66 comments on “Sidder v2.0: Quickly see which User Profile Disk maps to which Domain User (and more)
  1. Eric says:


    What a great improvements! all the missing features are in there :)
    Keep up the good work!

  2. jones1337 says:

    Great tool! A very common “solution” is to simply remove the profile and let the user login again creating a new UPD. But sometimes you don’t want to risk user loosing any data so instead of DELETING it you rename the current VHDX to _backup.vhdx and let the user login to create a new one. So maybe add a feature to not only DELETE the VHDX but also “rename to backup”?

  3. Aurimas says:

    Great update! Some additional features I would like to have starting with most wanted:
    1. Copy paste the sidder contents for working with it in spreadsheet for auditing purposes etc.
    2. More stats like: 500 UVHD files found. 45 Locked from server RDS1. 22 Locked from server RDS2 etc.
    3. If number 2 is possible then filtering would be useful (show only locked, show only locked from server x etc.).

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hi Aurimas.
      Nice suggestions! I like 2. and 3. especially. I’ll look into those for sure.
      About 1. I never meant this tool to be used for other purposes than making admins more lazy (a lazy admin is a good admin!). Especially for quickly managing the profile disks.
      Auditing profile disks? For what reasons would you want that in relation to managing the disks?

      • Aurimas says:

        Hey Arjan,
        maybe it’s just me, but when using per device and per user CALs on same RDS servers, I found it easier to calculate the actual number of users by counting the profile disks and listing their owners.

      • Arjan Mensch says:

        Hi Aurimas,
        This will work for users, but how do you use this for devices?

  4. Wesley says:


    This is a very nice tool to have. One suggestion I have is the ability to expand and resize the windows would be great. Other than that a great tool?


  5. Michel says:

    Hi there,

    This was a time saviour for me – just discovered it today (version 2.1).

    Only problem : I tried to maximize the screen in order to be able to see both the full VHD names and the usernames they match up to, but the window won’t maximize, so I have to do a lot of horizontal scrolling back and forth to correctly match everything.

    Any chance of allowing the windows to be expanded/maximized ?


  6. Wesley Niens says:

    Hello Arjan,

    how does the sorting function work, it only sorts the first number with me ( so with the dates it starts with the date of the day starting with a 1 ( so 1 11 12)

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hi Wesley,
      If you click on “Last Change” it will sort alphabetically, clicking it again will reverse the sort. This is true for all header fields.
      So in short, it’s a simple alphabetical sort, treating all data as text basically.

  7. Great tool! Please, make program window resizable, use proper sort method for ‘Last change’ and ‘Size (MB)’ columns and add option to export list in CSV file. Thx!

  8. Geert Royemans says:

    I’m getting an error when trying to read the UVHD folder :(
    “Error getting UVHD files. Try restarting Sidder with administrative rights.” but I’m already running it as Administrator.

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hi Geert,

      Are you able to browse the contents of the UVHD folder from Windows Explorer with the same useraccount? If explorer tells you you need access and presents a popup in which you need to confirm this you might have to add your useraccount explicitly to the NTFS rights in your folder structure.

      • Eric says:

        We are getting the same error, using a Domain Admin account starting via “ran as administrator”. We can browse via Windows Explorer to the UVHD folder and see everything fine. Also, we tried downloading the latest file and it says version

      • Arjan Mensch says:


        Did you download it here: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Sidder-Quickly-see-which-fa6360b3 ?
        If so, then the version is probably a display issue. Does it have the functions mentioned in this post?
        Also, the latest update (under that link) should fix the not enough rights issue.. I cannot reproduce it using that version.

      • Brandon Krall says:

        We are seeing the same error under the same circumstances in our organization. This is running the latest version posted on TechNet (

  9. dtorro says:

    Hey Arjan,

    Just a small bug here.
    When I sort on last change in format DD-MM-YYYY it is sorting on the first character instead of date.

