Tiny Homes Obsession

I have a confession. I’m obsessed with tiny homes. Like majorly obsessed. A few years ago, when the tiny home movement took off, I started dreaming about one day living in my very own tiny home. The obsession started off small, watching a few YouTube house tours every now and then, but quickly grew into a full-blown fixation. I’ve watched every episode of Tiny House Nation on Netflix, bored my dad with my incessant talking about tiny house living, scoured the Internet for examples of tiny homes to find out which elements I would want to include in mine, toured some tiny homes in Texas, and researched prices of making my dream a reality. I booked a stay at a really eclectic tiny home in Waco, TX during the summer of 2020, but had to cancel it due to the pandemic. I need to rebook for this summer.

What I love most about tiny home living is the clever use of space, the ethos of living with less, and the minimal costs compared to living in a traditional home. I also appreciate that you can build your tiny home in a sustainable way so that it can be mostly off the grid, saving energy and money in the process.

Here are some of my favorite tiny homes:

I’d love to build a custom tiny home in Austin, TX that I can rent out on AirBnB. It’d be decked out in funky furnishings and decor, something “Instagrammable” to draw in people looking for an experience on their holiday in the ATX. Ideally I’d like it to be as close to South Congress as possible, where all the action is. My tiny home would have plenty of room in the kitchen, a bedroom that you can stand up in, a luxurious bathroom, and a large deck with a variety of seating options and a place to barbecue.

Once I retire, I’d love to live in a tiny home, but I’m not sure yet where I’d like to retire. I’ve seen plenty of tiny homes that are mobile, which would give me freedom to move it from place to place, but I’m not sure that’s right for me, since that would pretty much limit me to the US. Perhaps I’ll build two tiny homes, one somewhere in the states and another somewhere else abroad (maybe Thailand, France, Italy, Portugal, Bali…) to give me options. I can always rent out the other one when I’m not there. My tiny retirement home will be somewhere with space and a view. I don’t want to live in a tiny house complex, where my windows look into my neighbor’s house. Outdoor living is important, and I’ve seen a few homes that bring the outside in by having glass doors that open completely, creating an open space between the living room and the deck. As someone who loves to entertain, it’s important that I can have a large living space in a tiny home. My retirement home needs to have room for guests, too. I’d love to have a spare bedroom for visitors, even if it’s just a loft.

Have you ever considered living in a tiny home?

13 thoughts on “Tiny Homes Obsession

  1. onathought

    I love tiny homes too! They always seem like they have been so well designed. I like having space in my house, but truth be told, I only use a small part of my house most of the time!

  2. Elisabeth Ellington

    Oh wow, I had no idea tiny homes could be so luxurious! I definitely aspire to having a lot less stuff (moving is good for making that happen!), but I also love having a fair bit of space (more for our cats than for me–one of the keys to having all eight get along is making sure they have plenty of space to get away from each other!). Still, with the right amount of outdoor space and a climate where I could sit outside more of the year, I could easily be converted.

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Wow…8 cats! Yeah, I don’t know how that would work in a tiny home. 😉 I did see one tiny home with a really cool cat door built in that went to a completely fenced in (top too) backyard for the cats. I’ve also seen one where the area under the stairs was turned into a cat home. I agree that lots of outdoor space is needed.

  3. Sharon G.

    I am kind of obsessed with tiny homes as well. How much room (and stuff) does one person need? Thanks for sharing your favorites – amazing.

  4. Book Dragon

    There is so much craftsmanship that go into tiny homes. Conscious thought needs to go into every choice.
    You are well into your way of planning for the perfect abode for retirement

  5. karpenglish

    You have some very fancy tiny house examples here! I am certain that I could not live in a tiny house, since I am far too attached to my bookcases. I like the ones that really incorporate outside elements so you have the illusion (or reality?) of more space. I think I would like to stay in one on vacation though.

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      They really are fancy, eh? I would love to live in either of those. 🙂 I knew you’d say you couldn’t do it on account of the books…haha

  6. livinglife816287820

    Oh yes, tiny homes, my husband is kind of obsessed with them too. I think the variety is amazing and the practicality. He shows them to me from time to time. We’ve lived in a tiny hut! I think tiny homes are the answer to many of the earth’s problems. I walk past large houses in our neighbourhood (of which there are many) and think ‘do you really need all this space?’


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