Japanese Hakone Yosegi Himitsubako puzzle boxes or Karakuri boxes, Secret box, Trick box for purchasing in Tokyo

Updated on 28th May 2024

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 Japanese puzzle box is a general term to describe various types of boxes which you need to do something to open like sliding, spinning, hitting etc.

   Himitsubako (Himitsu means secret and bako means box) generally indicates those specific boxes which are traditional puzzle boxes with yosegi marquetry covering them and they can normally be opened only with sliding movements and the movements are always similar and repetitive.

   Karakuri bako (Karakuri means trick) means those boxes made to modern design and the ways they open involve more than just sliding, but also spinning, hitting,  rotating etc.

We introduce you those puzzle boxes, which you can purchase at our store in Tokyo, but you can also order by email and we can send them overseas by EMS or send them to the designated hotels or places within Japan after confirming your payment by PayPal. For the purchasing details, please scroll down to the bottom of this page or visit our online store 

We also stock a limited line of Hanayama puzzles.

Our shop is located only 2 stops away from Shibuya on Tokyo Metro Ginza line. For the details of how you can reach us, please scroll down this page.

All of these boxes come with instructions and can be gift wrapped.


The hardest puzzle box currently available is New Himitsubako No.4­.


The traditional himitsubako puzzle boxes always slide with the same manner, so the movements are all repetitive. Once you open the harder ones, then you should be able to open the less movement ones very easily.

The size of the himitsubako is expressed as sun (寸). 1 sun is about 3cm, so 4 sun himitsubako means the wideth of 12cm and 6 sun means about 18cm wide.

2 sun 5 slides himitsubako is a palm size small puzzle box with only 5 slides to open. It is very basic box and easy to open, but popular for souvenirs and as a gift box to put a ring or other small presents in it. The price is 2,230yen.

2.7 sun 12 slides himitsubako is slightly larger than 2 sun, but you need to slide 12 times to open. Although it is still small puzzle box, the movement is exactly the same as the larger ones, so it is very well made considering that size. The price is 3,200yen.

This 4 sun 4 slides himitsubako is a perfect gift for small kids, who might find it is too difficult to open other himitsubako. The movement is very simple, but it is large enough to store treasures in it.  The price is 3,500yen.

4sun 7 slides himitsubako is similar to 4 slides one, but just more moves. The size is the same as the above and the price is 4,875yen. It can be opened with only 7 movements, so it is very easier to open, so if you prefer something very easy or if it is a gift for little kids, this might be suitable, but it will be too easy for adults.

This is 4sun 12 slides himitsubako.  The size is 11.8 x 8.8 x 5.8 cm and the price is 5,180yen.

4 sun 14 slides himitsubako also arrived and the price is 5,300yen.

  5 sun 27times + 1 Himitsubako. The size is 15 x 9.8 x 6.5cm (inside space is 10 x 7.5 x 3.8cm). The price is 8,800yen. This is large enough to keep valuables in it and you need to move 27 times to open. +1 means that there is an extra secret storage space in the lid. It is relatively difficult to open, so if you like puzzle box and want to try something difficult, this will be an ideal box.

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 5 sun 35 times +1 – This beautiful Sayagara design (this traditional design has been known as indicating prosperity) is very unique as having the +1 feature, i.e. there is an extra coin space inside the lid to hide coins in. It is also considerably harder than that of 4 sun sizes, so for those who like puzzles (but not too difficult) this is the most popular one. 10,500yen.

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 5 sun New Karakuri box – Himitsubako usually slides with the same movements and it is pretty repetitive to open the box, but his unique New Karakuri box is very different from the usual himitsubako.
   It has two compartments with an extra coin space. Although I have tried to open many himitsubako before, I failed to open this box, so I cheated. I strongly recommend this box! 11,300yen
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5 sun 7steps +1 coin space with a drawer box –  This unique himitsubako has a drawer as well as a usual container at the top completed with an extra coin space. 11,300yen
5sun 21steps1
5 sun 21steps  –  This himitsubako is covered with mono torn Asanoha design, which we believe to ward off evil spirits away from you, so we often use that design for kimono. It opens with 21 steps, so it is relatively hard to open. 8,800yen
6sun10+1 16sun10+1 3
  6 sun 10steps +4  –  What is so special about this himitsubako is that the front design is inlayed with Daikoku and Ebisu, which are gods of money and business and the back side is inlayed with happiness. The box has two compartments and the second compartment is rather shallow, so people generally do not notice the existence of second space, so it is very secret. 21,100yen. The size of the box is 18.4x 12.8x 9.4cm.
   This box also comes in different designs like red Mt. Fuji design (Red Fuji is considered very fortunate because we can see that at very limited time of a year).
     It also comes with the Mt. Fuji with a lake.

