#NewRelease- Irresistible: Madly in Love with a Coworker #Romance

It’s release day for our latest multi-author Irresistible box set!

I’m thrilled to be in this group of stellar authors, though our leader, Tamara Ferguson, had to bow out due to her husband’s sudden death. Without her, these sets wouldn’t be the success that they are, and we send her our deepest condolences.

IRRESISTIBLE – Madly In Love With A Coworker

Sometimes, love just happens. When you find that special someone, hopefully, it’s convenient.
But what if it’s not?
What if you’re madly in love with a coworker?
Workplace romance can sometimes be complicated, but always unique.

Find your next IRRESISTIBLE happy-ever-after IN THESE NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED STEAMY STORIES From USA Today Bestselling, Award-Winning Authors.

MADE FOR ME by Natalie Ann, USA Today bestselling author:Will the grief two coworkers experienced in their lives bring them together and help them heal or will the stress of the workplace gossip get to be too much and threaten to crumble what they’d just discovered?

SWEET OBSESSION by Suzanne Jenkins, USA Today bestselling author: Annette’s life revolves around the ski resort her grandfather started. She has only one goal, to make sure the success of Sugarloaf Mountain continues. And there’s no time for romance until she hiresChristopher Santos as the new trail crew boss.

UNDERCOVER JUSTICE by Cynthia Cooke, USA Today bestselling author: An undercover cop set on a collision course with a handsome youth minister must keep him and the kids in his youth group from falling into the hands of a brutal killer.

LETTING GO by Jacquie Biggar,USA Today bestselling author: A coming-of-age novel about the pain of misconceptions and learning from them. When life gives you lemons…

SING ME A SOAP OPERA by Susan Jean Ricci, USA Today bestselling author: A fantasy author gets strong-armed by her publisher to abandon her genre and write a romance about falling in love with a coworker. The challenge? Obtaining a job and penning the romantic details based on true experience.

NOT MY BOSS by Rachelle Ayala, USA Today bestselling author: Can office pranks, HR violations, and a doggy fashion show get Dixie the divorce she thinks she wants?

TROUBLE WITH EDEN by Susanne Matthews, International Bestselling author: Sharing her home and the boss’s chair may be more than a little challenging.

Amazon- https://amzn.to/3e3YVaa

International- https://books2read.com/MadlyinLove

TBR- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60717812-irresistible—madly-in-love-with-a-coworker

Bookbub- https://www.bookbub.com/books/irresistible-madly-in-love-with-a-coworker-by-jacquie-biggar-and-susanne-matthews

Excerpt from Letting go by USA Today Bestselling author Jacquie Biggar


The scents and sounds of the busy coffee shop wrap around me, easing the stress I’d been carrying ever since my sister showed up on our doorstep. From French Press to Espresso, cappuccino to macchiato, The Voltage serves it all and is a hit with the millennials.

“An Americano and a Cortado.” A woman steps up to the counter and rummages in an oversized leather handbag, Gucci sunglasses pushed carelessly on top of shoulder-length cornsilk hair.

“Coming right up.” I hand the order over to Jay, my boss, and the best barista in the state, and ring up the tab. She finally locates her wallet in that suitcase she calls a purse and taps a platinum Mastercard—of course—over the POS machine, then waits impatiently for her receipt. Fingers with pink-tipped nails delicately pick up the assigned number card and without once meeting my gaze, she leaves the lineup streaming out the door and takes a two-seater at the window.

Shrugging off the encounter, I breeze through the next ten customers, then move to give Jay a hand at the coffee station.

“Steady morning,” he says, pulling the steam wand and holding a chilled metal pitcher in place as microfoam with the texture of shiny wet paint and tiny, uniform bubbles fills the container. Next, he carefully pours the mixture over fragrant espresso nestled into a light blue bone china cup, creating a delicate Rosetta design.

“Latte for thirty-one,” he calls out, placing the cup and saucer on the glass shelving that separates the work area from the public space. A guy in chinos and a plaid shirt with a tote hanging over one shoulder steps up and takes the cup with a smile highlighting cute twin dimples. I bestow an answering quirk on my lips, because why not, and wipe down the workstation with a bleach-scented, snow-white cleaning rag.

“Another happy customer.” I nudge Jay’s tattooed hand out of my way and squeal at the warm milk he drizzles over my finger. “Hey! Watch it, Mister.”

He chuckles and leans close to whisper in my ear. “Lucky for you we’re in public or I’d lick it clean.”

A shiver coasts over my spine and lodges in my stomach, causing butterflies to stir. Whether it’s his words or the warmth of his breath against my sensitive neck, I’m not sure, but the guy is seriously hot—and my boyfriend of six months. Not that we’re announcing our relationship to anyone. My choice, not his. Jay is great, but I’m not ready to commit to anything serious. KISS. Keep it simple stupid is my motto. That way no one—meaning me—gets hurt.

27 Replies to “#NewRelease- Irresistible: Madly in Love with a Coworker #Romance”

  1. Well, that’s cool and it sounds like a lot of fun, Jacquie. Readers must love the variety. Best of luck with the box set.
    And so sorry to hear about Tamara’s sad news. I add my condolences to yours.

    Liked by 1 person

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