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hey dtorro,

      Not a bug, I just didn’t think it through. All data is sorted as text.
      See my comment to Wesley Niens’ comment on this same page ;)

      I’ll have this fixed in the next version. I have a business trip coming up, but will post a revised version (proper sorting, resizable window, backup before delete, data export) sometime when I get back (2nd half of May).

  10. Henning says:

    Just a little feature request: Show UPN together in addition to username/samaccountname.

  11. Daniel says:

    Hi, great tool.

    I have a few suggestion for the next release.

    1) Can you add a column showing the actual UVHD total disk size?
    2) Can you add a percentage used column for each UVHD?
    3) If possible incorporate the Powershell commands to resize VHD’s, obviously the tool would have to be run on a HyperV server.



  12. Stephen Turner says:

    The ability to export to CSV and/or use a scheduled task would be ideal. Awesome tool though – thanks very much.

  13. dtorro says:

    1 Do you think its possible to script a function to “close open file” on a given fileshare/path
    2 It would also be great if the tool saved it’s settings somewhere

    – thanks

  14. David says:

    Hi Arjan,

    It would be great if you could extend this tool so that when run on a RDS session host it could identify the details of the disk that each vhdx is mounted as. We have run into several occasions where we had to dismount a particular users profile disk (it was stuck) and identifying the specific disk under disk management was quite painful. We tried a few powershell commands but couldn’t readily connect the dots.

  15. Nige says:

    This is Brilliant Thanks

  16. jorden says:

    Hope you didn’t forget about this!! Great tool! excited for update!

  17. Mr Daniel H Stockwell says:

    another idea would be to have a search on the username, eg if i know “myuser26” is having issues search for that UPD

  18. Hi Arjan, great tool you have here. This has made my life a lot easier.

    However, I would like to ask you the following:

    – I have a system with several thousands of users and would like to interface your tool with a batch file automation tool that I use to manage repetitive settings by groups of users.

    for example, what I would like to know if it is possible is to invoke your tool from a batch file just inputting the UVHD file name with the output to be a text file with the username

    or even better, to invoke with the DomainUsername and get the UVHD correspondent Filename?

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hi Jose,
      Sidder is not a commandline tool (yet).
      That having said,
      From DomainUsername to UVHD is pretty easy.
      The UVHD filename is basically “UVHD-.vhdx
      So grab the sid using powershell and construct the filename would be the way to go I think.
      Powershell can do that quickly if you have the AD powershell commandlets installed: (get-aduser ).SID.Value

  19. irrelevant says:

    wow this is awesome! thank you so much for creating this nifty tool :)

  20. Chris J says:


    What does the size column show?

    It doesn’t seem to show me the overall size allocated or actual size for majority of the UPDs.

    If I look at the UPD within Server Manager it show corractly the capacity, free space and percent used.

    Other than that, great tool which we have found really useful.

    Many thanks

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hi Chris,
      It shows the size of the .vhdx file itself, it does not show actual size used or occupied space within the .vhdx file.

      • Chris J says:

        Ok thanks for getting back to me, appreciated.

        Is the app still in development?

        Just wondering if the following was still a potential feature of v3 from a previous users comment?

        “1 Do you think its possible to script a function to “close open file” on a given fileshare/path”

      • Arjan Mensch says:

        Hi Chris,
        I will probably release another version, but no ETA yet.
        I have done some research into the functionality for remotely closing a file, but without success thus far.
        Thank you for your interest in Sidder.

  21. Alex says:

    Hey Arjan,

    Kan je op technet updaten dat het ook op server2012 r2 werkt. Staat namelijk van niet. Het werkt top op server 2012 r2. Werkt het ook op server 2016? Of heb je dat nog niet getest.

    De default vhdx dat wordt aangemaakt, staat er sid error erachter in Sidder. Is het niet handiger om de “sid error” tekst te veranderen in “default profile” of iets in die richting?

    Bedankt voor deze onwijs fijne tool! Ik hoor graag van je.


