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afacesunlightThe first reading in our lectionary this morning contains a perfect blessing for this day of new beginnings. Before I transcribe it here, I have two notes from “last year” to be attended to.

1. Some have questions about the title of yesterday’s entry that shows up for you as four numbers that have no reference to anything in the writing. As I often do not know the title until the post is written, I need to be careful to remember not to post until the title comes to me because the moment I post, all those who receive the message by e-mail receive it. There is no going back with those readers; only those who check the website find the edited entry. The title I chose was “Holy Family” but my computer had already chosen the numerical title when I realized I had forgotten to name the post. Thanks for asking about it.

2. I want to thank those of you who responded to our plea for donations during the recent campaign. This is the first time that we have included a specific outreach to our blog readers and it was gratifying to me that you responded. In addition to friends of many years, I was delighted to receive checks/PayPal notifications from readers whom I have never met – in person or otherwise. Please note that it’s never too late to donate, and be assured of our appreciation for all the ways in which you support the blog and the Sophia Center.

Now for the blessing we offer you from God and from us as we begin this new chapter in our lives:

“The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!” (NUM 6:24-26)