual status of Jesus. Mean, they will made known that Jesus was not died on Cross, and he was not son of GOD or GOD but was a mortal Prophet. But These Criminal fanatic Mullah, Imams and their brainless Pets twist meaning and say, that all Christians and Jews will know the truth before the death of Jesus. So they twist this verse at 180 degree to prove fiction of ascension and return of Jesus. One of the most qualified and educated Scholars and translators of Noble Quran, Dr. Allama Mohammad Asad translated verse 4:159 as under with additional comments on this verse:Quran4_159

First of all, check that relevant word in Noble Quran and collect all similar words from Quran and make a list. Then in this way, know the actual meanings of relevant word in question. This is the Final judgment, and no any man-made dictionary, fabricated hadith and fake Sunna can change the meaning of that relevant word. If you consult any Good Arabic Lexicon, in most cases that lexicons will endorse what Quran says: However; whenever you see, lexicon is differing from Quran, then reject lexicons and take meaning of Quran as final criteria because Quran is the mother of Arabic Grammar and mother of all Arabic lexicons. Also know that one of the main purposes of, to forge millions pages of Tafsirs/Exegesis, millions forged Hadiths, and fake books of Sunna was to twist meanings of Quranic laws and terms as per wish of Sectarian Mullahs and Imams. For example: Sectarian translators translate word “Baghiya” of 19:20 and 19:28 as unchaste or whore or harlot or prostitute but when we see Quran’s own built-in dictionary, meaning of word “Baghiya” is never unchaste or whole or harlot or prostitute but “rebellious”. Now point is, why hadithers twisted this word? They deliberately twisted it in order to reinforce their one unsound belief. Another example is: Quran’s own built-in dictionary and even all Major Arabic Lexicons translate word “Jam’a” as “To Gather together” or “Collect” which for a Book, mean Assemble/Compile but in order to validate their false beliefs about compilation of Quran, all hadithers deliberately twist this very clear word and translate it as “Only to write or only to memorize”, despite in Arabic, for memorization and for writing there are different words. In order to deny what Quran says: Hadithers will tell you: Ibn Batoota narrated this, Ibn Khaldoon narrated this, Harry Potter narrated that, Abu-Tomato said this, Abu-Potato said this, Ibn Abbass said this, Ibn Obama narrated that, Ibn-Stalin told this and Ibn-Lenin told this. These brain-bent hadithers will run after millions forged reports but will turn blind eye toward what Quran says. Hadithers are certified disciples of Satan Iblis. That hadithers are most ignorant and shameful Cattle living under sky. They are the 2nd the greatest twister (Ta’reef) and forgers after Church. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was undoubtedly an Impostor but That Sect followers like Sunni Shia Hadithers are bigger Criminals than Mirza Qadiani because Criminal hadithers are like those Yahood who did Tahreef in Torah. In same way, Hadithers do Tareeef in the translation of Quranic verses in order to support their false beliefs that they are following blindly from centuries. They are those Cattle which are mentioned in Quran 7:179 and Hell is waiting for that Mushrik Hadithers for twisting and bending verses of Quran thru Non-Quranic man-made sources/references. Quran43_61In the light of following Rational Arguments, this Report of Abu Hurairah about Killing Pigs and Crosses must be summarily rejected

1– Matan of this report seems highly comic and ridiculous; and this kind of comic stories could not be told by Great Man 68:4 Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). This fabricated comic tale does not agree with commonsense and reason. How will Jesus search on whole planet pigs to kill, and how will he enter in every house of Christian to break Crosses!

2– All Experts of Hadith Literature and “Jarah and Tadil’ are agreed this report of Abu Hurairah is a Solitary report which is called al-Ahad report. And all scholars of “Jarah and Tadil’ are agreed that this kind of al-Ahad reports must not be taken as Reliable Reports.

3– Some top Experts of Hadith Literature like Dhahabi has mentioned that this comic story of Killing Pigs and Crosses was never told by Prophet but this story is told by Abu Hurairah.

4– Many top Books of Sunni Sect tell that Caliph Umar RA and Aisha RA called Abu Hurairah a beggar, a Khaa’in who stole thousands Dinars from Government Treasury. Caliph Umar RA and Aisha RA called Abu Hurairah a Hadith Forger. Caliph Umar RA called Abu Hurairah Enemy of Allah and his Book Quran. Caliph Umar RA beat Abu Hurairah so hardly that back of Abu Hurairah started to bleed. We never talk without references and solid proof. You can read yourself Biography of Abu Hurairah in our this page. Now only a brain-dead mentally sick Fanatic will accept reports which are narrated by Abu Hurairah type people.

5– Because Prophet and Four Caliphs left behind only written Quran; and neither Prophet nor even four caliphs left behind or certified even one extra-Quranic Hadith, therefore; logically, legally and rationally we cannot classify even one extra-Quran hadith as Authentic. If a report is not authentic, then definitely such report is unauthentic; and only a fool will build his faith on unauthentic reports.

6– Because Noble Quran makes very clear that though Jesus did not die on Cross but he died naturally at very old age; therefore; after clear witness of Noble Quran, being a Muslim, we are absolutely not in need of any other witness.That fabricated-ridiculous report of Abu Hurairah about “killing pigs and breaking Crosses” has been rejected by many top Muslim Sages like Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed, Mufti Mohammad Abdu, Shaykh Rashid Rida and many others on following bases:

First argument is: that reports of Abu Hurairah which we find in Bukhari and Muslim are Ahad reports. Ahad mean, a report, which is narrated by only one man, and there is no other witness. From 1100 years, vast majority of experts of hadith-literature have rejected Ahad reports. You can see a list of such experts in this picture “Scholars who reject Ahad reports”.

Second argument for not accepting these Ahad reports of Abu Hurairah is stained personal character of Abu Hurairah. In many top books of Sunni sect, it is written that Aisha RA and Caliph Umar RA called Abu Hurairah an Enemy of Allah and his Book Quran. They also called him a beggar, a hadith forger and a Khaa’in who stole thousands Dinar from Government treasury. You can read all Scanned Books original references at our this page “Biography of Abu Hurairah”. Now point is: how can a wise person accept reports narrated by this kind of Person!

Third argument for not accepting this report of Abu Hurairah is: that in some Top Sunni books, it is written: that story of “to kill pigs and break Crosses” is not told by Prophet Mohammad but this story is the words of Abu Hurairah only which he heard from two Pseudo-Muslim Converts Rabbi K’ab al-Ahbar and Rabbi Wahb bin Munnibbah. These two hypocrites were supersonic machines of hadith-Forgery.

