Club Penguin Cheats

November 20, 2009

New Pin and Igloo Catalogs

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , , — Tylerhere07 @ 9:12 am

Hey Everyone! The new Hot Chocolate Pin is located at the Coffee Shop!

There is a new Christmas themed Furniture Catalog with LOTS of secrets!

Coat Rack – Click the Modern Chair

Shoe Rack – Click the wood in the Aquarium

Wood Stove – Click the right table leg of the Coffee Table

Fireplace – Click the right Snow Tower

Icicles – Click the Top of the Snow Fortress Wall

Puffle Jack-O-Lantern – Click the brick of the Iron Gates

Cauldren – Click the broken window of the Creepy Cottage Cut-out

LCD Television – Click the Sad Jack-O-Lantern

Goofy Jack-O-Lantern – Click the Gravestone

Upright Piano – Click the Speaker on the Ticket Booth

Bowling Alley – Click the Top of the Window

There is also a new Igloo Catalog with a new Snowy Backyard Igloo and the Gingerbread House and the Snow Globe have both been brought back.

Until Then…Waddle On!


1 Comment »

  1. Hey tylerhere, I saw your comment on my blog! If you don’t know yet, I only play Club Penguin for Club Penguin armies nowadays. I am in the Nachos army. I believe everyone should at least try cp armies once so let me give you a description on the Nachos.

    Club Penguin armies are basically groups of penguins that wear the same colors and uniform. We hang out on our xat chat box and have wars with armies that are considered a threat in any way. We have numerous tactics that you will figure out once you join the Nachos. There is also much more that you will find out once you join the Nachos.

    Benefits of joining the Nachos Army:

    We are Club Penguin’s oldest existing army (July 29, 2006 on the miniclip penguin forums, our first blog was created in February 2007).

    We wear mexican items like sombreros, ponchos, maracas etc (though you only have to wear our colors which are red, yellow and orange).

    The Nachos have over 70 active members which means it’s a great place to make new friends! I probably made about 12 great friends in the Nachos who I talk to on our chat box at least twice a week.

    4. Were a relaxed army: Many armies chat boxes have excessive spamming so it’s hard to hear what people say.

    5. The Nachos average 14-18 members per battle! This is a lot for an army!

    How to get promoted in the Nachos:

    Be on chat as often as you can.

    Attend as many events as possible.

    Comment a lot

    Be yourself!

    Please know that I am not the Nachos leader. Our leaders are Videogamer57 (Gamer) and King kinz 10.

    Our site is:

    Our join page is:

    (You can see the pic on our join page of the Nachos back in April or May at massive size!)

    Our chat box is:

    Comment by 50cent254cp — November 25, 2009 @ 3:01 pm

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