 7 sun 72 times +1 Himitsubako. This is the largest Himitsubako we have at our store. The size is 22 x 15.9 x 11.4 cm(inside space is 15.8x13.9x8.5). The price is 49,000yen. To open this box, you have to slide 72 times and +1 means that after opening the box, there is a secret little space inside the lid.

We also stock other himitsubako as well and they constantly come and go, so when you visit my store, we will have others in stock.  

   2.  Karakuri small boxes

There are 7 different types of Karakuri small boxes and they are all 4,500yen. The sizes are all around 5cm, so very small, but they can be opened with unique movements, so they are also popular at  our store. Some of them are very easy to open, but others are difficult in different ways.

The logo on the top says Karakuri (からくり), which means trick in Japanese.

The popular ones are No.6, No.7, No.5 and No.1 (the order is in popular order).


Karakuri small box No.1 is relatively difficult and you need to move 3 times to open.  The second movement is relatively difficult to find out and moves in a slightly unique way, so I personally like it. Difficulty level :  Hard.


Karakuri small box No.2 is the easiest one. It opens with only 2 movements, but the way it moves is very unique, so it is popular amongst the puzzle box collectors. Difficulty level : Easy.


Karakuri small box No.3 can be opened with 4 movements and it is relatively easy. This is popular for small kids. Difficulty level : Easy to Medium.


Karakuri small box No.4 is the cutest looking of all, but the way it opens is relatively easy and only 1 action is required to open the box, so it is not so popular on its own, but many people buy this with No.5 and No.6 because they look deceivingly similar. The shape is the same as No.5 and 6, but the way it opens is totally different from them. Difficulty level : Easy.


Karakuri small box No.5 involves very unique movements and many people find it is hard to open. You need to do something first and eventually you need to slid to open, but the first initiation is hard to find. Difficulty level : Hard.


Karakuri small box No.6 has the same shape as No.4 and 5, and all of them open in different ways and it is fun to try this No.6 box first and then try No.4 and  No.5 afterward. They are a kind of set. If you want to purchase only one from these three, then I would choose No.6. It involves only 1 action to open, but it is so unexpected, so many people find it hard to open. This box is the most popular box amongst the whole puzzle box collection. Difficulty level : Hard.


Karakuri small box No.7 is my favorite and it is also the hardest amongst them. You need to move only 3 times and it is relatively easy to find the first two movements, but the last one is so unexpected. I would say only 5 % of those people tried at our store could open it within 5 min.

  3. New Himitsubako

The reason it is called New is that as for the traditional Himitsubako puzzle boxes, you can move only limited areas, but as for the New Himitsubako, you can move all 6 surfaces to open. Another reason for the popularity is that you can see the mechanical structures as you open them.


This is when the boxes are opened and the sizes are all the same. 8 x 8 x 8 cm (inside is 4 x 4 x 4.5cm).

There are three different types Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and the prices vary depending on the number of movements you have to move to open. They revamped the design in 2019, but the mechanism is the same as the old ones.

The basic movements are all the same, and the box with 1 line (New Himitsubako No.1) can be opened with 6 movements, the box with 2 lines (New Himitsubako No.2) is 12 movements and the box with 3 lines (New Himitsubako No.3) can be opened with 18 movements).

The basic one is No.1 and each surface moves only once, but as for the No.2, you need to repeat the same movements twice so the total movements double to 12 movements. The same logic applies to the No.3 and you need to repeat the same movements three times.

Either No.1 or No. 3 are popular ones.

The prices are 6,200yen for No.1, 6,850yen for No.2 and 7,600yen for No.3.

New Himitsubako Ⅳ was later introduced and this new type has totally different mechanisms from other three, which makes this box the hardest box.