And it is Opinion of “Factszz” that because neither Prophet nor even four Caliphs left behind any extra-Quranic manuscript of hadiths; therefore; legally, rationally and morally we cannot classify even one extra-Quranic hadith as 100% Authentic. And faith cannot be built on unauthentic things. Besides; Nible Quran makes already very clear that though Jesus did not die on Cross 4:157 but he died naturally at very old age 3:55, 5:110, 5:116-117, 3:144; and dead never return to this planet.NeverAbuseAnyMessengerImportant_CalloutQuran6_85_2Quran6_85

Now please read below, how Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani has nakedly insulted Jesus and has declared him a bad man, a drinker who used to have relation with a prostituteMGA_abusing_ISA_pbuhMGA_abusing_ISA_pbuh2Source: 


What the world’s TOP MOST Christians Scholars, Professors (In Christian Theology), Researchers and Historians say about the matter of Crucifixion of JESUS son of Mary. Watch following Video that will take you from false-land to TRUTHLAND: What world’s Top scholars, Historians & Experts say About the incident of Cross:

This is very Important Video. If you are a Serious Truth Seeker, and want to know Truth about the life of Jesus, you must download this video of mp4 format, and play it in free VLC player or in any other player you like. But we have tested this file with VLC already, and it plays fine. We have provided only download link of this Video file because size of this file is about 327 MB, and Youtube was not uploading this file because Video is about one hour long. We have scanned this Video file with anti-virus before uploading it; and it is 100% clean. Here is download link: Did Jesus die on Cross?

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Almost all Sunni and Shia Mullahs and translators tamper translation of Quranic word Kahlan (3:46, 5:110) in order to support Church’s fable of Ascension and Return of Jesus but there are also a few Sectarian Mullahs who admit that meaning of word Kahlan is very old age but in order to support their fable of ascension and return of Jesus, they have concocted another fairytale, which is: that when Jesus was lifted to Sky with his mortal human body, then he was young man but when he will drop on this earth again, he will be a man of very old age, age of Khalan. This kind of braindead shameless sectarian fanatics are free to fabricate any story. So, in one or other way, these ignoramus fiction-lovers want to support Church’s fable of Ascension and Return of Jesus.

In the same way, these Sectarian Fanatics very badly tamper translation of Quranic verses 5:116-117. These verses along with verse 4:157 make crystal clear that though Jesus did not die on the Cross but later, he died naturally at very old age. But during translation of Quran, Sectarian Fanatics change word “Death” by “take up to Sky”. But even if a few Sectarian Mullahs admit that verses 5:116-117 declare death of Jesus; they have invented another hoax, which is: that the conversation which is given in 5:116—117 between God and Jesus will take place in future when Jesus will drop on this earth again, and then he will die according to 5:116-117. But these shameful liars do not want to know that all verbs used in verses 5:116-117 are in past tense (not in future tense), and past tense shows that the conversation which is given in 5:116-117 had already been taken place at that the time when after the death of Jesus (5:117), his Soul/Spirit was raised to God 32:11. So, in one or other way, these Ignoramus fiction-lovers want to support Church’s fable of Ascension and Return of Jesus.Note: a top Scholar who was authority on the Research of Life of Jesus Professor Fida Hassnain PhD said that above given Statue which exists in Taxila Museum is not of Thomas but of Jesus and his son Elikim standing on left-side shoulder of JesusImportant_CalloutOne of the most important points regarding matter of Jesus that Mullahs failed to grasp is, that Verse 4:157 never ever denies nailing of Jesus on Cross but forcefully denies his crucifixion. To die on Cross is the binding condition of Crucifixion. If Person is nailed on Cross but he does not die on Cross or is removed from Cross before his death; then he is though attempted for crucifixion but is NOT-CRUCIFIED >> (Wa Ma Salabu) which mean he did not die on Cross. Allah saved him from dying on Cross; as in those days, People used to think that who dies on Cross, is cursed by GOD. He was hypocrite Monnabba who fabricated the story of substitution that Jesus was replaced by any freak Judas. This is a big lie. The word Shubba-la-hum in 4:157 never mean that Jesus was replaced by someone but its mean: he was not killed on Cross but it seemed to them as he is killed, as in deep coma, person might seem like a  dead person. Our Very full and deeply discussed best scholarly page on Failed Crucifixion of Jesus is published at: The best page on World-Wide-Web about Jesus and Crucifixion


Quran4_158TwistTableAnother Viewpoint: Honest and good reader of Whole Quran knows well that in Quran, word Rafa is used for Humans either to raise them in honor, Darajaat or human Spiritual Exaltation after death. If we read verse 32:11 and 3:55, it becomes crystal clear that only after death, Soul is raised to spiritual Realm of GOD which is spiritual exaltation TO RAISE SPIRIT to GOD. In this context, 4:158 can also be understood in the light of verse 32:11 and 3:55 and then finally by 5:116-117 in which natural death of Jesus is Crystal clear . That all verses show, Spirit is raised to GOD only after death. It is climax of stupidity and utter ignorance to believe that a mortal Body of Flesh and Bones can be raised to spiritual Realm of GOD. It is like to place butter in the core of Sun. But Sun cannot destroy and burn the Immortal Soul (Real Person). Whatever is the viewpoint; ascension of body of flesh and bone to Spiritual Realm of GOD makes no any sense at all. Only Dumb and Ignorant can believe in such kind of fables, fictions and fairy funny tales. Parrot is in Cage. When Parrot fly out, it never fly with its cage (Body). Fanatics has paralyzed brains. If you go to any Arabic School in Arabia or in Pakistan or in India and ask a 5th grader the meaning of word WAFAT; all will answer you: DEATH. Word Wafat is used in Quran over 25 times and its meaning is as usual death (please refer to relevant tables given in this page) but many sectarian translators who by birth believe in the ascension and return fiction of Jesus, will badly twist translation of Quranic word WAFAT in order to validate fiction on which they believe in. When most of them translate 10:46 for the death of Prophet Mohammad, they translate word WAFAT as DEATH but when same word WAFAT appears in 3:55 and 5:116-117 for Jesus, they translate word WAFAT as “TO TAKE UP ALIVE”. That Translators has no any shame nor any conscience. They are Criminal to their Core. In order to validate their fictions, they even do not feel any shame in twisting Book of Allah. Hell is awaiting these Criminals.


And now at the end of this page, we present a big Truth for you which is given below:

If you have not believed what above-given picture says; then we have full proof of this truth at:

True history of Hadith. A MUST reading for all Muslims; & Non-Muslims who R interested in Theology.

