Have a great month!

I’m now offering personal tarot readings by email. Please click here for more details. You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tarot guidance πŸ™‚


Fool – You know that a spiritual approach rarely appears logical and sometimes even impractical. However, when this card appears, you can take a risk and trust with faith anything is possible! The invisible realms will reveal each step along the way. You are meant to experience this regardless of where you travel. This is a time when you’re learning that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Keyword: enthusiasm.


2 of Air – Time to take a break to consider your options and think about things. There is no need to rush forward. The perfect answer for the highest good will come to you if you take your time and remain in a peaceful state of mind. Keywords: stalemate, uncertainty, considering options


Messenger of Air (Knights in most other decks) – You need to broaden your perspective. You are reacting to a situation from your past. You have to think about whether you want to do things the old way or respond different this time. If you are swift and move quickly, ensuring your actions are for the highest good, positive outcomes are assured. Keywords: opinions formed by experience, adherence to dogma, allegiance to a way of thinking or acting, a learned response, subconscious programming and swift reactions or responses.


Strength – You can go the distance and know that everything occurs in divine appropriate timing. You have courage as you manifest miracles. When you allow Spirit to work through you, you are strong enough to move mountains and overcome any obstacle, inside or out! Keyword: endurance.


10 of Air – It’s all up from here as you bless the ending, grateful for the lessons you have learned that can free you from patterns that no longer serve you. You allow your circumstances to end with grace as you know something better can appear at any time. You are thankful that from now on, you can respond differently to any challenging situation. Keywords: graceful endings and hopeful beginnings meet, a point of epiphany, an end to old ways of thinking


Chariot – Everything you have worked for, including the obstacles you have faced and overcome, is now part of this time of victory. You have learned to see all aspects of your life as essential to your growth. You have fallen but now you are risen again to live freely and truthfully, fearlessly and skillfully. Keywords: victory.


Ace of Air – Meaningful coincidences and forces beyond your human control are opening up in your life now for the highest good! Things are happening now with great velocity. You can expect quick results that will lead you forward with excellent information. Keywords: destiny and fate, the law of karma, powerful forces of transformation at work, synchronicity


Page of Earth – Everything starts with a plan and you are beginning to see results generate prosperity. You are a doer and you get to make your own decisions. You have the ability to attract what you need. Keywords: commitment to prosperity, first signs of tangible success, undeniable evidence that hard work will pay off, dreams grounded in reality, start of a new project.


5 of Fire – You have the freedom to explore the ideas that seem the most far-fetched. What seems crazy today proves tomorrow to be brilliant. Like a child willing to stretch her imagination when a new playmate comes into the garden, you open to new people and new ideas, intrigued by what is novel and unfamiliar. This is a time for what is counterintuitive, for appreciating the ideas from out in left field and what they might offer. Keywords: creative brainstorming, unity in diversity, honouring differences.


2 of Water – You partner with one who is in harmony with you. Together, you explore what is and what might be, knowing you are there for each other. Two hearts beat as one as you take turns replenishing and encouraging the other. You have someone who can bring out the best in you, and you can do the same for another soul, for we are all expressions of divine love. Keywords: harmonious partnership, loving and lasting relationship, heart connection between two souls.


5 of Earth – All is not as it seems, so this is a time to look again. A change in perception can bring into focus the results you sought, just in a different form than expected. You are called to move away from poverty consciousness and open your eyes to treasures before you that are suddenly illumined. The illusion of wealth gives way to true abundance. There is no need to fear that the rug will be pulled out from under you. What you draw attention to grows, so you count your blessings and realise you have far more than you thought. You have come far in your quest for building up what you need, and even more opportunities for experiencing abundance await. Keywords: alternative forms of abundance, the illusion of lack, overlooked treasures.


Love (The Lovers in most other decks) – In all of life, there is only the illusion of separation. In fact, we are all reflections of one another. When you make choices, you tend to see things as either/or. What if every choice you make is about an experience, a sharing and an exploring? When you choose to see the unity in all things, magic abounds. Love is all around you, Spirit loves you unconditionally and you can give and receive abundant love. Keyword: oneness.

For your monthly readings, click here.

For your weekly readings, click here.

For a daily card, follow me on Instagram (@notesbynectar).

For a personal tarot reading, please contact me.

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