This is New Himitsubako No.4. The size and the basic design are the same as other three, but as you can see, the mechanical structure is very different from others. You have to move at least 32 times, but what makes this box the hardest puzzle box of all is that you need to find out the certain sequence. If you really want to try a hard to solve puzzle box, this is the one you should try. It is also fun to challenge your friends with this box and observe how they try to open this.  The price is 9,600yen.


      4. Karakuri cubes

Karakuri cubes are also popular because they look cute and they will be attractive objets on their own. All of them open with different movements, but the most popular one is No.2.

All of them are 4,600yen and the size is all 6cm.

Karakuri cube No.1

This Karakuri cube No.1 can be opened with 3 movements. You need to move two areas of the square on the surface and when you pull the box apart, it opens.

Karakuri cube No.2

Karakuri cube No. 2 can be opened with 5 movements and it is similar to No.1 i.e. you need to move 4 squares on the surface and when you pull the box apart, it opens. This is the most popular box of this series.

Karakuri cube No.3

Karakuri cube No.3 is the easiest of all and it opens with only two movements. Although this box is easy to open, it can be used as a practical box to keep valuable things in it, so it sells well at our actual store.

Karakuri cube No.4

Karakuri cube No. 4 can be opened with 4 movements. You need to move 3 squares of the surface and the last one comes apart when it is pulled.

      5. Walk under the stars karakuri box.


This karakuri box is relatively large and the size is 8.5 x 12 x 6.3 cm (inside size is about 6 x 9.5 x 4cm). The price is 10,300yen.

This is a little expensive, but it is large enough to be used as a practical box to keep something in it such as jewelries etc, so it will be a perfect gift for your loved ones.

As you can see, it comes with the little bear and you need it to open the box. The clue is the title).

     6. Karakuri Dice

This box is relatively large sized with 7.8cm wideth. The price is 13,750yen. Although it is expensive, it is popular at our store. When you do something, the surface with 6 dots slides to open like on the photo.

    7. Double lids Karakuri Box

The box has two lids and the first one can be opened by simply lifting the lid and then the second lid appears, which does not look like moving at all. The lid does not move at all unless you do something…. very interesting mechanism. The size of the box is  11.9 cm x 8.4cm x 5.7cm (inside is 7.1 x 4.1 x 3.4cm) and the price is 13,750 yen.

8. Karakuri Egg box

Karakuri egg box is made of Sakura cherry wood. The clue is its shape. If you do something, it opens like an egg cracks. The size is 6 x 6 x 8cm (inside is approximately 2 x 4cm), so it is slightly larger than normal chicken egg. The price is 11,000yen.

9. Osaru no Kago-ya


Osaru means monkey and Kago means palanquin, so as you can see the two monkeys are carrying the palanquin visiting the touristy places in Hakone, Japan.

The large mountain in the middle is Mt. Fuji, so it will be a perfect gift from Japan.

When it is opened, the space inside is relatively large so that you can use it as a practical box like keeping jewelry and accessories etc.


The size of the box is 12 x 8.4 x 4.8cm (inside is 9.4 x 5.9 x 2.8cm) and the price is   10,300yen.


10. Secret base

The secret base was originally created by Mr. Hiroshi Iwahara in 2007 and he has made it several times since then, but it was sold out soon after every time he produced due to its popularity as a unique puzzle box. It is not that difficult to open, but the way it moves is interesting and amusing.

As the title suggests, the four wooden plates slide to open as if a door leading to a secret base opens on SF movie.

The size of the box is 9 x 9 x 6.7cm (interior size is 5.6 x6.1 x 1.5cm) and the price is 27,500yen.

11. Cassiopeia box Small Size


Cassiopeia puzzle box used to be much larger box, but they recently modified it to the smaller size and halved the price to 16,500yen.

The top plate has the small dots which are made with swarovski crystals and the zodiac sign is the clue to open the box. It is so unique and romantic in a way so that you would feel like looking up the stars after opening it. It is a perfect gift for your loved one.

The size is 8.6 x 8.6 x 6.6cm (inside is 6 x 6.6 x 1.8cm).


12.  Small box: Block

Both of these small boxes are similar in a way that it can be opened with only 1 step. They look beautiful and will be perfect display items on your shelf. It is not that difficult and very simple mechanism, but the craftsman made they very precisely and intricately, so they don’t look like they are really going to open and they look like just pieces of wooden block.