TwoConcoctedDoctrinesQuran3_46_KahlanThroughout mankind history, it remained habit / custom of immigrants that whenever they moved to another country, they named their villages, towns and cities similar to names of their previous original towns and cities. For example: when immigrants moved from Cambridge Britain to Canada, they named new city Cambridge in Ontario Canada. When people around London Britain moved to Canada, they named a new city “London Ontario Canada”. In same way, you will find many names of city and towns that are same of some Indian and European cities. Name of Residential town area of Prime Minister of Pakistan (2015) in city Lahore is Jati-Umra which is same name of village where ancestors of Prime Minister lived in India before partition 1947. Following is Para from Wikipedia: “Jati Umra (Amritsar), a village in Punjab, India. It is notable as the ancestral village of the Sharif Family of Pakistan. Jati Umra (Lahore), burial place of Nawaz Sharif’s father and location of Nawaz Sharif’s grand palace.” In same way, when Lost 10 tribes of Israelite were deported to Kashmir and Afghanistan in 722 B.C. by Syrian king Sargon-II and around 586 B.C. again by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakht Nasar), deportees named their almost all villages and towns with same names as were in Palestine. Following table shows you again irrefutable proof that Kashmiri are in fact deported Israelite, and after failed crucifixion, Jesus moved to these lost tribes, lived a long life among them, and is buried in Rozabal Srinagar Kashmir with tons of multiple historical evidence. These are historical facts and that facts were not manufactured by False Prophet Impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. In following table, in front of name of place, in brackets, names of town or cities are given where that places exist. Prof Mohidin Hajini (1917-1993) was among the greatest Scholars of Kashmir. Late Professor Hajini in his Maqalaat has emphasized that in the Kashmiri language there are dozen of Hebrew words used in daily conversation even up to the present times. Late Abdul Ahad Azad 1903-1948 was a top Kashmiri poet who said that the Kashmiri language had sprouted from the Hebrew language. The same opinion is held by other scholars such as Nazim the author of Nigaristan-i-Kashmir, and late Khwaja Hassan Nizami. KashmirPTB

“Then Yuz Asaf (Yusu), after roaming about in many cities, reached that country which is called Kashmir. He traveled in it far and wide and stayed there and spent his (remaining) life there, until death overtook him, and he left the earthly body and was elevated towards the Light. But before his death, he sent for a disciple of his, Ba’bad (Twin-Thomas) by name, who used to serve him and was well versed in all matters. He expressed his last will to him and said: ‘My time for departing from this world has come. Carry on your duties properly and turn not back from truth, and say your prayers regularly. He then directed Ba’bad to prepare a tomb over him (at the very place that he died). He then stretched his legs towards the West and head towards the East and died. May God bless him.” Reference: “Ikmal-ud-Din” authored by Al-Shaikh Al-Said-us-Sadiq Abi Jaffar Muhammad Ibn-i-Ali Ibn-i-Hussain Ibn-i-Musa Ibn-i-Baibuyah al-Qummi, Ikmal-ud-Din (Kamal-ud Din wa Tmam-un Nimat fi Asbat-ul-Ghaibat wa Kashf-ul-Hairet (Publish in Iran: Syed-us-Sanad Press, 1782 A.D, p. 357). The author of Ikmal-ud-Din (the original title is, Kamal-ud Din wa Tmam-un Nimat fi Asbat-ul-Ghaibat wa Kashf-ul-Hairet), is Al-Shaikh Al-Said-us-Sadiq Abi Jaffar Muhammad Ibn-i-Ali Ibn-i-Hussain Ibn-i-Musa Ibn-i-Baibuyah al-Qummi, who died in Khorasan in 962 AD. He was a scholar who had traveled to many countries in order to research material for his book. Yuz_Asaph_5th_Gospel_FConcerning the year 54 given in above picture, Professor Fida Hassnain notes the following: “Note that since Islam did not exist during the reign of Gopadatta (79-109 AD), connecting the year 54 with the Muslim Hijra Era is absurd. During that period, the Laukika Era was exclusively used in Kashmir. As this era started in 3076 BC, the 54th year mentioned in the inscription would come to either 22 BC or 78 AD (since Laukika Year 1 is 3076 BC, 3054 would be 22 BC, and 3154 would be 78 AD.) As it was not possible for Jesus Christ to have traveled to Kashmir in 22 BC, I take the year 78 AD to be the correct date of his arrival.
The author of the Ain-ul-Hayat was Ibn-i-Muhammad Hadi Muhammad Ismail. In Volume 2, Chapter 2, pages 177 to 178, he states the following regarding Yuz Asaf: (Printed at Bombay) A.H. 1232. Author writes: “He  went to many cities and preached to those cities. At last he reached the city of Kashmir. He invited its inhabitants to righteousness and resided there till death approached him, and his holy spirit departed from his earthly body and went to rest with God. But before his death he called his companion Ba’bad and made a will…and directed him to construct a tomb for him. He laid himself with his head towards the East and stretched his legs towards the West, and went to the place of Eternity.” Historian Mullah Nadri (1420 A.D.) writes in his Book “Tarikh-i-Kashmir (history of Kashmir) “I have seen in a book of Hindus that this prophet was really Hazrat Isa [Jesus], the Spirit of God, on whom be peace [and salutations] and had also assumed the name of Yuz Asaf. The real knowledge is with God. He spent his life in this [valley]. After his departure [his death] he was laid to rest in Mohalla Anzmarah. It is also said that lights of prophethood used to emanate from the tomb of this Prophet. Raja Gopadatta having ruled for sixty years and two months, [then] died…” “Jesus (on whom be peace) was named the “Messiah” because he was a great traveler. He wore a woolen scarf on his head and a woolen cloak on his body. He had a stick in his hand; he used to wander from country to country and from city to city. At nightfall he would stay where he was. He ate jungle vegetables, drank jungle water, and went on his travels on foot. His companions, in one of his travels, once bought a horse for him; he rode the horse one day, but as he could not make any provision for the feeding of the horse, he returned it. Reference: Rauzat-us-Safa, written by Mir Muhammad Bin Khawand in 1417 A.D. The complete title of that book is, Rauza-tus-Safa fi Sirat-ul-Ambia wal Muluk wal Khulafa (Gardens of Purity concerning the biography of the Prophets and Kings and Caliphs). It was published later, in the year 1852 AD, in Bombay India.

