Movie Review: Poseidon

Image result for 2006 poseidon movie poster free useWolfgang Petersen brought a Poseidon Adventure remake to the big screen in 2006. Nominated at the Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects, Poseidon conducts itself with a humble persona and yet carries a big stick a la Teddy Roosevelt. A cast that doesn’t strive to shoot for the stars but rather to make a splash of relevancy in cinema, Poseidon maintains a certain allure that can’t be ignored for long. Action that excites and entertains, audiences can only watch what happens on the screen, but at the same time can think of what they would do if they were on the screen themselves in a cruise ship that was turned upside down via a rogue wave and sinking fast.

A cast led by Kurt Russell does an excellent job of balancing each other out so they can all stay above water (see what I did there?). No one character shines above the rest, instead employing a team effort to tell the tale and win over the audience. A bunch of strangers get together and despite their differences, work together to get off a ship that seems determined to keep them there. The subplots help carry the character development nicely, giving us glimpses of who these people are that are fighting for their lives.

Once again, if you’re new to my blog,  I’ve always ranked movies on a scale of 0-100 (I don’t know why, I just always have). Here’s the grading scale.

 90-100  It’s a great movie and definitely one worth buying. (42Just Go With ItReal SteelMiracleScrooge)

80-89   It was a pretty good movie and definitely one worth seeing, but it doesn’t quite scratch my top ten percentile. (The Hunger GamesThe Hunger Games: Catching FireGangster SquadElfThe Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)

70-79   It’s okay but I’ve seen better. It has its moments, but it has its flaws, too. (The Usual Suspects21 Jump StreetEscape PlanCaptain America: The First AvengerDawn of the Dead)

60-69   It’s got plenty wrong with it but I still got enjoyment out of this one. (Pacific RimThe Long Kiss GoodnightDisaster Movie)

50-59   This movie isn’t intolerable but it’s not blowing my mind either. I’m trying really hard to get some sort of enjoyment out of this. (Along Came PollyAliensAlien ResurrectionFull Metal JacketThor)

40-49   This movie is just mediocre. It’s not doing anything other than the bare minimal, so morbidly boring that sometimes I’m actually angry I watched this. (Patriot GamesThe Great GatsbyPitch BlackAlienSerendipity)

30-39   Definitely worse than mediocre, the 30’s ironically define the 1930’s, full of depression, lack of accomplishments, poverty and just so dumb. (The ContractPride and Prejudice, Redemption)

20-29   What did I just watch? Cliches, stupidity, nothingness, did I mention stupidity? Just…wow. (The Sum of All FearsThor: The Dark World)

0-19      Watching this movie resulted in one or more of the following: seizure, loss of brain cells, falling asleep/unconsciousness, feel you wasted your time/day, accomplished nothing for you, left the movie knowing less about it then you did going into it, constantly asking yourself why you came to see this movie, or near-death experience. In short, staring at a wall was just as entertaining as watching this movie. This movie deserved a sticker or a label that said, “WARNING: EXTREME AMOUNT OF SUCKAGE.” (Midnight CowboyDark FuryAlien 3)

My score for Poseidon: 87.

Aided by a supporting cast who knows how to support, Poseidon awards its viewers with a survival tale that grabs hold of you and never let’s go.

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One thought on “Movie Review: Poseidon

  1. Victor De Leon says:

    I really need to re-visit this movie. Only saw it once. Good review!

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