Innovative urban agriculture projects

Growing with a lifeline in the form of an urban garden.  You can support your family by growing your own vegetables and spices. This not only helps to feed your family, it cAn become a source of income for yours  as well so you can now sell the vegetables and seeds to earn a living.

good vegetable garden

Growing food

Eating locally grown food reduces your ecological footprint, decreases waste from packaging, and eases concerns about food safety. Local food is also often fresher, more nutritious, and better tasting.

Urban agriculture refers to growing food within a town or city – and includes personal gardens, community gardens, and urban farms.

Council encourages urban agriculture, because it helps:

  • Encourage increased social interaction
  • Enhance the city’s food security and reduce our ecological footprint by encouraging more locally grown foods
  • Support and encourage environmentally and socially sustainable activities 2017 06 27 n Vancouver seymour dc tomato garden


Backyard chickens

As part of the City’s ongoing effort to help residents get involved in food production, you are now allowed to keep hens in your back yard. Read the rules, and register your hens.


Urban beekeeping is an excellent way to improve pollination for plants in backyard, community, and public gardens, which leads to better vegetable production. Learn the rules for keeping bees in your yard.

Urban agriculture guidelines

To help developers plan common outdoor amenity spaces for their projects that include opportunities for growing food, staff have developed a set of urban agriculture design guidelines.

Beautifying your boulevard and street

The City runs programs that allow residents to volunteer to tend to street gardens in traffic calming spaces, and provides guidelines for boulevard gardening

About aplusgardener

I have been A-Plus With all types of residential and commercial jobs I have all the equipment for doing a good Professional job At a good price call A-Plus in Vancouver BC

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