From the The Fifth Gospel: New Evidence from the Tibetan, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian and Urdu Sources About the Historical Life of Jesus Christ After the Crucifixion; by Dr. Fida Hassnain and Dahan Levi; in Book page 140-142; On pdf file Toolbar 169 to 171; we read:

First Aid: They took Jesus down from the Cross and wrapped his body with a clean linen cloth. This Linen was pasted with spices. They laid him a new sepulcher, which existed in the garden, near the site of Crucifixion, The women also accompanied them to the sepulcher. Nicodemus had brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes with him. The other devotees prepared spices and ointments for Jesus. Nicodemus spread strong spices and healing salves on long pieces of byssus, which he had brought. He also spread balsam in both the nail-pierced hands of Jesus. The myrrh and aloe was reduced to powder and inserted between the bandages, which were wound, fold upon fold. In these medical operations, they were helped by the Essene (Quran calls Essene as Muslim Hawaari-yoon in 3:52). This pious group was fully instructed in the healing virtues of medicinal plants, roots and stones, At midnight, Nicodemus and other devotees found that Jesus was breathing. As the place was not safe, he was taken out of the sepulcher to some other safer place. After coming out of coma, Jesus recognized his friends and he asked where Am I? Joseph of Arimathea embraced him with tears in his eyes. They gave him some bread dipped in honey and he felt greatly refreshed. He became conscious of the wounds but the balsam, which Nicodemus had spread upon them had a soothing effect. After the byssus wrappings had been taken off and the muckender was removed from his head, Jesus was removed to a house belong to another Essene (Please note: Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were also members of Essene brotherhood). Before departure, they annihilated every trace of the byssus wrapping, the medicines and the drugs used. Jesus was kept in concealment for his safety’s sake. After his recovery, he was clothed in white robes of gardener. Nicodemus again tied up his wounds, gave him a medical drought and advised him to rest himself in quite but Jesus replied:

I fear not death, For I have fulfilled it; And the enemies shall acknowledge, That God has saved me; And wills not that I die eternally.

After that Jesus went forth upon his Journey (as is being discussed in this page). As it was cold, the Essene gave him a warm mantle in which he wrapped himself.

Ointment of Jesus: The famous Marham-i-Issa or the ointment of Jesus, which cured his wounds has been mentioned in many medical treatises such as, Canon of Avicenna (Bu Ali Sina), Sharh-i-Qanun, Hawi-Kabir by Rhazes, Liber Regius by Haly Abbas, Hessagps of Jarjani. According to Avicenna, this balm has miraculous powers of healing wounds. It can eliminate puss and replace worn-out flesh, It is effective to cure wounds and provides fresh flesh to fill up cavities. It is helpful in circulating blood and removal of numbness. The Ointment of Jesus contains:

1- White Wax. 2- Gum Gungal also knows as Balsamo Dendron Mukul. 3- Plumbi Oxidum. 4- Myrrh. 5- Galbanum 6- Aristoelchia Longa. 7- Subacetate of Copper. 8- Gum Amonicum. 9- Rasin Pinuslongifolia. 10- Olibanum 11- Rasin. 12- Olive Oil

Please note, in all Arabic and Persian works, the ointment has been mentioned under caption of Sheliakh, Salieka, Zaliekha, which might mean the Ointment of the Prophets or the Ointment of Twelve.

MajorityAndTruthIbneMajahBiggestCrapMessengerCannotGuideFFDivinePostmanAndTrueMuslimNow read following a report about Abu Hurairah the king of Hadith-forgers who also forged Hadith for the ascension and return of Jesus. Jesus will return and will kill all pigs of universe and kill all Cross etc.ConfessionOfAbuHurairahAsHypocrite




We always advise our readers that Understand Quran “only by Quran” because Quran has its own built-in dictionary and its own built-in the best Tasfir (Exegesis) of Quran. We have already given some examples in the shape of tables in this page. That tabular-examples show: How to understand Quran only by Quran. What internal dictionary of Quran and Quran’s own built-in Tasir tells you, take it as “Qoul-e-Faisal” the final criteria. Know, that most of Tafsirs do more harm than benefit, as that man-made Tafsirs being written from past 1200 years are blend of truth and falsehood. We reviewed those all. However if still you wish to read man made-tafsirs, then read following but do not replace those with internal built-in tafsir of Quran. We suggest you to read (just for info, not for to make those final criteria) Mufti Shaltut, Mufti Mohammad Abdu “Manar” Egypt, Rashid Rida, thirty volumes of Mustafa al-Maraghi.

To know, up to what degree, Mushrik Hadith Followers Sunnites and Shiites are cheap, cheaters, forgers, Tahreef-doers (who tamper books or documents), twisters, and mentally retarded; Reader can judge from this following point. Report of Ibn Abbas which says meaning of word wafat “mutawaffeeka” is Death appears everywhere in all almost all Tafsir Books including Book of Bukhari but when we read Book of Bukhari (Arabic and English) published by DararSalam Saudi Arabia, they have posted just Arabic of report of Ibn Abbass and have deliberately ignored translation of that report in Book, so that Non-Arab readers should not read that “Jesus has been died”. Now we started to search that report in a website which keeps largest data of all hadith reports. But when we opened in their website Chapter of “Book of Tafseer” in the book of Bukhari, and tried to located that report of Ibn Abbas by “Ctrl+F”, result was zero. Very strange. Then we started to scroll that whole chapter down, and finally found, that Criminal owners of that Site has in fact deleted fully whole report of Ibn Abbas from their hadith-database because that report incinerates their false belief that Jesus is still alive in any remote part of sky even after 2000 years and will drop any day again on this earth. An hoax and a moronic fiction invented by church and being followed by hadithers.

Standalone, self-explanatory, fully detailed Quran that explains every thing for Muslims is enough for us 25:33, 6:114, 10:15, 12:111, 16:89, 17:12, and in order to prove our point that as per Quran, though Jesus survived death on Cross but later he was died at old age, Quran is enough. But following sub-section of this page is for Mushrik Hadithers of Sunnite and Shiites sects who place Book of Allah aside and follow Clergy and their made-up books. In this sub-section, we will prove, even Clergy and man-made books that hadithers follow, say: That Jesus has been died. So to prove from hadither’s own books that they are liars, is like to beat their empty irrational and illogical heads with their own shoes.