This is also a limited edition and the price is 4.500yen each

13.  Fortune card box


This puzzle box was originally created by Mr. Miyamoto and recently they slightly made the size bigger enabling a deck of cards can be stored inside the box. It is very easy to open the box, but it will be a perfect gift for those who like playing cards. 

The price is 25,000yen and the size of the box is 9.3×12.6×5.7cm (internal size is 7.0×10.1×1.95cm).  Limited edition.

14.  Moon and bear

The moon and bear was created by Yoh Kakuda and a bear holds a crescent moon on his right hand looking somewhat sad. When he becomes what he really wants to be, the box is free to open.

The price is 37,500yen and the size of the box is 8.5×5.2×16cm.

15.  Ring box

Ring box

The puzzle boxes created by Mr. Kawashima tend to be mechanical and often involves many steps to open, but his ring box is not really a storage box, but the aim of this box is to remove the ring inside.

The rings on the top of the lid are not drawing, but it are inlaid and it comes with the metal ring.

The first lid opens easily just like a normal box, but once you open the lid, you will notice that a ring is already stored in it, but the ring does not come off easily by pulling it. How can you remove it? That is the goal.

He does not recommend this box to be used for other rings of your own, because it might break the ring or the box itself, but it would be a perfect present if you can put the ring of your choice for engagement etc, but with your own risk. I assume that as long as it is simple and thin ring without a huge stone, you will be able to put it inside. The price is 20,000yen

16.  Ninja


This very unique puzzle box was created by Mr. Shou Sugimoto and the title Onushimo waruyono means “you are also a bad one, aren’t you”. Onushi means you and mo means also and waruyono means bad aren’t you.

Although the bribery is obviously bad thing to do and everyone hates those who are involved in the bribery, but that has been practiced in every counties for a long time which is as long as the history of the human beings have lived on earth, because it seems the bribery is almost the human nature and it is only a matter of degree that people give gifts to each other to thank people.

You can also participate in the dark side of Japan with the bribery. It is relatively easy to open, but very unique box.

Craftsman :  Osamu Kasho
Size (box body) : 9 x 9 x 5.1 cm

Price 31,250yen

17.  Alchemist

This work was created for an exhibition on the theme of “Karakuri Experiments”.
There are eight different symbols on each side of the pedestal, which is located just under the round flask. It’s a recipe of alchemy.
After you solve the mystery of the eight symbols, the drawer will open.

Size (box body) : 13.2×14.7×13cm

18.  Parabox 2

The Parabox 2 derives from the combined words “paradox” and “box”.
It is the shape of a Japanese traditional treasure box. When you untie the strings, you can open the first lid easily by lifting it, but you will quickly find out that the second lid it tightly locked.
It appears to be very simple, but it is really well made and I was honestly very surprised by the solution and I quite like it. You will find it open unless you know the answer in advance.

Size (box body) : 120×100×83mm
Size (storage space) : 84×64×56mm

Price: 35,000yen

19.  Coffee cup


Coffee cup shaped Karakuri puzzle box was created by Mr. Akio Kamei. It has always been popular and they rarely came out on the display. The trick is not that difficult, but it is pretty as an object and of course you can use it as a box too to keep a small things in it.The price is 45,000yen.

20.  Skyscrapers

The skyscraper karakuri puzzle box has 5 buildings on the top of the drawer and you can change the height of each building. When the buildings are placed properly, you can pull the drawer. The price is 27,500yen.

21.  Karakuri handcrafts kit

We generally have 8 different types of the handcrafts kits. The wooden parts are inside the plastic bags and with a glue, you can make your own karakuri box (the glue is not included, so you have to prepare that yourself).

Good things about these kits are that you can learn how these boxes are made and these parts are not coated, so you can customize them by painting them.

The prices are all 2,240yen.

If you are interested in these kits, please feel free to contact us.

We also carry selected line of Hanayama puzzles and you can also play with them at our store.

Tax Free Shopping

The prices on the list are all excluding tax (10%). When the total of your purchase exceeds over 5,000yen, you can enjoy the tax free shopping with your passport, so please do not forget to bring it with you, when you visit our store in Tokyo.

How to purchase them?

You can now order online from our English online store for world wide shipping https://mabysoshite.thebase.in/

You can also either visit our store in Tokyo or you can send us emails and we can send them overseas by EMS or send them to those designated hotels or places within Japan where you specify after confirming your payment.

