#AtoZChallenge 2015 Theme Reveal

It’s time for the A to Z April Challenge – that time of the year again when I’m caught between the ‘Should I do it?’ and the ‘Should I pass?’. However, after last year I know myself well enough to sit back patiently and watch the inexorable transition from ‘No way I cannot’ to ‘Maybe I should’ to ‘I think I can’ finally to ‘Let me go sign up.’

And sign up I did.

As if the chaos of travelling in April and the fact that I will have to post every single day wasn’t challenging enough, this year I will be posting on a brand new blog on a brand new platform with absolutely no idea how I’ll do it. But then that’s what a challenge is all about.

Now for the theme. Yet again I’ll pick from the familiar and the much loved. I will be writing about 26 fascinating people, people who may not have walked the earth in body but are as real as they come. They are the ones we quote, the ones we dream of, the ones we hate, the one’s we envy or the one’s we aspire to be.

My theme ladies and gentlemen isatoz-theme-reveal-2015-660x4001

Compelling Characters from Books we Love

They may not be the protagonists, they may not even be likeable but they are the ones who have refused to leave us, long after we have put down the book.

Between making it an all women’s party (I’m partial to women characters) and turning it into a lust list (I’m even more partial to yummilicious men) – I have my task cut out for me. Join me for a date with some of the most fascinating characters fleshed out by great writers.

Head over to the Theme Reveal Fest to check out what the others have in store for you this April.

35 Replies to “#AtoZChallenge 2015 Theme Reveal”

  1. Loved your last year’s theme and this one sounds awesome. Looking forward to read your posts! Cheers! 🙂


  2. Wow! This theme is right up my alley. I love my books along with their imaginary characters. Some of them are very real to me. After all I spend hours in their company – living in their world and at times mourning their deaths. This is going to be a fun ride. Will be following this space in April, daily!
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*


  3. I bet it was hard to narrow the list to 26 compelling people from books! So many wonderful books out there with compelling characters 🙂 Great them; have fun with the challenge!



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