As said already, our criteria to separate falsehood from Truth is only Book of Allah. However, correct History always endorses what is in Quarn. Though all hadiths are not reliable because Prophet certified no any hadith but it is strange that in many books like magnum opus of Ibn S’ad “Tabaqat al-kubra”, and in many other hadith books, it is mentioned that Jesus died at 120 years age, and apart from that hadith, there is tons of historical evidence (given in this page) which proves that Jesus died at age of 120. In other words, if we do not even touch Quran or any hadith or tafsir Book; history itself has full track of life of Jesus, and that whole track contains tons of multiple evidence that Jesus died between at 120. One report from Ibn Sa’ad narrated from son of Caliph Ali RA “Hasan” clearly tells, Jesus was died on 27 Ramadan (Islamic months), on the same date when Caliph Ali RA was died. Now you all know that neither Hasan bin Ali nor Ibn S’ad nor Hafiz Ibn Barr were followers of False Prophet Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. Hafiz Ibn Abdul Barr is one of those Imams whom Sunni Hadithers trust the most. He is author of famous book “Jama al-Bayan al-ilm wal Fada’il”. He has also authored another Book in 26 volumes. Its name in Arabic is: “Al-Tamheed lama fi al-Mowata min al-Ma’aani wal asaanid”. In this book he has quoted an hadith with full chains that Jesus died at age of 120 years. Original Arabic text from Book of Ibn Barr is given below:

He said: Ibn Abi Maryam, on the authority of Nafi ‘ibn Yazeed, on the authority of Amara bin Ghazia, on the authority of Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Amr bin Othman, on his mother Fatima bint Hussein, on Aisha, the mother of the believers, on Fatima, on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) .And he told me that Jesus lived for twenty and one hundred years. 

Conscience of Fanatics and hadithers who love fictions is fully died. They are worse than cattle which is mentioned in Quran 7:179. One fanatic wrote us that these reports say: Jesus lived 120 years. But report does not say Jesus died at 120 years. Despite, even a fifth grader school boy knows when it is said Flan lived for 72 years, its meaning is: he died at 72. But hadithers and fanatics even seek discord in such matter which are clear like 1+1=2. Rashid lived 70 years=Rashid died at 70.

Noble Quran makes very Clear repeatedly in 29:18, 42:48, 3:20, 5:99 and in other verses that Task given to Messenger is no more than to deliver Book of Allah. This is why, Prophet told all people, Do not write down from me any thing except Quarn. When he returned to his Lord in 632 A.D. Only Book Mojallad Quran was found in his room. He left behind no any manuscript of Hadith and Sunna or any exegesis Tafsir of Quran because Quran has its own built in dictionary. It further Proof is: That all Tafsir and Hadith Books tells us that even during the life of Prophet, Companions has different views about several terms of Quran. For example we see in all Dozen of Hadith and Tafsir book: Ibn Abbas said said: in 3:55, Jesus died and after death, his spirit was raised. Other Companions has another view and there is yet another groups that has another view. This all shows: Prophet just delivered Book of Allah and he never did its Tafseer, otherwise, Companions would have not tons of differences about many Quranic terms. Either this is True or all Hadiths are fabrications.

Our team “Factszz” has read almost all Tafsirs (exegesis) like of Ibn Kathir, Qartabi, Tabarni, Tabari, Razi, Baghawi, Sayooti and many more. It clearly appears to us that they all were never precise mature researchers and investigators in the field of Information and Deen Islam but they all appear to us mere story collectors and story tellers. They have written up to 40 volumes of their books but most are mere hearsay irrational, illogical and nonsensical stories.  Say those, the books of folklore. Truth and falsehood is blended badly. Read those if you like, but never make Divine Law that is based on info of that books. Divine law is valid only from Book of Allah

Conscienceless twister Hadither will oppose even reports of their own hadith books if any report of there books blasts their unsound beleives, they usually escape from truth under following pretexts: 1- This hadith is without Narrations (but they follow thousands Aahad hadiths of Abu Huraira and others which is narrated by one one person, No witness – They are hypocrites) 2- Sayooti told, Harry Potter told, Ibn Lenin told, Ibn Stalin told, this hadith is weak. 3- Then they will always escape under Grammar excuses, That word is not present or past but of future tense. So all hadiths and Quranic verses which tell that Jesus has been died; these hadither will tell you that verses are telling he will die and is not died yet. They are shameless and conscienceless liars. They have so crooked minds that if you tell them that this Follower of False Prophet Mirza Qadiani is saying that 2+2 makes four. They will tell you, it never makes four because Sayyooti told, Harry Potter told, Ibn Lenin told, Ibn Stalin told, Tabarani told, Razi told, Ibn Qayyim told, and Qartabi told (all their demigods 9:31) that 2+2 makes 5. They are dumb, they never use reason. We can see in almost every hadith and tafsir Book that Ibn Abbas said: Meaning of mutawaffeeka mean to die 3:55 but Hadithers will tell you, that hadith is weak. Even if some of them accept, its meaning is death, then they will say: That is death in future when Jesus will come back from an remote part of Universe and will hire Mullahs to kill all swines on this planet and will enter in each house and will break Crosses. These dumb hadithers readily believe in such kind of Comic forged hadiths but will not believe in Ibn Abbas who said, in 3:55, Jesus is died and then his Ruh (Soul) was raised. There is one report with full long chains in many hadith books that Jesus died at age of 120 years; and this report exactly matches with historical evidence that is fully given in this page but Hadithers says: That hadith is weak.Here in this page and in above-posted pictures of those hadiths that tell age of Jesus 120, years; we have cast doubt on one part of hadith that says: Prophet said, I will have half life than previous Prophet. But he could mean not previous Prophet but “Life-Span” of a Generation of previous Prophets. Following table shows this point in detail. So If we look at that hadith in the light of following tabulated range of Ages; then it seems, all contents of that hadith matches with historical evidence; and we can consider this whole hadith of 120 years age of Jesus, as one Reliable Historical evidence. But remember, history is not Dogma. From following table, it is apparent that man’s age has fallen from between 777 and 969 before the flood of Noah, to around 339 – 565 just after the flood to around 120-208 from Nahor to Moses and then to a maximum of 120 years after Moses. This may all seem rather fanciful today to many readers. Although it will not appear fanciful if following pictures are analyzed seriously. It appears from old scriptures that GOD decreed to set Haman life span not more than 120 years after the era of Prophet Moses the exalted:

“Not he will contend, spirit of me, in the man, until time indefinite, because he has erred/because he is mortal. And they will be, days of him, 120 years (Genesis 6 – NIVHEOT)”. Please note: Quran also tells: That GOD blows (NafakhNa) his Ruh in womb of every mother which gives life to baby in womb. There are other verses in Genesis when God cut down max life time from 480 to max 240 years and 240 is half of 480. Exodus 34 NWT describes four Generations of humans (See table). We Muslims usually think that Prophet died at 63 years age but following Historical reports show: he died at 60 years ago ( which is half of 120).

Bukhari Volume 7, Book 72, Number 787 : Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet was neither conspicuously tall, nor short; neither, very white, nor tawny.His hair was neither much curled, nor very straight. Allah sent him (as an Messenger)at the age of forty (and after that) he stayed for ten years in Makkah, and for ten more years in Medina. Allah took him unto Him at the age of sixty, and he scarcely had ten white hairs on his head and in his beard.

