
Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.

CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s extinction – Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston also understands what it takes to make or defend a legal case against Big Pharma.  She has years of experience on multiple levels.  Kingston contends you do not need new laws to stop the CV19 mRNA technology. 

Everybody simply needs to understand the CV19 vax and the mRNA technology are proven bioweapons.  The data shows millions have been disabled or murdered by the CV19 bioweapon/vax so far.  Is it going to get worse?  Kingston says, “Unfortunately, it is going to get worse.  The worst is yet to come. . . . The FDA did have to prove that these were safe.  Based on the information that they had in October and November of 2020, they should have never moved forward . . . with the trials.  So, they broke the law.  They knew it would cause all these disabilities and deaths. . . . I predicted a 25% myocarditis rate in July of 2021.  I have heard experts say we may be looking at 100%  . . . if they got two or three shots.  So, it’s going to get bad.”Big Pharma and government are allowing mRNA technology (the same deadly bioweapon in the CV19 injections) to be put into the entire food supply.  Kingston contends this is to turn humans into trans-humans in something called “Directed Evolution.”  Kingston explains, “Directed Evolution is forcing the evolution of humans to merge with DNA from reptiles, insects and artificial intelligence.  It’s the bio-digital merger.  This is what this is, and there are multi-trillion dollar industries around this. . . . There is a whole bio-data division in DARPA in the U.S. military.  It is about merging the bio-digital with humans.”Many have been calling the CV19 bioweapon/vax that features technology poison such as graphene as a genocide.  Kingston contends it is far more than that.  Kingston says, “This is not for the benefit of humanity.  This is going to lead to our extinction.  I just do not know why people do not understand that.”Kingston demonstrates the electromagnetic properties of mRNA on a beef steak.  The quarter she uses sticks to a part of the meat where the mRNA had assembled because the mRNA creates a magnetic field.  (All patents Kingston has reviewed prove, without a doubt, mRNA is an electromagnetic device.)  Kingston says there is no need to pass new laws to stop evil Big Pharma, government and food producers from putting this in our food.  mRNA is a bioweapon, and it is illegal to put this in anyone’s food.  Kingston says, “It’s not that you want informed consent about mRNA technology in your food,  every state has laws on the books where weapons of biowarfare cannot contaminate the food supply.  I think what is most important is that we seize these mRNA injections.  Once we seize the shots and we get legal custody of that to show American citizens and global citizens what the technology is in the shots, then we can start shutting it down around the globe.  Not just in the ‘vaccine’ market, but show this is what is being put into our food supply and why all of this needs to stop.”

Full article here: https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-bioweapon-vax-is-not-genocide-its-extinction-karen-kingston/


Interview found on twitter

Will Food Contamination with mRNA Technology Cause the Next Global Shut Down?

“They’ve had mRNA technology since 2005 to put these weaponized ‘viruses’ into edible products, such as lettuce, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables.” – Karen Kingston, March 17, 2022

by Karen Kingston

April 30, 2023: On March 17, 2022, (more than one year ago) on Brannon Howse live I broke the news that mRNA ‘vaccine technology’ was not only being put into our food supply, but also being produced by plants. This was just a few weeks after Health Canada approved Medicago’s Covifenz for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2. Medicago has since gone out of business due to the WHO’s rejection of Covinfenz.

The reason for Medicago’s closure has to do with politics, the WHO, and the tobacco industry. I will report on this soon. In the meantime, here is some visual evidence that mRNA technology is in the meat supply.

Please keep in mind that ‘spike proteins’ and ‘mRNA’ are electromagnetic nanotechnologies that host electromagnetic fields. When mRNA nanoparticles (or spike proteins) are used to contaminate meat, chicken, or pork, the nanoparticles will congregate together thereby creating a strong electromagnetic field that can attract metals.
You can test your meat for electromagnetic fields using a quarter, nickel, or magnet. I’ve also used a house key, and that worked as well.
I did a recent interview with Greg Hunter discussing mRNA in the food supply that can be viewed here.
You can listen to the March 17, 2022, interview with Brannon Howse here and review the transcript of the interview along with evidence presented in this article.
*Since I’ve done this interview, I’ve discovered that the terms ‘virus’ and ‘vaccine’ typically refer to the mRNA lipid nanoparticle technologies.
Transcript of Karen Kington Interview with Brannon Howse – May 17, 2022