Please choose the boxes you want to purchase and we will calculate the cost of EMS (we normally provide cheaper option if it is available) and we will request the payment with PayPal to you by email. We will send it to you right after we confirm your payment.

For domestic delivery within Japan, the shipping cost is only 660yen and it is free when the total goes over 11,000yen.

Shipping cost will be around 1,600yen to Asia, 3,500yen to the USA and 3,200yen to European countries with EMS, but cheaper service, which is called epacket, is also available and the price will be about half of EMS, but it will take longer to deliver (e.g. EMS to the USA is about 3 days for the delivery, but it will take about a week for the epacket service).

Contact address is info(at)mabysoshite.com  (please change the (at) to @).

When you order from outside of Japan, it will also be tax free.

    <Order flow>

1. Choose the box you want and send an email to us (Please tell us your address)

2. We will reply to you with the cost of EMS and cheaper option price for you to choose.

3. We will send you PayPal payment instruction by email

4. We will send the goods as soon as we confirm your payment.

How to visit us in Tokyo?

The shop is only 1min walk from Gaienmae station (外苑前駅)Exit 1b on Ginza line Tokyo Metro. When you walk up the stairs of the exit 1b, you just need to walk straight for about 100m and our store is on the right side of the street on the ground floor.

Gaienmae station is only 2 stops away from Shibuya on Tokyo Metro Ginza line.

If you are a visitor, please bring your passport, so you can enjoy tax free shopping!

You can also find a map on our HP!


MA by So Shi Te

2-22-15 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku,

Tokyo Japan 107–0062

Tel: 03-3401-0922

Opening hours: Weekdays 11:00 – 19:00 (Sat, Sun, NH until 18:30)

*Please check our homepage for holiday information.

If you can read Japanese, you can also order online from our online store

Yahoo: http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/maaoyama/a4aba4e9a4.html

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Dymoon says:

    informative, thank you

    1. Thank you for reading!

  2. Charles S says:

    I purchased the Karakuri Dice from MA by So Shi Te because it was the best price I could find online with the lowest cost on overseas shipping to the USA. I reached out via the email address listed on this site and through conversing with Shiro I was able to check on availability and finalize the purchase using a PayPal invoice as the payment method. The order was shipped right after payment and one week later I had the beautiful Karakuri Dice in my hands. It is one of my favorite puzzle boxes I have ever purchased. I highly recommend anyone who comes across this site like I did to reach out so you can purchase what you have been looking for at a great price. Thank you!

    1. Thank you very much for your good review! I really appreciate it. I’m glad to know that you liked the dice box! It was my pleasure serving you!

  3. Steve says:

    I have purchased several Karakuri boxes from Shiro. Shipping to the US is very fast, not too expensive and very reliable. I received one package from Tokyo to California in less than a week. This is easily the best, place to buy high quality japanese puzzle boxes.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Steve san! I really appreciate it. I’m glad to hear that you are satisfied with my service!

  4. Seth Wolfe says:

    I am so grateful to Shiro for offering such excellent customer service. I ordered several Karakuri puzzle boxes as gifts for family members and couldn’t be more pleased with my experience in ordering from him. Shipping was quick to the USA and he followed up on the tracking when the package spent a day or two in customs. I am enamored with the quality and intricacy of these puzzle boxes and know they will be received well by their recipients. His prices are the best I have found but his customer service is even better. Thank you my friend.

    1. Thank you very much for taking time reviewing on my service! I was at first worried that it had been taking longer than usual at the customs. I’m really happy to hear that you liked the puzzle boxes! I should have wrapped them if I knew they were gifts.
      Your good review means a lot to me. Thank you!

  5. Vincent Prior says:

    I purchased 2 Karakuri bako (Himitsubako Ⅳ and Karakuri Dice) from the store on Saturday on my way to the airport. They are great and have pride of place on my coffee table. The selection and price was the best I could find anywhere in Tokyo or Kyoto. The customer service was the best of any store I visited in Japn. If I manage to visit Japan again I will come back here again. Thank you

    1. Thank you very much for the excellent review! It mentally helps me a lot to keep running my store especially I’ve been doing this all by myself! It was very nice meeting and talking to your family! Hopefully I’ll see you again in the future!!!

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