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 747: Narrated Rabia bin Abi Abdur-Rahman: I heard Anas bin Malik describing the Prophet saying, “He was of medium height amongst the people, neither tall nor short; he had a rosy color, neither absolutely white nor deep brown; his hair was neither completely curly nor quite lank. Divine Inspiration was revealed to him when he was forty years old. He stayed ten years in Makkah receiving the Divine Inspiration, and stayed in Medina for ten more years. When he expired, he had scarcely twenty white hairs in his head and beard.” Rabi’a said, “I saw some of his hairs and it was red. When I asked about that, I was told that it turned red because of scent.”

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 748: Narrated Anas: Allah’s Messenger was neither very tall nor short, neither absolutely white nor deep brown. His hair was neither curly nor lank. Allah sent him (as an Messenger) when he was forty years old. Afterwards he resided in Makkah for ten years and in Medina for ten more years. When Allah took him unto Him, there was scarcely twenty white hairs in his head and beard.

Muslim Book 030, Number 5794: Anas b. Malik reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) was neither very conspicuously tall nor short-statured, and his color was neither glaringly white nor brown; his hair was neither very curly nor very straight; Allah commissioned him (as a Prophet) when he had reached the age of forty years, and he stayed in Makkah for ten years and for ten years in Medina; Allah took him away when he had just reached the age of sixty, and there had not been twenty white hair in his head and beard.

Muatta Book 49, Number 49.1.1: Yahya related to me from Malik that Rabia ibn Abi Abd ar-Rahman heard Anas ibn Malik say, “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was not excessively tall or short. He was not very pallid nor dark. He did not have curly hair or lank hair. Allah commissioned him at the age of forty. He stayed in Makka ten years and at Madina for ten years and Allah the Mighty, the Majestic made him die when he was sixty. There were not twenty white hairs in his hair or beard, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.”

In same way there was well known dialog/discussion of a Christian delegation of 60 men from Najran with Prophet Mohammad(s): Head of their delegation asked Prophet: If not GOD then who is father of Jesus? Prophet replied: Do you not know that son resembles his father? He answered: Yes: Then Prophet told him: Do you know that Allah is everliving and will never die but Jesus was perished / is perished? Word used here is “Fana” mean who dies. It is very clear from this dialog that Prophet is telling them: That Jesus is died but Allah never dies, So Allah cannot be Real by DNA father of Jesus. But Shameless hadithers who follow fiction of ascension and return also find a way how to escape from report of Najran by saying, actual word in that Report was not A’ta but Y’ati but in following report (from a well-known book) word “a’ta’ is used which mean “Jesus was died. Even if we use word “y’ati”, this word also can be used as “is dead” (Present perfect) instead of “had been been died” (Past Perfect). Because a Wise reader Reader concentrate on the Subject matter of this dialog and can easily understand what Prophet told Delegation of Najran. If Prophet had told delegation of Najran instead: Do you know that Allah never dies but Jesus will die in future; Delegation could had immediately asked Prophet: how you know he is not dead and how you know he will die and how you know when will he die? This matter of Future dying of Jesus, in no way, fits in this dialog at all and an mature honest person can understand it well. Subject matter of dialog is simple and clear: GOD never dies but Jesus died. So, Jesus does not resemble GOD nor is his son. One hadither was denying this report because according to that hadither: his demigod Ibn Hajar has said that because Jesus has no grave, so report of Wahidi in about Najran Christians is incorrect. Their demigod (9:31) Ibn Hajar was mere another Jaahil Egyptian Mullah who collected gossip of Bukhari in 13th century.. He was a big Jaahil like Sayyooti another Egyptian Mullah. Truth is that People of present era/near past era like Mufti Mohammad Abdu, Rashid Rida and Al-Maraghi are 100 time more educated that than Jaahil oldies like Sayyooti, Ibn Hajar, Bukhari and all other Imams and hadith Imams etc. Below is given link for a long table-picture that can take time in loading. This picture shows conjugation of Arabic wordA’ta” that Prophet used in dialog with Christians of Najran.

Mustafa al-Maraghi writes in 30 Volume Exegesis under verses 3:55, 4:158-4:159 in volumes 3, 4, 5, 6 that meaning of word “mutawaffeeka” is death. Discussing on 4:158 and 3:55, Maraghi writes: Actual person is not mortal body but Ruh/Spirit. The real Person Spirit uses mortal body just a borrowed dress. After death, Spirit he real Person is raised (32:11, 4:158) and never Mortal Body. The Insan (person) is the Ruh/Spirit and only Spirit. So meaning of “” is to die and after only after death, spirit is raised as Quran says about Prophet Idris. Indeed he died and then Ruh was raised. Maraghi futher writes: that hadiths that advocate ascension and return of Jesus are not authentic but are in fact fabricated and contradict Quran. Faith/Sharia cannot be built on fabrications but on Reliable Quran. After quoting one report from Ibn Abbas in favor of his argument, under verse 4:159, Maraghi writes: When death approaches to each Jew or Christian, Dying Jew is told that Jesus was not Impostor but Rasool-Allah, and dying Christain is told that Jesus was sevant of Allah and was his Rasool and was never Son of Allah. But at the time of death, even if a Disbeliever repents, his repentance is not accepted. Maraghi used words “Adm al-Jadvi wal Fa’ida”


This famous book “Kitab al-yawaqit wa al-jawahir fi bayan ‘aqa’id al-akabir” (Book of Rubies and Diamonds) authored by a great Egyptian Sufi “Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha’rani (died 1565 A.D.) has given hadith in which Prophet Mohammad said: “If Moses and Jesus had been alive, they would have no choice but to follow me”. We believe, Quran is enough for a Muslim, and in Islam, a Muslim is not in need of any extra-Quranic source or Book. But we post in our pages some hadiths to show Sunnite and Shia hadithers, even what their own made-up books of Hadiths say. Like many other hadiths that we have already posted in this page, this hadith also makes 100% clear that Moses and Jesus has been died but as usual, Hadithers reject all those hadiths and even Quranic verses that dismantle their unsound beliefs. Concerning Quran, hadithers cannot tamper Arabic text of Noble Quran but they do Tahreef (tampering) of translations of Quranic verses from 1200 years. For hadiths, they are sanitizing their millions of hadiths from centuries by taking out those hadiths which go against their some fabricated false beliefs. We have seen our-self, some such reports are present in old hadith books but are absent in books that are being published today. Sunnite and Shia Hadithers belong exactly to those class of cursed people who did Tahreef in Torah and broke law of Sabbath. Any hadith that goes against false beliefs of Shia and Sunnite Hadithers, they will reject it under various pretexts such as, there is no chain of this hadith, and if chain is present, then hadithers will say: that chain is weak. They will tell you, that this Imam has graded it weak and that Mullah has graded it this and this pseudo scholar has graded it unreliable etc.