Brannon Howse: Joining me now is Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee. It’s been a few weeks since we’ve had her with us. Karen, welcome back to Lindell TV. Thank you for joining us.
Karen Kingston : Thanks for having me, Brannon. It’s good to be back.
Brannon Howse: Well, Karen, as always, you’ve sent over a wonderful PowerPoint presentation. So, what are we going to talk about tonight, Karen,
Karen Kingston: Talking about evidence… there’s more than enough evidence that shows that these inoculations are bioweapons. Various databases has over a million serious adverse events over 25,000 deaths, worsened disease, Unintended Consequences of the COVID-19 Vaccines by Dr. Seneffe at MIT was published last year. And she goes through 25 ways that these vaccines can disable, disfigure, or kill people. And they’ve all come true.
In May of last year, I sent an email out to mainstream media, influencers, congressmen and congresswoman saying, look, here are the studies from the Wuhan Institute of Virology weaponizing the SARS-Cov-2 virus with HIV glycoprotein 120. Here are the patents that state thay they include advanced medical technologies that can track the biomarkers and can exchange data. And then I also included some of the serious adverse events that were reported with the FDA data and what happened, Brannon? Everyone started asking whether or not it came from a lab or nature!! (No one inquired about the evidence I sent on the mRNA bioweapons).
We are so far behind in this war. We are at war. There are enemies in America right now who are in our government and in other positions that are not for the American people. So, what’s going on right now is we are fighting against vaccine mandates, which are the bioweapon injections. We are fighting against masks and contact tracing, etc. But they have had the technology since 2005 to put these weaponized chimeric ‘viruses’ into edible products, such as lettuce and tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables.
“We are so far behind in this war. What’s going on right now is we are fighting against vaccine mandates, which are the bioweapon injections. We are fighting against masks and contact tracing, etc. But they have had the technology since 2005 to put these weaponized chimeric ‘viruses’ into edible products, such as lettuce and tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables.” – Karen Kingston, March 17, 2022, Brannon Howse Live

Brannon Howse: Whoa, what did you just say?


BREAKING: Pfizer’s Jab Contains the SV40 Sequence Which Is Known as a Promoter of the Cancer Virus

3 comments on “CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s extinction – Karen Kingston

  1. Jimmy Jukebox
    May 2, 2023

    A patent from 1989 , lots of Injuries and deaths resulted from the bioweapon Covid-19 shots.
    When ya click on the 2nd or 3rd highlight in the above article, It says: 265 million people in United States have been given / received a bioweapon Covid-19 shot.
    Makes me think of the Deagel population prediction that was posted from 2014 to 2021 ,
    The Deagel report prediction predicted by 2025 United States population as 99 million people.
    Numbers are lining up correctly.

    Dr. Gilbert Pierre Lecture in 1995 tried to warn people,
    He talked about magneto lipid Crystals in vaccines were going to be mandatory 1 day.
    Look it up.
    Rudolph Steiner in 1909 Said 1 day vaccines Will Destroy the Human Soul.
    Here’s a 6 minute video of The 1909 Prediction come true.


      • Jimmy Jukebox
        May 3, 2023

        Hi ,
        But ya have to remember or do research if ya never saw the article on the contract between 4 countries and the United States IF super Yellowstone volcano erupts during the years 2014 to 2024 is the time the contract is valid.
        Can it Really be extinction IF the Graphene Oxide is turning the vaccinated into Transhuman people ?
        Why put self assembling computers into vaccinated especially to make people Transhuman if 100% of the vaccinated end up with death or cancer ?
        I subscribe to Expose website and saw that article.
        The United Nations already said: Every Human and Transhuman, animal and plant / vegetation will be tracked, connected, IoT internet of Things and Internet of Bodies seems to have more of a control purpose that Death.
        It’s a Spiritual Battle.
        Watch this video:


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This entry was posted on May 2, 2023 by in Big Pharma, Fraud, Genocide, Vaccine Racket and tagged , , , .


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Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.


Connecting true geography and detailed unfolding of wide variety of crimes perpetrated by German/Ukrainian Nazis and jewish bolsheviks of Soviet Union on the Polish nation.