Book Reviews, Contemporary Romance, Year of Reviews - 2024

Review – Not So Truly Yours by Julia Wolf

Not So Truly Yours; The Harder They Fall #4
(#4 within a series)

Publication Date: May 16, 2024

Genre/Tropes: Workplace/Fake Dating/Grumpy-Sunshine/Billionaire Romance

Author: Julia Wolf

Review Rating: 5 Gold Stars


My heart, my emotions, my entire soul has been remade by reading this book. I thought I was prepared for Miles Aldrich, I totally was not! He is everything!❤️

Miles has been a favorite character of mine from the beginning of the series. He’s the flirt, the annoying little brother, the guy no one takes seriously. But there is so much more behind his outside façade and so much vulnerability that he hides behind his gorgeous smile and twinkling eyes. Miles is a deep man with big emotions and he is the perfect kind of sunshine for Daisy Dunham’s emo vibe.

“Miles had never met a stranger. He could talk to a brick wall and be happy.”

Yes, I would say Miles is perfect for Daisy who is a wonderful, stand-up force to the enigmatic man. The perfect yin to Miles’ yang. I don’t want to call her a storm cloud because she isn’t exactly gloomy, she’s just had a hard life, but not in the typical way one would think of. Daisy’s been surrounded by a loving family and has had tons of support, but there has been a perpetual storm cloud that has surrounded her life. If you couldn’t tell…I don’t want to say more without giving away her entire plot, because who she is and who her family is is a huge part of her backstory. Just know that Daisy is an amazing character and I loved her and her family.

“Everything is more fun with you.” “Literally no one has ever said that about me.”

The perfection of these two; the honesty, the friendship, the family bonding on both sides, literally everything was built so beautifully that when the emotions hit they hit hard. 😢 Both Daisy and Miles lean into one another, like I said, they fill the voids in each other in ways that soul mates do and their story was hard to put down, which lead to very late night reading.

“You’re sunshine in beautiful human form.”

Julia put her heart and soul into this book and it shows. It’s beautiful, wonderful and everything I didn’t know I needed from Miles Aldrich and his beautiful Daisy.

The first time I met Miles Aldrich, he stole my cupcakes.

The second time, I handed him a bill for what he owed me. He’s a billionaire after all. He can afford it.

The third time we met… well, that was the biggest surprise of all. I walked into his office looking for help with a business plan. But I somehow walked out… with a fake boyfriend.

Miles claims the plan is simple: he’ll lend me his powerful family’s reputation by posing as my boyfriend. I’ll gain important contacts, and he’ll have someone by his side so he doesn’t have to make excuses for why he’s not dating anyone.

For one whole summer, Miles Aldrich is not so truly mine. The real man behind the smooth lines and flirty smiles is nothing like I assumed.

He’s sunshine in a tall, gorgeous package.

He kisses me like his life depends on it.

Logically, I know this relationship of ours isn’t real.

But the problem is… the feelings he’s bringing out in me are true as can be.

Fake dating
Golden retriever boyfriend/black cat girlfriend
Found family

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