Fun things to do at home

FREE poster with Bible verse from Ephesians 3:19; perfect to make you feel warm and cosy on a snowy day, this delicious cup of hot chocolate or coffee is wrapped in a soft aqua woollen jumper and set among the sparkling snow, filled with whipped cream and embellished with a pink heart; free printable

Here’s a jumbled mix of ideas of things to do… some are free printable, others are things you can do with your family. Turn something boring into something fun. Make cherished memories. Invite your children and family into whatever you are doing and make it a family activity. Allow them to make mistakes and ‘get in the way’. Make it a fantastic opportunity to turn off electronic devices and reconnect, not only to the Lord, but with each other. They’re roughly in sections, but many of them may overlap. Press ‘CTRL + P’ if you’d like to print it as a to-do tick list… enjoy!



FREE Bible Bookmarks; free printable





      • Offer to shop for an elderly family member or neighbour who may be feeling a little vulnerable. If they’re unable to see you in person, get the list over the phone and leave it on the porch. Smile and wave and blow kisses through the window. You will make their day!
      • Do an outside chore for an elderly friend or neighbour, e.g. mow their lawn, sweep their porch, do some pruning, weeding, or something else they need done in their garden, paint their gate, bake them some delicious homemade cookies or a meal they can reheat, take their dog for a walk.
      • Colour in some Bible verse colouring pages to take to your local nursing home: Psalms | Old Testament | Gospels | New Testament | More Bible colouring pages. Or print out some blank colouring pages (they might also need coloured pencils) so they can colour them in themselves. Puzzles, too. Hand them around with a smile, or leave them in the letterbox or at the front desk. Encourage them with the Word of God, leave them some fresh flowers, FREE Bible bookmarks, FREE Bible wallet cards, or copies of this beautiful Father’s Love Letter. Laminate them and write a note of encouragement on the back. Brighten their day and let them know they are not forgotten.
      • Ditto for your local childrens’ hospital.
      • Entertain your neighbours with a cool neighbourhood sing-a-long. Bring out your musical instruments and have a jam. Show off your dancing skills. If you’re unable to meet, each person can stay in their own garden or porch or balcony. Or do a link up by phone. Make it a party!
    • Shop online – support small, family, or local businesses who are doing it tough. If there’s nothing you need, buy gift cards that will help them now and can be used later.
    • Things you can print out and share around with family, friends, neighbours: FREE Bible bookmarks, FREE Bible wallet cards, copies of this beautiful Father’s Love Letter. Laminate them, and write a personal note on the back or gift them with one of these FREE Note Cards or FREE notepaper and FREE envelopes. Write them a note of encouragement and leave them in letterboxes as a lovely surprise. Let someone know you are thinking of them today.



FREE Scripture Doodle - 2 Timothy 3.16; free printable

*FREE Bible note cards with Bible verse from Psalm 148:5; collage of photos (macaw, koala, pink roses, blue butterfly) on lime green, blue and purple background; free printable


DIY Activity Book for Kids (or adults) custom made with choose your own colouring pages, puzzles, crafts, posters, bookmarks, stationery and other paper gifts; free printable




  • Make your own DIY activity book – one for you or one for a gift. This page has tons of ideas.
  • Organize a fun Bible Treasure Theme you can do with your family, full of pirates and swashbuckling adventure while learning about the precious Word of God. Set up a Bible treasure hunt in your home or garden. Make your own costumes and dress up! Make it a party! YAR HA ARRR!
  • Go for a picnic in the back garden. Set up a canopy. Sit on a blanket. If you have younger children, remember to invite their teddy bears and take lots of pics for happy memories.
  • Listen to Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 hours – a fantastic series. But I warn you… it just might change your life, as it did mine… and leave you with a hunger for more… enjoy!
  • Print out some Bible verse colouring pages and colour them in: Psalms | Old Testament | Gospels | New Testament | More Bible colouring pages. A great family activity. Memorise them while you are colouring, read them out them to each other, or recite them to each other and see how good your memory verse skills are, then post them up on the fridge, a wall, or family bulletin board.
  • Set up a tent and ‘go camping’ in the back garden. Pretend it’s a national park or your favourite holiday destination: go exploring; laze around and read books; study the local wildlife, birds, and insects with binoculars or a magnifying glass; play games; tell silly jokes; hang a sprinkler upside down from a tree and run through it, pretending it’s your favourite waterfall; describe your perfect holiday to each other; or set up a treasure hunt or scavenger hunt. Sit around the campfire (or torchlight) and tell stories at night time. Don’t forget the marshmallows!
  • Find something to be thankful for. Make it into a family competition to see who can be the most thankful. Keep a list.
  • Subscribe your family to the amazing Creation magazine and build their faith as they learn about the incredible designs of our magnificent Creator. While you’re there, grab a few back issues to share around with family and friends. Click here to see what they look like and for a rough idea of the type of contents.
  • Look through – or sort out – your family photos. Another great family activity. Make a scrapbook. Tell stories, share memories. Make new ones.
  • Write to your sponsored child. Send them an updated family pic and let them share in your family activities at a distance.
  • Print out some FREE Bible posters or a copy of this amazing Father’s Love Letter and redecorate your room. Or use one of your favourite images to make your own Bible poster.

