3 Tips To A Relaxed Summer

Summer #2019

It’s all about fun Escapes and Adventures. Everyday counts. Get inspired. Travel. Do what you love!

Model Sanestina~ Image by Sabrina Hunter 

1. Balance 

Because without a clear head (at least for me) it’s merely impossible to enjoy anything life has to offer. We all have to learn how to balance what we love. This includes time, money, family, and friends.

Meditation is a powerful way to balance things out naturally. Start by sitting quietly away from noise for 30 minutes. The practice helps relieve stress and confusion, while promoting calmness, releasing those feel good chemicals known as endorphins.

(My story) Building a career in media is extremely demanding, fun and unpredictable. Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed, exhausted, dehydrated, and hungry… smh. Making time to rest and replenish is significant. There is nothing else in the world I would rather pursue.


“Make Time To Rest Your Soul .”


Because having a “Hot Body” is useless if you don’t show it off!

I love going to beaches in Los Angeles. It takes no time to escape to a beautiful scenery here. My favorite beach is Malibu. It’s secluded, clean and quiet. Beaches are great for reflecting, soaking your pretty feet in the silky sand all while letting the waves take you away! 


Super Model Liya Kebede~ Image by Case Bird

“Stay in Your Element.”


Yes, it sounds cheesy!

Believe me when I say BOOKS are one of the most powerful forms of media. I love books. They are instantly calming, soothing and inspiring! I believe somewhere between college, leaving an ex boyfriend and the move to Los Angeles, I became stuck. I was homesick, crazy, and still maturing! (and still maturing, I proudly say that twice) when anxiety slowly hit me on the head at lightening speed. “I basically got a little lost on the journey.” I had to learn the hard way how to listen to my body and emotions. Books are great ways to learn different experiences.

What I’m currently reading? More Than Enough: Claiming Space for Who You Are (No Matter What They Say) By Elaine Welteroth- She’s a Journalist and former Teen Vogue editor-in chief. The book highlights Elaine’s achievements, and struggles as a young black girl in a white world. Her story is relatable because I’m also the FIRST in my family to attend college in which I earned a B.A in Broadcast Journalism from California State University Northridge.

(My story) Making the move from a small suburban town Livermore, CA to the big city. Honestly, I didn’t fully understand what the hell I was doing LOL. (who really does?) But, I knew I had to leave for something better. I desired more than what I witnessed growing up, including a career in media…not just working retail or traditional jobs. My dreams are pretty damn big! They scare the crap out of me.


Elaine Welteroth 

Highly recommended for anymore who loves to READ a good story! Pick up your copy at Barnes&Noble only $20 



“Trust Your Energy, Be Uniquely You.”

Thanks For Reading 


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