Jarrod 2

Our upcoming Quiz Night has been billed as an Academy fundraiser and after speaking with the club we can now confirm the exact details.

The AASE (Academic Award in Sporting Excellence) scheme gives 16 to 18 year old boys two years of higher education, rugby training at Hazelwood and a pathway to possible senior contracts. Many of the Academy’s recent players have come via the scheme including Tom Fowlie and Jonny Williams.

However whilst the program is free, in recent years its has been tough for families to send their children to Sunbury every day or pay for accommodation. The scheme is increasingly popular but some families simply can’t afford to send their boys.

Jarrod T-shirt

Richard Pryor, the AASE Manager has in recent weeks advertised the beginning of a Bursary named in Jarrod Cunningham’s honour, who sadly succumbed to motor neurone disease in 2007. This has been secured with the permission of Jarrod’s sister and the LISC is delighted to be supporting this much needed financial assistance with the proceeds from our Quiz Night.

Richard will also be joining us at the evening to raise awareness about the Bursary and how it will be used.

If you can join us on Friday 27th April to support this great initiative, and have some fun doing so, the details are via this link and the night is open to all – not just LISC members!