On the contrary, these shame-less Sunnite Hadithers will accept even Aahaad hadiths made-up in the name of Abu Hurairah by just one person without any other witness, such as, Jesus will drop on earth again and his first task will be to hire millions of brain-dead Freak Mullahs, and then he will issue them millions of unlicensed rifles, and their job will be to search Swine everywhere especially in all sugarcane fields in particular from Cuba in order to kill those all swine, and then same Gang of hired Hadithers will enter in homes of billions of people to find Crosses in order to break those. Jaahil Sunnites happily accept this kind of fairy comic tales but will not accept this hadith of Moses and Jesus which actually does not contradict Noble Quran at all. Truth is: All extra-Quranic (39:23) hadiths are mere Crude Raw historical stock, and no any hadith is fully reliable even if it contains chain of narrations or does not contain any chain (Isnaad) because Prophet certified no any hadith; and a forger who can forge Matan (Text) of Hadith, can also forge Chains (Narrations) of Hadiths easily. In his one Book, Dr. Jonathan AC Brown (A Great Muslim Researcher of present time) has proved by multiple evidence, how Chains used to be forged especially during Abbasid era. So only criteria to judge reliability of a report of crude and raw history (hadithers say it hadiths) is to filter it through last testament of God “Noble Quran”.

If a report runs along with Quran, then that report is “not bad” even if such report is true, or forged to support the truth. This report of “Moses and Jesus” fully runs along with Quran because Quran makes very clear in 3:55, 4:157, 4:158, 32:11, 3:144, 5:116-117 that though Jesus survived death on Cross but he died naturally, not at old age, but at very old age (Kahlan). Any historical report (hadithers say it hadith) that runs counter to reason “like sun rises from two horns of Satan or all black dogs are Devil (Sahih-Muslim) or woman is Evil (Bukhari)”, consider it blatant forgery. Besides, each Prophet came with Divine BOOK of updated Divine Law. For example, if Abraham was present in era of Moses, he had to follow Torah, and if Moses and Jesus were living in era of Prophet Mohammad, they had to follow, not Torah and Gospel (Aramaic Injeel) but finally updated Divine law of Quran. Because to follow Quran mean to follow Allah and Mohammad(s) 47:2, 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 50:45, 7:3; so if Moses and Jesus were living in era of Prophet Mohammad, then they had to follow Mohammad(s) by following only Quran. This is methodology of Divine System/Divine Law, and this makes no any Prophet superior to any other Prophet because Allah tells us in Quran over three times “La No’farra’ko baina Ahdin” which mean “do not make distinction among prophets” because all Prophets and Messengers of GOD preached same one Message “Islam” 3:19, 3:85, 3:67, 42:13, 3:52.

So know: No any Prophet is superior to any other Prophet. Do not heed Mushriik Shiite and Mushrik Sunnite hadithers. Without any doubt, Mirza G A Qadiani was a false prophet and in fact he was even not a Muslim but our Mullahs Imams and Sunnite and Shia Hadithers who are deceiving their-selves from centuries are also Impostors ,and their Professor is Satan Iblis. Please note, this hadith of Moses and Jesus is recorded in all books of those Imams whom Shia and Sunni consider their demigods (Quran 9:31, 2:170) like Ibn Kathir and Ibn Qayyim. If this report was incorrect, then why their demigods have recorded in their Books!. There are many historical reports (hadithers say those Hadiths) that show: Prophet forbade Muslims “to Read and Follow” Torah and Bible apparently due to three reasons. First: Previous Divine books has been corrupted (no protection, as previous books were for limited time) and there is no any logic, and rationality to follow a corrupted Book. Second: Due to corruption, Quran has superseded (5:48) and abrogated previous Books such as Torah and Bible in verses 2:105-2:106. These two verses never abrogate verses of Quran as Jaahil Sunnite and their dumb ignorant Imams are preaching from past 1200 years. Quran in 2:105-106 has abrogated previous corrupted books and it becomes clear when verse 2:106 is not read in isolation but along with 2:105 and 5:48.

Meaning of word Aya here in 2:106 is not as mere a “verse” but a Message/Book because each Message/Book is collection of verses. Verse 2:105 makes clear, what verse 2:106 is talking about. Quran must be understood as a whole one Book but like Islamophobes, Shiites and Sunnite hadithers always take one or a few verses out of internal context of whole Quran, and then they translate verses in order to support their unsound beliefs. Arabic is very big language and just for Camel there are over 5000 words. So word Aya has also numerous meaning. Its meaning is not confined to just word “verse”. Third: In a Classroom, your professor orders you to bring latest edition, say it, Book of Chemistry, because latest edition contains all remnant valid laws of previous editions, and new edition drops obsolete material, and also it updates law/material. Author of all Divine Books is One GOD, so question of plagiarism cannot arise. For example, from 10 commandment of Torah, Quran has carried forward nine commandments, and 10th one “Sabbath” is dropped in updated law.

