Medford Dems endorse Ed Markey for Senate

The Medford Democratic City Committee recently voted to enthusiastically endorse Senator Ed Markey for a new term.

Senator Markey’s record of supporting issues that impact families of Medford and nearby communities has led to this endorsement. Below are just a few things that matter to so many Medford residents:

  • Housing – Markey has a track record of fighting for affordable housing – from his 2007 amendment to ensure that low-income residents in Malden were not displaced by expiring affordable housing requirements to the January, 2020 announcement that HUD had awarded grants totaling than $3.5 million to public housing agencies in Massachusetts
  • Education – Markey was the first in his family to attend college and knows the importance of quality educational opportunities for everyone. Amongst many actions, Markey wrote “The ABC’s of PCBs” report, exposing the existence of harmful chemicals in the building materials of many schools around the country. In 1996, he led on bringing broadband technology to schools and libraries across the country. Markey has supported the Head Start Program for years – ensuring comprehensive education, health, nutrition and other services are available to low-income families. The American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts has endorsed Markey, praising him for his advocacy on the behalf of students, teachers, and families across the state.
  • Climate – Markey is a longtime advocate in the fight against climate change. From 2007 to 2010, he served as Chair of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. In 2009, he co-sponsored the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy & Security Act, aiming to cut global emissions by 17% through 2020 and up to 80% by 2050. He is currently Chair of the Senate Climate Change Task Force and in February, 2019 co-sponsored the Green New Deal with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
  • Equality – Markey’s support of our immigrant, minority, and LGBTI neighbors is long and well documented. He has long worked on behalf of the Dreamers, seeking a pathway to citizenship for them. In support of refugees, he introduced the GRACE Act and is actively working to address the growing refugee crisis related to global warming and climate change. In support of LGBTI community, he authored the GLOBE Act – broad legislation that could put the US in the lead, in the protection of LGBTI rights.
  • Economy – Markey has made it a cornerstone of his work, to help identify and develop opportunities for the citizens of Medford, Massachusetts, and the nation. Industries targeted for opportunities by the Senator include high tech, medical, clean energy and more. He’s a member of the Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship as well as the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and works tirelessly in the pursuit of job creation.

For the above reasons, plus his continued advocacy on issues that impact all of us like child care, the opioid crisis, immigrants’ rights, net neutrality and consumer protection, the Medford Democratic City Committee stands in support of Senator Ed Markey and his pursuit of another term in the Senate. To learn more about Senator Markey’s campaign or to get involved, please visit