    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hi Alex,
      I have adjusted supported OSes in the TechNet gallery. Unfortunately I was unable to select Server 2016 there, but yes, it works on Server 2016 as well.
      I’m not really actively developing the tool at the moment, but I will put the following on the to-do list:
      – Check if the filename is the default vhdx and change the text to “Default”

      As for the SID error, I have to keep that in, Sidder will display this error if it finds a profile disk for which the account was removed for instance.

      • Alex says:

        Thanks for the fast answer. That is great. Looking really for the update. Love your tweak!! Also your website has great tutorials for starters. Keep it up. I’m subscribed!

  22. Derek says:

    Why are some of the icons red in the sidder program

  23. James Edmonds says:

    I am still unable to run this tool against a UNC path as it tells me I do not have sufficient permissions. Am able to browse the UNC path successfully with two different domain administrator accounts, including the one I am running the tool as.

    I saw a couple of other people had the same problem, and wondering if there was a solution?


  24. Marc says:

    Does this tool just remove the connection from the UPD or Delete the UPD all together?

    • Marc says:

      I see now that it deletes that UPDs. I found this out the hard way. I had to restore a few from backup. I would request that you add the ability to simply “dismount” the UPDs when they are stuck instead of Deleting them altogether. This tool would be much more useful if it had that single ability.

  25. Damian Sleger says:

    How about accepting command line parameters so that I can publish the app in RDP for my helpdesk to use, and the program accepts the argument as the path it should look it?

  26. DJ says:

    Great tool!! Only con is that the window cant be resized. Can you possible incorporate that into the next version? I see that it was originally request by Wesley on December 11, 2014 at 18:17

  27. Grant Jennings says:

    Great tool! There are a couple of annoyances relating to sorting, the columns based on numbers (Size and Last Changed) appear to be sorted based on their ASCII sequence rather than numerical. Can this be fixed? I would be willing to fix the source code for you and send it back if you wanted to collaborate on it?

  28. Colin Ferguson says:

    Fantastic tool. Would be lost without it now on our RDS environment.
    Don’t know if updates are still being considered but would echo both Grant and DJ’s comments above.
    The sorting of the sizes by Ascii rather than numeric is an annoyance, and it would be great to be able to resize the window. Can just move thing around so its not that bad, but would just make things easier.
    One feature that would save huge amounts of time is the ability to mount a disk that isn’t in use to access the files.
    Great being able to delete the VHD from the app but the ability to mount it as well would just make this perfect.

    Well done on a great tool though!

  29. PG says:

    Hello Arjan,

    Just wanted to say: Thank you for the great tool !!!

  30. Kevin. says:

    I used version 2.0 and it doesn’t delete the locked user profile disk…

  31. Chuck says:

    Hey Arjan….It is now August 2019. Could you let us know if this is still a ‘live’ project? If so, do you have an idea of what ideas you are considering for the next update? Great tool!!!! Thanks.

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      Hey Chuck,
      Sorry to inform you, it is not. Since FSLogix entered the profiledisk space, it really isn’t needed anymore. Thanks for your interest in the tool though!

  32. tradax says:

    Really good and usefull tool, thx! 2 possible improvements: 1- Search for username and 2- extend a vhdx

  33. D.O. says:


    if you dont update/develope Sidder anymore, is it possible to get the source code for Sidder, so we can do changes which we need ourself?

    • Arjan Mensch says:

      I will think about releasing te code publicly. In the meantime, check the Q&A on the TechNet downloadpage for Sidder. A slightly modified version is available there

  34. irfan says:

    when we are try to run as administrator in sidder tools we are receiving the error getting uvhd files.try restarting the sidder with administrative rights.

  35. Muhammad Kamran says:

    Hi Arjan, I am unable to find the file on the link. Can you please share the link of the sidder tool so I can use. I will really appreciate your time and cooperation in this regard. Thanks

  36. Allen W. Jones says:

    I’ve used Sidder for years while managing RDS environments.. I have a new use case for you to consider: I manage an RDS deployment that has user logins from a trusted domain.

    Sidder doesn’t resolve these. Is there a way to do that or is this a feature that can be added?

  37. […] Sidder v2.0: Quickly see which User Profile Disk maps to which Domain User (and more) […]

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