PGFE Ocean Bible Poster-Dolphin with Bible verse from Isaiah 40:12-who else has held the oceans in His hand-and Job 12:7-10- birds and animals have much to teach you; free printable Bible posters from Darrell Creswell (free printable)

  • Wake your family up to an amazing breakfast in bed.
  • Offer to do someone else’s chores… no groans!
  • Make your own Board Game. Choose any theme you want. It could be about your family, a Bible theme, God’s incredible creation, whatever you wish. Get everyone involved, or maybe each person might like to design their own. A great idea for a competition or a gift!
  • Start up a ‘treasure box’ and put things in there that make you smile. Decorate it. Here’s some ideas for inspiration. Another great family activity. Make one for each member of the family. A family treasure box is a great idea, too.
  • Make your own Bible Stickers. Grab a set of blank envelope labels, add some favourite Bible verses, and start decorating. This is a great idea for kids.
  • Teach your child a new skill.
  • Sit down with your child and get them to teach you a new technical skill, e.g. how to clean up the apps on your phone, download a new app you’ve been wanting to try, how to do something on the computer, how to program the DVD player… or whatever. While you’re doing that, take the opportunity to really listen to them and encourage them to share their heart with you. Share a laugh or some tears with them. Being free enough to be able to share both laughter and tears – and naturally being able to move quickly from one to the other – is what bonds people and families together.
  • Make your own Bible Bookmark – with your name on it. Make one for a friend, too.
  • Try a new recipe. Fill your home with the delicious smells of homemade cooking.
  • Prepare homemade treats, homemade gifts, or FREE paper gifts for your family, neighbours, friends and loved ones.
  • Dress up as your favourite Bible characters and make up a skit or a play using the original text.
  • Design and build a Noah’s Ark to scale and fill it with toy animals. Or make a Noah’s Ark cubby house you can stand up in. A fantastic way to bring Bible history to life.
  • Have a family dance party. Rearrange the furniture. Dress up. Turn your lounge room into a disco. Each person takes a turn to play their favourite song and explain why they like it. That way everyone gets to wiggle their nose if they don’t like it… or just maybe they might.
  • Find out something cool about one of God’s amazing critters. Tell Him how cool it is. Then share it with others.
  • Get your family together and tape a piece of paper to each person’s back. Get everyone in the family to write something wonderful about that person on the paper. When everyone has finished, untape them and read them out. I bet you will find that piece of paper in their treasure box years from now.
  • Dress up in an Armour of God theme and have a mock battle. A great way to teach your children about spiritual warfare.
  • Ever wondered how dinosaurs fit into the Bible? This is a great time to find out. Another great resource here.
  • Print out some FREE Bible wallet cards or make your own Bible wallet cards to cut out, laminate, and give away. Pop it into a FREE envelope with a note to bless and encourage and brighten someone’s day.

FREE Bible wallet cards with tiger photos and Bible verse from Joshua 1:9 on striped orange/black background; free printable FREE Biblewallet cards with Bible verse from Psalm 148:5; blue butterfly, koala, pink roses, macaw; lime green background; free printable

