Taking The Plunge


While all the people were being immersed, Yeshua too was immersed. As he was praying, heaven was opened; the Ruach HaKodesh came down on him in physical form like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, whom I love; I am well pleased with you.” Luke 3:21-22 CJB

Baptism is being immersed, plunged or sunk into water. It’s the act of complete submission or surrendering what was, for what will be. This seemed pleasing to Father God, for He sent His Holy Spirit with a message; my translation is, “I see what you did right there and I accept the offer. You’re all mine and I love you!”

And what better way to show His love but to immerse Jesus in the very presence of the Holy Spirit, the 3rd part of the trinity who He left when He came to earth. Right there, He received power from on high to complete His mission on the earth. And in Acts 1:8, Jesus told us we would receive that same baptism and in Acts 2:4 it happened and has been happening ever since.

There are two things to be aware of when you’re baptized in water; you are made clean and everything is washed away. Emptied of all, you become a recipient of everything He has for you. He fills you with His strength, peace, love, mercy, and grace. When you allow yourself to empty, it’s not you who ministers, but Christ through you.

So let’s get this right this morning. Let us not come to God full of ourselves, but emptied and poured out so that the Spirit of God in us can do as He’s planned. 

All my worship is Yours this morning, Father. My heart overflows with love for You. Gracious, faithful, all knowing, all powerful, holy and mighty God. Saturate me. Wash over me. Fill me up with more of You. I’m not satisfied with visiting You at church once or twice a week. I MUST have more of You! Without You, I am incapable, but with You I can do all things. I plug into You, my power source this morning. I will be sensitive to Your voice leading and directing. Yes Lord, You direct my life, not me. I am a member of Your body but You are the head. It’s in Jesus’ name, Amen

Until Tomorrow,

Sandy G

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