For example; from centuries these Sunnite Cheater-hadithers are telling others just a portion of verse 59:7 “wama atakumu alrrasoolu fakhuthoohu”. And they deliberately cheat by saying; verse 59:7 ordains: “take from prophet what he gives you”. They further extend their this lie by falsely claiming, that millions of fabricated reports of hadiths and sunna belong to Prophet so (according to hadithers) all people should take that all hadiths because GOD says in 59:7 “take what Prophet gives you”. But when we read full verse 59:7 and its surrounding verses, it becomes 100% clear that 59:7 telling Muslims: do not dispute but what portion of Spoils of War Prophet gives you during distribution of spoils of war 1400 years ago, take it. Verse 59:7 in no way tells Muslims to take from Prophet Millions of Hadiths and fabricated Sunna that Prophet never Certified. Name of Ibn Qayyim is among the Biggest demigods of Mushrik-Hadithers. He is author of tons of books. Let we read, what their this big Imam says about Moses and Jesus in his Book “Madaarij Saalikeen”. So it is Crystal Clear from this hadith that Moses and Jesus are dead and that what tons of historical evidence also shows, and Noble Quran also shows in 3:55, 4:158, 32:11, 3:114, 5:116-117 that Moses and Jesus are died but because Hadithers are fond of fictions from centuries so even if Prophet comes back today and tells these brain-dead blindly following Shia and Sunni hadithers that Jesus was a mortal human like all human Prophets 5:75, 18:110, 3:144 and he is died like all humans; believe us: these Cattle-Hadithers will not accept surety even from Prophet because Mullahs and Imams are brain-washing these cattle of 7:179 from 1200 years and their brains has been not just brainwashed but in fact are hypnotized, partially paralyzed, and badly distorted. Hadithers are the most dangerous sycophants living under sky. These Jaahil Hadithers will place all load on False prophet Mirza G A Qadiani and under this plea, they always escape from Quranic Truth. Now if false Prophet Mirza G A Qadiani will say 2+2=4, should we reject this mathematical truth only because we have animosity with Liar Mirza Qadiani? Hadithers have narrow-minds and have tunnel vision. Death of Jesus in no way endorses false-Prophethood of Liar Mirza Qadiani. What is wrong with hadithers! Same hadith is mentioned by their another big demigod (9:31) Ibn Kathir but when some hadiths go against their unsound beliefs, they start to say: This and that hadith is weak and it has no proper chains etc. These Joha’la never realize that if one can forge matan (text) of hadith, why he also cannot forge Chains? For example just for demonstration, let we forge one chain right now: Obama narrated from Bush and he listened from his mother, and she narrated from Ibn Stalin narrated from Ibn Lenin narrated from Abu Hurairah narrated from Ibn Dabbas that Jesus will drop on one Minaret of Mosque in Damascus on 24 December 2017. Now we have this awesome chain (Isnad) here. But does this mean, this statement is now reliable? Now hadithers will answer: O you the bloody hadith rejecter: we have ICBM called “Science of Hadith” but their science of hadiths is only that machine which places label of cow-meat on the packets of pork, mean it tends to convert their favorite lies into authentic lies, and then to Sahih reports. Therefore; not even one hadith is 100% reliable because Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) certified no hadith. Our friends: Read hadiths mere as Crude Raw Historical Stock of gossip rumors and hearsay. In that stock, truth and falsehood are blended together. Any report from that stock which runs along with Quran can be considered as relatively reliable historical report but remember, still history is not dogma; and Formation of Divine law is valid Only and Only from BOOK of Allah 5:44, 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 7:3, 47:2. Any one who makes Divine law from extra-Quranic Books and Sources has been declared by Haq Ta’ala as Kafir in Quran 5:44. If this historical report (hadithers say it hadith) recorded by Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Kathir and by many more, was not relatively reliable, then how these big demigods of Hadithers could include it in their very famous books!! But let we make one point clear here that despite Ibn Qayyam wrote tons of Books but as per our unbiased honest research, he was just one among those millions of Mullahs and Imams who from past 1200 years, mix truth and falsehood always, and so they violate Quran 2:42 “And do not overlay the truth with falsehood, and do not knowingly suppress the truth”.

Reader can download this very Rational full Fatwa of Imam Shaltut in pdf format (only in Arabic) at: Fatwa of Imam Shaltut about Jesus/Isa PBUH or you can download from this link Click hereDoubleStandard1Prophet neither verified nor certified any hadith or sunna book. That all books were written centuries after the death of Prophet by defeated enemies of Islam. This is why, we grade that books only crude historical crap. Islamic law is valid only from Book of Allah 5:44, 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 16:116. Islamic law cannot be made from historical crap. But Hadithers commit kuffar by making laws from that historical crap 5:44. Besides; hadithers have double standard. If any report of that history books supports their unsound beliefs, they grade that history report as an Authentic-Hadith (Sahih-Hadith) but if any report from that history books goes against their unsound beliefs; they start to prove, that report, as Weak report (Da’eef) by saying, that in chain, this and that person is not reliable. For example: Reader can see at all forums, that Sunni present forged report of Sahih-Muslim that says: Prophet said: After me follow Quran and my Sunna. Shia pick another forged report from Sahih-Muslim that says: After me follow Quran and Ahle-Bait but both Sunni and Shia will never show you Five reports of Sahih-Muslim in which: Prophet said: after me, follow only Quran. Now, another book of so called hadiths “Kanz-ul-Aamaal” was written centuries before the birth of Impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. Reports in that book show, Jesus lived about 120 years and then died. Therefore; logically and rationally, Hadithers cannot say, that reports of Kanz-ul-Aamaal were fabricated by Liar Mirza Qadiani. However, because hadithers will not accept any report which bulldozes their unsound believes; so, as usual they say: O that report of Kanz-ul-Aamaal is Weak. Sahih-Muslim also says: that, all black dogs are Devil. But, whenever hadihers cannot defend this kind of filthy and nonsensical reports of their forged hadith books, they will label, that lies, as either a metaphor or a miracle or it is out context. Truth is, that Jesus was a mortal human Prophet like all other Prophets. He lived like humans and has been died like humans. Quran 3:144 makes crystal clear that all Messengers before Mohammad has been died and Jesus was never an exemption 3:55, 5:116-117. As, this page proves; Jesus died at very old age and is buried in Gave of Rozabal with tons of irrefutable evidence.

For further study; some Excellent references are given below. We know: Mirza G A Qadiani was a false Prophet but following books/references are not production of Mirza G A Qadiani and his followers.
1- The Fifth Gospel: New Evidence from the Tibetan, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian and Urdu Sources About the Historical Life of Jesus Christ After the Crucifixion; by Dr. Fida Hassnain and Dahan Levi.
2- A Search for the Historical Jesus by Dr. Fida M Hassnain
3- Roza Bal The Tomb of Jesus by Dr. Fida M. Hassnain and Suzanne Olsson
4- Jesus in Kashmir: The Lost Tomb by Suzanne Olsson
5- Jesus Lived in India: His Unknown Life Before and After the Crucifixion by Dr. Holger Kersten
6- The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ by Nicolas Notovitch
7- The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ– January 1, 1997 by Levi H. Dowling
8- When Jesus Lived in India: The Quest for the Aquarian Gospel, the Mystery of the Missing Years BY Alan Jacobs
9- Journey into Kashmir and Tibet by Swami Abhedananda
10- Jesus Died in Kashmir: Jesus, Moses and the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel BY A. Faber-Kaiser
11- Jesus and Moses Are Buried in India, Birthplace of Abraham and the Hebrews! by Gene D. Matlock
12- King Of Travelers: Jesus’ Lost Years in India by Edward Martin.
13- Jesus of India: His Unknown Years and Travels by Maury Lee.
14- “In the Shadow of the Cross: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time” By Billy Roberts.

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Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani was a False Prophet – A Logical and Rational Approach


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