  • Cook a formal dinner for your family. Give it the works. Candles. Soft music. White tablecloths – if you have them. Favourite food. Or prepare a written menu for your family to select from. Dress up as a waiter and serve them with great love.
  • Host your perfect dinner party, themed party, or BBQ for your favourite people. Go formal or informal? Dress up or casual? Plan it if you’re unable to do it right away and set a date. Get the whole family involved in how they’d like to do it. Or maybe each member of the family could be responsible for one particular aspect.
  • Learn the Books of the Bible or memorize some of your favourite Bible verses. Hold a family competition and award prizes. Make it an investment for eternity.
  • Clean out your closet and donate any clothes you no longer wear to a charity.
  • Choose a favourite Bible verse and turn it into beautiful word art. It’s so easy, and can be done by hand or computer. Memorize it while you’re doing it.
  • Make up a Bible Timeline of History and make sure your name and your family is on there.
  • Got a blender? Some fruit? A bit of ice cream? Some milk? Make your family their favourite milkshakes. Get everyone involved in preparation.
  • Make a DIY puppet show using your favourite Bible story.
  • Hold a family concert with munchies. Each person to contribute an item.
  • Print out some free photo props (scroll down to ‘party photo props’) and take silly family photos.
  • Design your own paper toy thaumatrope to play with, and then swap them around with each other.
  • Research something you have always wanted to know. Learn a new skill. Or brush up on an old one. Time to tackle all those new year resolutions that you have been putting off.
  • Print out one of these free articles | for kids and design your own puzzles to go with it.
  • Find something you no longer use and put it aside to give away.
  • Set up a family photo gallery along a wall, and fill it with all your favourite family memories.
  • Teach your children to pray and worship the One True God with some of these fun activities.
  • Revamp your child’s bedroom. Set them a budget. Get them to design it and do it themselves, with your help. A fresh coat of paint. Turn a dirty clothes basket into a slam-dunk basketball hoop. Turn a child’s bedroom into an underwater scene, racing car pit, pirate cove or princess castle. There are some really cool ideas online.
  • Make up a family Q&A box – no question off limits. It could be a theme like ‘faith’ or ‘questions about God and the Bible’, ‘tricky questions’ or ‘something you’ve always wanted to know’. Then have an evening where you can sit around and discuss them. This one is sure to come up, so you may like to bookmark it. This one might, too. And if you get questions and you’re not sure of the answers, this link has answers to lots of tricky questions. If you have multiple devices, make the link available to everyone and see who is the fastest to find out.
  • Choose one of these 20 Life-giving phrases for our kids or 100 ways to encourage a child to encourage your family every day.
  • Read a family devotional and pray together for the needs of your family and friends.
  • Watch the incredible God of Wonders DVD or Alien Intrusion DVD with your family and then discuss it.
  • Revamp your garden or give it a spruce up. Those weeds have to go. Give those potted plants some fresh soil. Plant some veges or maybe a fruit tree. Set up a bird feeder or bird house and wait for some happy customers.
  • Spring clean! Ugh! Time to tackle those long forgotten cupboards you’ve been trying to ignore. Turn it into a fun activity with your family, e.g. each person chooses a task or area, and see who is fastest to complete it. Allocate each other as ‘supervisors’ for a ‘white-glove’ inspection. Finish off with a special family treat.





Mahina_JackDey_cover ParadiseWarrior_JackDey Aunt Tabbies Wings_JackDey TheSecretsBlackDeanLighthouse_JackDey The Legend of Ataneq Nanuq by Jack Dey | Christian fiction suspense | When injustice and fear collide, it has a name…Ataneq Nanuq The Valley of Flowers by Jack Dey_fabulous Christian fiction suspense La Belle Suisse by Dodie La Mirounette and Jack Dey; Christian fiction suspense Zero by Jack Dey; fabulous Christian fiction suspense Naive by Jack Dey; fabulous Christian fiction suspense

  • Type up or write out some of your favourite recipes and make up your own cookbook. Write them onto recipe | cards (scroll down to ‘recipe cards’) | more here and decorate a box to put them in; or pop them into a presentation folder with clear plastic sleeves; or into a hard cover journal. This also would make a lovely personal gift. Do up an extra copy for a friend. Click here and scroll down for some presentation ideas.
  • Start an intimate prayer journal. Keep it somewhere safe so you can be totally honest.
  • Make up a list of some of your favourite Bible verses, then look them up in your sponsored child’s language, so they are ready to go next time you write.
  • Write a ‘snail mail’ letter on one of these lovely FREE stationery papers and then post it. How long has it been since you’ve received a handwritten letter in the post? If you prefer, typing is okay, too. Decorate the envelope. Give someone you love a wonderful delight.
  • Has someone made a difference in your life? Send them a letter or note to let them know. They will treasure it forever.
  • Surprise someone you care about with a letter of love or encouragement to give to them today, or for an upcoming special occasion like a birthday, wedding, graduation, starting school, or just because. Write it to them now. Give it to them later. Share your favourite Bible verse and tell them why it’s your favourite. Encourage them in their faith. Tell them how much you love them, admire them, appreciate them, and what they mean to you.
  • Print out some pretty FREE notepaper or FREE to do lists. Some for you. Cut and gift wrap some for a friend.

FREE pink to do list with Bible verse from Ephesians 3:19; perfect to make you feel warm and cosy on a snowy day, this delicious cup of hot chocolate or coffee is wrapped in a soft aqua woollen jumper and set among the sparkling snow, filled with whipped cream and embellished with a pink heart; free printable Bible Treasure Theme for kids; colourful to do list; 6 per page; free printable

  • Be amazed by this incredible Creation Calls song clip. Turn it up full blast and just… worship.
  • Ring someone you haven’t talked to in a long time. Use this opportunity to catch up.
  • Transform a favourite photo using one of these FREE photo editing sites or turn a favourite photo into a colouring page.
  • Start up your own blog.
  • Treat yourself… relax in a bubble bath with masses of bubbles, your favourite music, and scented candles.






Tell them about Jesus!



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