Three views on our new Cuba relations

From The Z Man:

“In reality, Obama is just doing the bidding of American business. The tourism rackets, gambling rackets and, of course, the bankers see big profits in Cuba. This news story from the spring [0f 2014] lays out the case for normalizing relations so big business can cash in on Cuba. It is easy to forget that Cuba was a food exporter before Castro. They can also be a source of cheap labor for American business. Our rulers will also enjoy vacationing there as well.”

On the other hand, via Miriam’s Ideas:

“Step outside of the official tourist route and one soon sees the real Cuba. It is here, amidst the prostitutes and the elderly people rummaging through [trash] bins in central Havana, that one starts to understand why many Cubans might like a few branches of McDonalds in their country. Cheap plastic food is, after all, a good deal better than no food at all.”

And from native Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez:

“…Raul Castro has not reduced the repression against dissidents, which in February reached the figure of 492 arbitrary arrests. The Castro regime extends a hand to the White House, while keeping its boot pressed on the non-conformists in its own backyard. However, the disproportion of the negotiating forces between the two governments has been noted, even in popular jokes. ‘Did you know that the United States and Cuba broke off relations again?’ one of the incautious mocked in December. Before an incredulous, ‘Noooo?!’ the jokester responds with a straight face: ‘Yes, Obama was upset because Raul called him collect.’ There is all the material poverty of our nation contained in that phrase.”

Mr. B.’s generation, as yet unnamed by the trendy, will know how it all works out.

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