Derry Girls taught me the joy of feeling seen

Hello! Long time no write. This isn’t a mental health post but I wanted to share an article I’ve written and am quite proud of on a subject I’ve been struggling to articulate for a while – what it’s like to finally see your own experiences as a Northern Irish girl growing up during the Troubles.

Please do have a read and tell me what you think?

7 Responses

  1. I’ll have to check it out – it looks like a great show.

    I’m part of the Irish diaspora but so far removed that it’s very far removed from my day to day life.

    Thank you for the great read and suggestion to check it out.

  2. Hello, while I’m not Irish, I am a huge fan of Derry Girls and I really enjoyed your article on it!

  3. …it reminds me of “Mohawk Girls”, a Canadian comedy/drama about four young Indigenous women living on a reserve near Montreal. They used Indigenous actors, and used the authentic languages. It’s really important to be able to find yourself in Pop Culture. Congratulations on getting your piece published.

  4. You once chastised me for jokingly referring to a friend as ‘proper Irish’ (being from Dublin).

    It was probably 15 years ago and I never apologised because I’m a social infant. I’d like to say sorry now. My excuse is my total ignorance. Not sure what happened to my education but I assure you that growing up in Suffolk in the 80s and 90s I had zero awareness of the troubles, politics or anything else really. Total and utter ignorance about the world which I didn’t start to correct until my late twenties.

    I think a lot of people living in sleepy, non eventful English places have similar upbringings. It is sad and I hope it’s less the case these days.

    I think you are great and always have. I’m sorry for belittling you and the place you are from.


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