The Heiress

by Rachel Hawkins

Ok, Rachel Hawkins has again done what she does best…sucks you into a sticky web of murder and secrets, making it impossible to escape until you’ve read the last page. 

The wealthy widow (three times widowed) Ruby McTavish has died, leaving her estate to her son Cam, who wants nothing to do with his mother, her fortune, or his childhood. You see, Cam has made a humble life for himself as a teacher and husband to Jules. He’d much rather have his uncle and cousins deal with the family fortune.

Unfortunately, Cam’s uncle dies, and Jules (who has never met his family and would like to learn more about her husband) encourages Cam to return to the family fold to help with issues surrounding the estate. 

Upon his return, the reader learns of Ruby’s dark past, the circumstances surrounding Cam’s troubled childhood, and the building of a fortune built on blood.

I really enjoyed this book for several reasons:

  • It was a suitable palate cleanser after the heavy literary fiction I had been reading.
  • It was a quick read with a fast-paced plot and interesting characters.
  • It had two storylines that worked successfully together.When I got tired of one, I was sent back to Ruby’s time. 

This is a great novel with enough twists to keep you reading until the very end. It’s a perfect title for your summer TBR.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin,s Press for the free copy

One thought on “The Heiress

  1. Excellent review, thank you for articulating what I was feeling about the book. So many twists! I listened to the audio book, and there were a few places in the story where I stopped dead for a moment to be sure I heard correctly!

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